DO NOT cross the libs


Long Time Member
Oneeye, bullskin, Grizz, etc. The following is what it looks like when the principle is the issue, not the person.

While it is kind of fun to watch a lib get to face the scorched earth playbook the libs use, it's also damn disgusting.

Eric Adams, was in DC to pressure Biden over his disastrous border "policy" when the FBI raided. Coincidence, I'm sure🙄.

Now, here comes the sexual assault from 30 years ago allegations.

Now I'm just a casual observer, but the playbook of the libs is what it is, so, soon, the IRS will come into play.

Is Adams guilty? Maybe. He deserves a day in court. Did this just start? NOPE. Both were known about at time of his election. And as long as he stayed in line, didn't cause waves, it stayed under wraps.
The second he criticized Biden in the border, the hounds get set loose. The DOJ gets cranked up. The FBI list of dirt comes out, BOOM!!

It's all fun and games when it's the orange man. But even libs are now subject to the police state.

And, it's WRONG.
• When a Dem is indicted, it's proof he's a criminal. When a Repub is indicted, it's proof of the Deep State.

• When a Dem is arrested it's because they're guilty. When a Repub is arrested, it's a witch hunt.

• And now SDNY (the same people who charged Trump) investigates a liberal and instead of seeing it's because they charge potential-lawbreakers from both parties; you interpret it as them being so liberal that they're charging liberals to protect other liberals 😆

And of course, as always, you have NO proof of any of your wild hair-brained conspiracies. It's just whatever drivel you find on your loony podcasts.

Carry on, hopefully your anger didn't ruin your Thanksgiving. Have a good weekend.
Acting blind to an obviously corrupt Justice System is not good for a FREE might already be too late're a great patriot Grizzly
• When a Dem is indicted, it's proof he's a criminal. When a Repub is indicted, it's proof of the Deep State.

• When a Dem is arrested it's because they're guilty. When a Repub is arrested, it's a witch hunt.

• And now SDNY (the same people who charged Trump) investigates a liberal and instead of seeing it's because they charge potential-lawbreakers from both parties; you interpret it as them being so liberal that they're charging liberals to protect other liberals 😆

And of course, as always, you have NO proof of any of your wild hair-brained conspiracies. It's just whatever drivel you find on your loony podcasts.

Carry on, hopefully your anger didn't ruin your Thanksgiving. Have a good weekend.

I like how you missed an entire paragraph of me saying it's disgusting to go after him now. That orange glow makes reading hard?

None of this info is new. Adams was the great savior of NY when elected. Then what happened? He didn't just have sexual assault, that was 93'. He didn't start "lobbying for Turkey", that was supposedly before he was mayor.

So what changed? He challenged the deep state. Texas sent him migrants, he complained publicly about Biden and just shear coincidence, now he's facing multiple charges.

Sure is a lot of coincidening going on, ain't there.

Just took 30 years for an assault complaint. She has to do some thinking I'm sure😉

Of course they are charging a lib to protect a lib. Bidens 2nd biggest weakness to his diminished mental capacity is wide open borders and illegals over running liberal cities ability to deal with them. Republicans pointing to it is excused as partisan. Friendly fire cannot be tolerated.

I know, it's mind frying to read I'm defending a democrat, all your preconceived notions and all.

The "crimes" aren't new. Him embarrassing the deep state, is.

Some folks anger ruined their thanksgiving, TDS doesn't take holidays off 😉
It's in the early stages of investigation. It could take up to 17 years if he gets back on board.

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