Doctor's visit/Obamacare


Very Active Member
I have gone to the same doctor for several years. This morning I went to see him for a sinus infection and bronchitis....he has treated me for this before. This time he looked at me and said he had to give me less treatment because of Obamacare and the insurance companies. They are beginning to score doctors on how much they spend treating a patient for different conditions. With my age of 60 and with a history of bronchitis/pneumonia he treats my aggressively. Three different shot, breathing treatment and a couple of prescriptions. Because I am a long time patient he did one shot and the breathing treatment for free.
I do not have a cheap rate insurance plan, it is Blue Shield and I not only buy own policy, but also for my 48 employees and their families. The insurance companies are now mandated to cover everyone with pre-excisting conditions, free birth control and morning after pills. But real sick people are being denied the care that will make them well. This is just the start of Obamacare. This year our rates went up 15% and my agent says they will be up another 35-40% next year. This thing is going to get real ugly real soon. Maybe next time I go to the doctor I will get my end of life counseling. Enjoy Obamacare everyone.
Piper will tell you that it is all for your own good, then he will thank you for paying for his coverage. Share the wealth is his motto. From your pocket to his.

OH lets whine a little shall we? I guess you expect insurance to pay for your Kleenex too? Yea sure, healthcare is going up 30% or 40% next year, and it because your doctor isn't treating you as aggressively, interesting.

RELH-The only pockets getting drained are by you and your trough feeding brethren. Your a true socialist and always have been, I guess it was a hidden way to get back at your father.
what's the matter Piper, are you running out of arguments to support your Obamacare that was going to take care of you? Too bad you were stupid and did not plan for your future. You better keep swinging that hammer as joe the plumber is tired of supporting you socialist leeches.

piper, larrbo is not whining. He has a legitimate complaint. You don't see that? This is not quality health care. This is rationed health care. I guess that's ok with you?
Wake up Eel, The doc is either stupid or he is playing larrbo, yea sure, its rationing, we are going have death panels now and I guess larrbo is first on the list.

Maybe the old doc wanted to give him a CT scan?

If rationing is the reason so many people in other countries live longer healthier lives than us, then bring it on. Because when its all said an done, being healthier is the ultimate gaol.
Piper, I don't expect anything for free and I pay for my own klenex...thank you. I expect myself and my employee's to be treated to proper healthcare. I pay over 400k per year on health insurance a year in my company and employees that aren't going to be happy when they go to the doctor. If my doctor goes to all cash no insurance I will continue to see him so I can receive proper healthcare. I'm sorry for those that can't afford that.
>Piper, I don't expect anything for
>free and I pay for
>my own klenex...thank you.
>I expect myself and my
>employee's to be treated to
>proper healthcare. I pay
>over 400k per year on
>health insurance a year
>in my company and employees
>that aren't going to be
>happy when they go to
>the doctor. If my
>doctor goes to all cash
>no insurance I will continue
>to see him so I
>can receive proper healthcare.
>I'm sorry for those that
>can't afford that.

+1. Piper are you smart enough to run a business like Larrbo? I know most of the people that run the Country don't, they are ignorant.
LAST EDITED ON Dec-27-13 AT 03:25PM (MST)[p]so larrbo, do you consider American healthcare a good deal? pricewise I mean.
Your a businessman, so at 400k are you getting a good deal? and you do know that the government subsidizes employer based healthcare at a huge annual cost? do you think the price of healthcare effects the price of labor and consequently competitiveness,and the cost of goods and services?

Why are healthcare statistics so miserable in the US?
Since healthcare is the biggest driver of the national debt, should anything have been done about the cost?

Oh I forgot larrbo, birth control and morning after pills? could they be a huge part of the mind blowing expense in healthcare? they must be expensive? I mean its got to be a lot cheaper to pay for childbirth and welfare and all that?
And let me get this right, people with pre existing conditions were not getting treated before Obamacare? or were most of them getting expensive emergency care treatment for free? and wouldn't it be better to have them pay for insurance and get treated sooner and less expensively?
I mean doesn't this emergency care treatment get passed along?

Maybe I don't explain things well? 440 knows what im talking about, but the rest of ya, I don't know?
How much did your rates go down each year before obamacare?

Stay thirsty my friends
piper I think I get it now. If a 60 year old is denied proper care so a young person can get some of it, then the ultimate result will be longer life span for the population as a whole. It's better for your average to have a 60 year old die than a 20 year old. Then we can have a longer life span like Lower Slabovia? Cool!

It should work that way even if the 60 year old worked hard and smart and actually pays for the 20 year old's health care? The very same health care that he is denied?

You sneaky devil you.
Piper pooped out of his brown bit crusted mouth:

"If rationing is the reason so many people in other countries live longer healthier lives than us, then bring it on. Because when its all said an done, being healthier is the ultimate gaol."


Yup, the way you get better health to get less of it!

Pheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeewsh....that was awesome piper.


Let them have Obamacare....I cant wait till my competition has to start paying for some type of healthcare. Right now my competition pays nothing for healthcare.....give the dems what they want and it will help my business.....not good for you...not good for the country....but great for biz....and I am tired of talking and trying to educate the mouth breathers....Bring on Bamacare you Bama sluts!

"The penalty good men pay for indifference to public affairs is to be ruled by evil men." - Plato
I just knew you guys would get it? the only mistake Aspen made is he misplaced a few words.
"the way to get better health.... is to get less American style health care"
See you almost got something right Aspen, almost.
Hey guys, we need to quit insulting Piper's intelligence and quit calling him stupid and ingnorant. The reason is that Piper is so darn stupid that everytime he posts it shows so much of his outright ignorance along with his greedy socialist views. We do not need to remind anyone just how stupid he is and how he wants us to carry him on our backs.

He will never admit that the ACA just made our dismal health coverage that much worst for the working stiff instead of improving it. After Nov. 2014 Piper will crap his panties when the ACA bill gets chop to pieces or thrown out by a new Congress.
Piper, you are such a good little slut!

"The penalty good men pay for indifference to public affairs is to be ruled by evil men." - Plato
If you got health insurance your gonna get taxed on it starting Jan. 1 and it will increase every year, I never had time to read 2000 pages of Socialism, I just expected our Leaders to run the Country not to punish us.
Republican'ts have all the answers until you ask them a question.

Stay thirsty my friends
Bring on Bamacare! Gunna save me munnne

"The penalty good men pay for indifference to public affairs is to be ruled by evil men." - Plato

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