Discover and others tracking our purchases


How do you feel about the credit card companies coding our purchase?

Are you OK with Discover or Visa collecting information on firearm related purchases for the DOJ, NSA, or the ATF? Having never committed a mustimeter let alone a felony, I find this practice to be repugnant. The 4th amendment is being stomped on almost daily it seems. This stinks of the same trend we saw that had the FBI pushing Titter to silence free speech. The deep state can't do this intrusive behavior on their own, so they farm it out to a private Corporation. The banks that own the credit cards should refuse to perform any such task on behalf of a government agency without probable cause. It might be illegal or certainly unethical for said agency to perform such surveillance without a court order. This "Woke Behavior" should not be tolerated by the hunting public regardless of your party affiliation.

Every one of my credit card purchases shows what it is for; the record is the essence of what the card companies do. I do not think it should be provided to THE DEEP STATE without a warrant.

Is there a list somewhere of all the people who have been snared by THE DEEP STATE because they bought guns and ammo on a credit card?
Every one of my credit card purchases shows what it is for; the record is the essence of what the card companies do. I do not think it should be provided to THE DEEP STATE without a warrant.

Is there a list somewhere of all the people who have been snared by THE DEEP STATE because they bought guns and ammo on a credit card?
not yet....
Every one of my credit card purchases shows what it is for; the record is the essence of what the card companies do.
Hmm- my credit card only shows the name of the company/entity that I made the charge against. None of the entries describes what it is for.

I think the reason they show who charges is purely to help you account for them and thus avoid fraud. No other "essence" involved.

If they start coding "what it is for"- like a gun at Cabelas vs everything else at Cabelas, that is the problem.
If you think everything about the transaction in todays bar-code world isn’t tracked, you are naive (unfortunately most people discover the level of detail thru some dispute). Hell, Safeway and the credit card computer know what kind of tuna you buy.

With all of the recent shootings by lunatics that were well known to THE DEEP STATE and shouldn’t have been able to obtain guns and ammo, our REFUSAL to monitor their activities with basic surveillance isn’t a good look to most people. It’s why we lose.

At least we’re still free to use cash. There’s gunna be some squawking when we move completely to digital currency. (n)
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I'll take your word for it.

But I can't find any reliable source claiming that the CC companies get any specific information on the content of purchases. Particularly tuna fish. Now, I am naive by nature- can anyone point me to a legit source that says otherwise? Honestly, it will change my world view on CCs...
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Ya, I was aware of the coding for gun shops in the works. But that is different than CC companies knowing I bought bumblebee tuna vs chicken of the sea. Coding a charge from a company that sells guns, or sells gas, or sells groceries tells you what kind of company you are buying from, but not specifically what you bought.

The article above even points this issue out. They wouldn't know if you bought a gun safe or a pile of ammunition. Just the amount of the transaction.

BTW- I am totally against them coding for guns. That's crap for sure.
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Well to be honest, anyone buying Yellowfin Tuna at Safeway should be tagged. Especially when Safeway has Albacore Tuna on the same shelf.
You can ask the card company for the transaction details from the vendor. It’s probably in the contract between Safeway and Discover, but don’t know that for sure. I have limited experience with retail sales, but from what I’ve seen you have a contract with the card company.

I doubt Pop’s Gun Shop keeps that level of detail, and I’m opposed to the government forcing the card company to require it from their customers.
Luckily you can pay cash, then call your buddy to tell him what you bought and no one checks any of that data

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