Droptine and Cheaters


Founder Since 1999
What do you think of this one? Kind of cool, huh? Fun buck, but not huge.



Brian Latturner
LIKE MonsterMuleys.com on Facebook!
Sweet Buck!! Couple years he come turn into a true monster! I would have a hard time passing him up though
Look at the Feed!! Seems the bucks ought to be as good as they can get this year!

Nice one!


"It's all about knowing what your firearms practical limitations are and combining that with your own personal limitations!"
Hes a good buck for sure. But if I were you, I would pass on him and let some other guy have a crack at him. Just saying:)
"Fun but not huge" Although that is technically accurate (assuming huge means a 200" typical or a 240" non-typical), it must be a requirement for being a member of the trophy hunter club to down play very nice deer. This is a very good deer that would be a trophy of a lifetime for any average hunter.


"Hoss you convinced me what day are we packing up and leaving this Mormon hell hole for California?"- coondog 5/13/15
LAST EDITED ON Jul-28-15 AT 04:42PM (MST)[p]I like the buck and would let the hammer down. He has extras and a drop point. I haven't seen any bucks bigger than him this year. I've been doing most of my scouting in Region G and just a little in Region H.
Good neat buck. Probably only 27 inches wide with cheaters. Great buck with a lot of character, but not a monster like founder said. There are some big bucks to be found this year.
Hard to get an idea of width exactly from the angle of these pictures, but you have to love the mass- particularly out on the end of that left main beam.


"Hoss you convinced me what day are we packing up and leaving this Mormon hell hole for California?"- coondog 5/13/15

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