Diet & workout



Hey guys,

I was wondering if any of you here have a good diet plan and work out that you adhere to. I feel like i need to pay better attention to what I eat and do. I have no plans to become the next iron man so I am not after anything extreme or off the wall. I am just interested in a decent, reasonable, middle of the road approach that is attainable to stick with. Thanks in advance.
I really get bored on workout equipment so I like to ride a bike and hike. I have dropped 28 pounds since the first of the year. I have a goal this summer to hike 200 miles with 50000' of verticle gain, all above 5000' of elevation. That should help get the old legs in shape for deer season.
Yep - running after them Squatch (and running from them Alien ships) is serious athletic business! My good friend and trophy turtle guide E.E. Lgrass recommends a good diet of the following:

1 Head of Cabbage,
1 Head of Lettuce,
Left over pizza from the night before
14 Snickers Bars
Diet Coke (low on calories)


1 Ham an Cheese samidge
1 Turkey an Swiss samidge
3 sticks of pepporoni sausage
3 Milky Way bars
Diet Coke


1 bowl of turtle soup
1 heaping plate of turtle chitlins
16 oz. of brown (or white) gravy
1 12 oz fillet of turtle backstrap (or loin) wrapped in 8 oz of turtle bacon (or turtle belly)
Tato chips (1 bag - Mesquite BBQ or Jalapeeno)
2 Diet Cokes.

Ice cream from freezer (whatever's there)
or Ma's chocolate turtle pie.

As far as a workout goes, just keep running FAST after them Squatch and away from them X people. Them lobotomizes they give hurt! Don't let em ketch ya!
I'm afraid I would be unable to run at all with that diet. That is a lot of carbs.
Lots of hiking, Vodka, Bear meat..

In that order...


The poster does not take any responsibility for any hurt or bad feelings. Reading threads poses inherent risks. The poster would like to remind readers to make sure they have a functional sense of humor before they visit any discussion board.
>Lots of hiking, Vodka, Bear meat..
>In that order...

>The poster does not take any
>responsibility for any hurt or
>bad feelings. Reading threads poses
>inherent risks. The poster would
>like to remind readers to
>make sure they have a
>functional sense of humor before
>they visit any discussion board.


Well most are not as fat and out of shape as I am . 5 weeks ago I tipped or broke or something like that ;) the scale at 296 # today I am 266 . started the treadmill 2 weeks ago . Started going 2.5-2.8 mph for 1.5 miles then this last week was doing 2.5 - 3.5 miles at 4.5 mph . Today did ( and it is supposed to be my rest day ) 1.5 miles at 3.5 mph with a 10% incline . Next week I will shoot for 2 miles at 3.5 and 10% incline.

Not really dieting just watching my portion size . Only thing I am really staying away from is carbonation . My goal is 250 by 15th of April . Then a target goal of 220 have not seen that for 14 years :( .
That's not true; stinkystomper is about 27% body fat.

>Well most are not as fat
>and out of shape as
>I am . 5 weeks
>ago I tipped or broke
>or something like that ;)
>the scale at 296 #
>today I am 266 .
>started the treadmill 2 weeks
>ago . Started going 2.5-2.8
>mph for 1.5 miles then
>this last week was doing
>2.5 - 3.5 miles at
>4.5 mph . Today did
>( and it is supposed
>to be my rest day
>) 1.5 miles at 3.5
>mph with a 10% incline
>. Next week I will
>shoot for 2 miles at
>3.5 and 10% incline.
>Not really dieting just watching my
>portion size . Only thing
>I am really staying away
>from is carbonation . My
>goal is 250 by 15th
>of April . Then
>a target goal of 220
>have not seen that for
>14 years :( .

Compromise, hell! ... If freedom is right and tyranny is wrong, why should those who believe in freedom treat it as if it were a roll of bologna to be bartered a slice at a time?
I go out to the garage and fire my Quad up and set on it for a half hour every couple months to stay tuned up and charge the battery.
yep feddoc got me pegged. i heard to put on serious mass you had to eat a lot. i doubled up on the burgers n pizza and am now at the 290 mark myself. im strong as heck and i figure one day i can build enough muscle to eat away all that fat. not working so far but heres to hope.
>>Lots of hiking, Vodka, Bear meat..
>>In that order...

>>The poster does not take any
>>responsibility for any hurt or
>>bad feelings. Reading threads poses
>>inherent risks. The poster would
>>like to remind readers to
>>make sure they have a
>>functional sense of humor before
>>they visit any discussion board.
I have an elliptical machine in front of a 42" flat screen that shows nothing but Primetime Bulls and The Truth Big Bulls series...

Aside from that, I've trained myself to cut things out of my life in exchange for feeling OK about others. I love steak, so I gave up french fries (cold turkey and completely) 18 months ago. I love beer, so I gave up any and all forms of soda 4 years ago. If beer does not fit the timing, I drink carbonated water...

It works for me...
LAST EDITED ON Mar-18-12 AT 08:23AM (MST)[p]I'm pretty sure overton mcgruber has a bulletproof work out regimine that he posted a while back.....

LAST EDITED ON Mar-18-12 AT 08:58PM (MST)[p]>I'm afraid I would be unable
>to run at all with
>that diet. That is
>a lot of carbs.

Well it ain't so much about outrunnin them Squatch or them X-peoples or them elks or them turtles. All you got to worry about is running faster than your cameraman!

Reminds me of the time when I was out with ol' E.E. Lgrass hunting terrapins down in them Everglades. Ol' E.E. was puttin a stock on big ol' bull terp when all of a sudden the wind turned and the air got realy skunky smelling. Well this busted that bull terp and he was gone into the deep water but E.E. was still there in the sawrgrass and all of a sudden we see some rustling in the grass and hear this big loud scream and some thumping on the ground. Well that was it for me so I hotfooted it outta there like a greased pig outta the madwoman's kitchen! Ran fast. Fast enough. Faster than EE. That was all I needed. I got as far as the edge of the cypress grove when I heard EE a screaming behind me. At first it was horrible, then the screaming turned to more pleasureable sounds and I thought I heard EE saying something about "You naughty, naughty ape" and laughing. Not quite sure, I was a heaving purdy hard and my guy was aching somehing fierce. That was 37 yards of pure terror for sure.

Well when EE and I made it back to the Swampbuggy EE was already there. I asked if he was OK - and he said - "NO - not OK - not at all..." and then didn't say another word. Still hasn't said much about it to this day.

Anway, the upshot of the deal is that my diet allowed me to escape the Skunkape of the Everglades. If I hadn't been takin keer of my self then I mighta had bad things happen to me. Bad things....
LAST EDITED ON Mar-18-12 AT 09:47PM (MST)[p]Overtons diet:

Bisquits and gravy and an extra side of gravy along with American Muffins and a gallon of strong black coffee.
Plus keep the door unlocked to the restroom.

I think cardio and diet is the key to getting in shape. One day I will start :):)
>AT 08:58?PM (MST)

>>I'm afraid I would be unable
>>to run at all with
>>that diet. That is
>>a lot of carbs.
>Well it ain't so much about
>outrunnin them Squatch or them
>X-peoples or them elks or
>them turtles. All you got
>to worry about is running
>faster than your cameraman!
>Reminds me of the time when
>I was out with ol'
>E.E. Lgrass hunting terrapins down
>in them Everglades. Ol' E.E.
>was puttin a stock on
>big ol' bull terp when
>all of a sudden the
>wind turned and the air
>got realy skunky smelling. Well
>this busted that bull terp
>and he was gone into
>the deep water but E.E.
>was still there in the
>sawrgrass and all of a
>sudden we see some rustling
>in the grass and hear
>this big loud scream and
>some thumping on the ground.
>Well that was it for
>me so I hotfooted it
>outta there like a greased
>pig outta the madwoman's kitchen!
>Ran fast. Fast enough. Faster
>than EE. That was all
>I needed. I got as
>far as the edge of
>the cypress grove when I
>heard EE a screaming behind
>me. At first it was
>horrible, then the screaming turned
>to more pleasureable sounds and
>I thought I heard EE
>saying something about "You naughty,
>naughty ape" and laughing. Not
>quite sure, I was a
>heaving purdy hard and my
>guy was aching somehing fierce.
>That was 37 yards of
>pure terror for sure.
>Well when EE and I made
>it back to the Swampbuggy
>EE was already there. I
>asked if he was OK
>- and he said -
>"NO - not OK -
>not at all..." and then
>didn't say another word. Still
>hasn't said much about it
>to this day.
>Anway, the upshot of the deal
>is that my diet allowed
>me to escape the Skunkape
>of the Everglades. If I
>hadn't been takin keer of
>my self then I mighta
>had bad things happen to
>me. Bad things....

SMH - just SMH - ohhhhhh Eel - this is not a story you have ever told us - for good reason too it appears.


Since I am frequently asked about my religion on this site and others, I have created a profile that explains my beliefs. If you are interested in finding out more about my faith, please visit the link below:
I generally go squatching 4-5 days a week. As for diet I just sneak into the neighbors yard in my Yeti suit and steal peanut butter off their porch. A strict peanut butter diet keeps me lean.
>I generally go squatching 4-5 days
>a week. As for
>diet I just sneak into
>the neighbors yard in my
>Yeti suit and steal peanut
>butter off their porch.
>A strict peanut butter diet
>keeps me lean.

Jeezus Zigga, you got it backwards! The DOG is the one that is supposed to be licking the peanut butter off YOUR nutts...Sicko


The poster does not take any responsibility for any hurt or bad feelings. Reading threads poses inherent risks. The poster would like to remind readers to make sure they have a functional sense of humor before they visit any discussion board.

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