Disgusting Archery Kill


Long Time Member
Just browsin Youtube today a little, and I found this video of an archery deer kill... You'll see who it is and the guide service on the link...

Made me sick... Disgusted with the terrible shot choice and placement...

"Therefore, wo be unto him that is at ease in Zion!" 2 Ne. 28: 24
LAST EDITED ON Sep-07-12 AT 11:23AM (MST)[p]Leave it up to Mossback! Sure wish they would leave this crap in Utah.

Only took 4 more shots he says.
Am I mistaken or did that buck have at least one back leg broken by arrow(s)? Are you kidding me? In addition to posting the results of a gut-shot on the Web.

Wonderful what utube has done to hunting and providing fuel for the anti's....
I love all the high and mighty talk that goes on here.

Though I wish this was not on Youtube for the whole world to see, sometimes chit happens! The guy comes right out and says, "it was a terrible shot." Meaning the first shot? Then another buck pummeled him till the guts came out.

I am glad the guy got in to where he could finish the job. Sure he rushed the first shot, but that happens.

I know plenty of experienced hunters who think of themselves as "one shot, one kill" experts, and then I laugh my azz off when they have to eat humble pie cause something went wrong and they have a mess on their hands. CHIT HAPPENS!!
Couldn't even finish the video, absolutely horrible. I love hunting, but hate to see animals suffer. Hope the shot was not planned to be where it was placed.

Yeah, I agree that in the field "stuff" happens.....Especially with archery hunting. If it can go wrong, it usually does. And nobody out there is immune to making marginal hits on animals, even when the shot opportunity seems to be a good one. It happens. I'm glad that the hunter got this deer. Congrats to him.....But I dont think I would have posted this video up. I would have posted pics of the hunter/guides with this buck after the harvest. They deserve to share their success..but that was a pretty rough clip of video to post up in my opinion.....
LAST EDITED ON Sep-07-12 AT 11:54AM (MST)[p]LAST EDITED ON Sep-07-12 AT 11:49?AM (MST)

He never should have taken the first shot. He said he took the quartering to shot because the buck was going to be gone in two steps. So he shot a quartering to buck behind the shoulder. what did he think was going to happen? Hes gunna drop dead with a shot to the guts?

It sucks the other buck came and jacked him up but it took 4 more shots to finish him off? Did the guy borrow the bow from a friend? 40 yards should not take 4 shots more.

He knew it was a terrible angle when he took the shot. The fact is that he didn't care enough.
>Yeah, I agree that in the
>field "stuff" happens.....Especially with archery
>hunting. If it can go
>wrong, it usually does. And
>nobody out there is immune
>to making marginal hits on
>animals, even when the shot
>opportunity seems to be a
>good one. It happens. I'm
>glad that the hunter got
>this deer. Congrats to him.....But
>I dont think I would
>have posted this video up.
>I would have posted pics
>of the hunter/guides with this
>buck after the harvest. They
>deserve to share their success..but
>that was a pretty rough
>clip of video to post
>up in my opinion.....

You put it in a nutshell. Obviously he started off wrong by making a poor shot selection and then reinforced it by shooting too low to boot. It happens and many if not all of us at some point will take a shot that we will look back and regret.(or should regret) But irresponsible at best to post this video for the public to see.........just don't see what that accomplishes that is beneficial except to the antis. Things won't always go ideally in the woods.....but that doesn't mean we need to broadcast those events. JMHO
Ethical shot or not, is one debate in this situation. The other is the choice of the materials posted, in this case the video, for the world to see. That video could have easily been edited to not include some of that footage. I think caution should be used with posting any video and photos that include blood and guts.
I agree with Kip that crap sometimes happens in the field but it was a terrible choice to post the video online. Very poor judgment.


Browning A-Bolt 300 Win Mag
Winchester Apex .50 Cal
Mathews Drenalin LD
We have a saying around the shop here. "None of these critters got scared to death". All of them die in a fairly violent manner. Some definately worse than others. Every hunter here will face a personal failure in judgement that results in the not so "clean kill". That's just the game we play. However, when I have made a mistake where an animal suffered an unreasonable amount because of my own poor performance I never wanted to race out and post it for the world to see.
I wouldnt be so quick to throw Mossback under the bus. Just because the Mossback name is associated with the Youtube user account doesn't mean that this is a Doyle Mossback production or hunt. I would think that if it was his, it would have his logos and other marketing all over it, it would be a bigger buck, better film, and of course it would show 10 guides helping out.

Pretty sad video for sure.
Distressing video. However, unpleasant things do happen in a hunt. My issue is why was this video not edited or simply not posted. Is there a need to see every detail in a hunt? Just poor judgment by these guys.

GET REALLLL THIS IS HUNTING and hunting is graphic....How does someone throw Mossback under the bus for this? Wow...Im not for or against Mossback but someones bad shot certainly is no fault to them in this case. I am an avid bow hunter and ive made a few bad shots in my day as most bow hunters have. Come on guys
one bad shot? one arrow opens up the stomach, then subsequently breaks a leg? Which video did you watch?
Final result~ Dead Buck~ Good Deal~ Fact is anything shot with a bow and arrow or a gun suffers. Question is how long. Does it matter? suffering is suffering. Thats the name of the game and its something we all need to deal with and consider if we are going to hunt big game. I see both deer and elk all the time with an arrow sticking out there azz or limping from a leg shot all suffering, what do you do!. Fact is it happens. I'm glad he was able to put this buck down. Yes the hunter was a moron and the guide was a moron for posting it. I agree that Doyle is not responsible for the bad shot or the posting of the video. To put this on mossback as a whole is ridiculous.
This is on the shoulders of the person who posted it and the hunter who crapped his pants when he say this big buck and took a shot.
I just tried to view the video again to see what logos were on it and it is now no longer available for public viewing, so it looks like the person who posted it heard a bunch of static and took care of it.
I'm glad the video is no longer available. We all know "stuff happens"... I don't know if shooting this buck in the butt-end while he's layin in his bed is what I would call stuff-happening" though. I dont deny this happens, but it doesn't mean it needs to be flaunted as the norm...

Honestly, I hope they edit it and show the buck in all his magnificence, after all, isn't that one of the reasons we try and harvest trophies..? So that we can admire and appreciate their magnificence for years and years beyond their mortal glory..??

Thanks to everyone who responded, I'm glad I wasn't the only one who found the video objectionable...

"Therefore, wo be unto him that is at ease in Zion!" 2 Ne. 28: 24
Also, I pruposefully didn't mention Mossback here because I didn't necessarily want to start something that way... I figured it was enough that they were mentioned or whatever on the Youtube video.

"Therefore, wo be unto him that is at ease in Zion!" 2 Ne. 28: 24
Yeah don't thrash on MossTard! I started a thread last week about how his clients never wear the required orange!!! Boom gone..... as soon as somebody found it. Oh well
doggbiter---I wondered why I couldn't find that thread you started on the lack of orange after I went back later in the day!!!
Sh!t happens when hunting, but why post that in such a public forum when we get our ass handed to us by dumb-ass media (and anti's) as dipsh!ts? Glad they removed it. Back to big buck pictures and stories!

"does it matter" how long an animal suffers? Are you kidding me?

Do us all a favor and please don't get involved in teaching our youth hunting ethics, or hunter ed.

What do you do, you ask? everything in your power to prevent bad shots. I don't get that impression for the people in this video, no matter what company they stand for. Just plain bad decisions..
are you guys serious? i had to quit gettin on this site for almost a year because all the bull crap talked!all you guys that talk crap about peoples deer,elk mossback and everything else on here are a joke! you guys that hide behind a computer and run your mouth it is pathitic!why are you not out hunting? all of you act like your the best hunters on the plant, if so you shouldnt have time to sit on your computer! the guy made a poor shot who cares it happens every year every state and if you hunt enough it will happen to you.IT HAPPENS!!! THIS POST ISNT TO EVERYONE JUST THE GUYS WHO RUN THERE MOUTH!!!!!
Lol. Thanks for returning to this site to share your opinion with us. I am now going to take your advice to go hunting!


Browning A-Bolt 300 Win Mag
Winchester Apex .50 Cal
Mathews Drenalin LD

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