Duwane Adams Hunter Killed a Monster


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From Duwane:

Brett Kelly @couesicrew and I chased this buck for several days with different clients. One client missed this buck which was an absolute heartbreak. As a guide you know this is a once in a lifetime type of buck. Brett kept on this buck for five days. He is a tremendous glasser and has developed the ability to dig out big bucks. It would be no different with this monster. He continued to hide in really thick cuts but Brett stayed with it. The fifth day of hunting this brute would be the day that everything would change. Brett walked client Ron Maguire @rrmaguire Into this buck at 32 yards and Ron hammered him! Ron has paid his dues. He’s been out here about 6 different times with the OTC hunts, sometimes guided and sometimes on his own. He booked with us for the first time and this couldn’t have happened for a better guy. Anyone that knows Ron knows he has put in the hard work to set himself up for a buck like this. This buck is a true desert giant. This buck has ton of character with inlines, kickers and mass. Just a flat out stud buck and we couldn’t be happier for Brett and Ron. Great job and congratulations to the both you guys.


It’s negative post like yours that are hurting this site. Someone shares a story with some great pictures, of a great mule deer on a site named Monstermuleys and all you can say is, yeah but he’s so rich, he just bought that buck. Anyone with enough money could have done that. Like it was some sort of fenced hunt or something. Hope you feel better about yourself self now that you’ve put down what was probably someone else’s hard earned accomplishment.

It’s negative post like yours that are hurting this site. Someone shares a story with some great pictures, of a great mule deer on a site named Monstermuleys and all you can say is, yeah but he’s so rich, he just bought that buck. Anyone with enough money could have done that. Like it was some sort of fenced hunt or something. Hope you feel better about yourself self now that you’ve put down what was probably someone else’s hard earned accomplishment.
RW, the issue i have is this deer was more than likely photographed, then sent to people who were willing to pay the price. Guides/sub-guides go out and photograph deer/elk all the time then put those pictures out to their high paying clients, then the bidding starts. It is a problem all over the west right now. Prove me wrong....

The other issue is a guide walked him into the deer at 32 yards. Did he pull the bow back for him too. It is one thing for the guide to sit back and watch the hunter make his own stalk, but entirely different when the guide does everything except let the arrow fly. Yes, the hunter still needs to make the shot but is that really hunting, or just shooting? Additionally, how can you honestly say the hunter paid his dues when in reality he paid a guide to locate the deer, walk him into said deer, range the deer, etc, etc. If you don't like my opinion there is an ignore button, I'm just calling it as I see it. Again, it's a great deer and love to see the pictures but please don't make it into something it's not; hunting. I guess the next time I go to the store I will buy a fish to cook and tell everyone I went fishing.

P.S. I disagree with you about MM. I think having a difference of opinion is what makes this site better than most. I have been to websites where you can't express your thoughts/ opinions or even debate. For me I will stick it out here until Founder sends me one of those friendly PMs. Have a great day...
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I thought I made it pretty clear I didn’t like your opinion. And thought I express mine. Sorry if you don’t like it. The problem I have is what you said in the first couple sentences of your last post. Where you said (more than likely). You are assuming a lot of things. Anyone that has hunted big mule deer with a bow knows it’s never as easy as you make it out to be. Guided or not. Congratulations to the hunter and guide on being able to get it done.

It’s negative post like yours that are hurting this site. Someone shares a story with some great pictures, of a great mule deer on a site named Monstermuleys and all you can say is, yeah but he’s so rich, he just bought that buck. Anyone with enough money could have done that. Like it was some sort of fenced hunt or something. Hope you feel better about yourself self now that you’ve put down what was probably someone else’s hard earned accomplishment.
Sorry, but paying a guide to show you where to go and telling you how to kill a deer, is not “hard earned”. The money might be hard earned. But the hunter certainly didn’t earn the deer through his hunting efforts. The guide did. The guide killed the deer. The hunter pulled the trigger.

anyone with money can kill big deer. Or elk. Or sheep. Or moose. Or whatever. Paying someone to do the hard part is not an accomplishment in hunting terms.
Sorry, but paying a guide to show you where to go and telling you how to kill a deer, is not “hard earned”. The money might be hard earned. But the hunter certainly didn’t earn the deer through his hunting efforts. The guide did. The guide killed the deer. The hunter pulled the trigger.

anyone with money can kill big deer. Or elk. Or sheep. Or moose. Or whatever. Paying someone to do the hard part is not an accomplishment in hunting terms.

I didn’t know that. I’m taking up more archery and hiring a guide. I try archery hunting on my own, but the deer always see me and run. I guess I’m a little sloppy. But if it’s a simple as you say, I don’t mind paying for a sure thing once in a while.
Some people on this thread obviously haven't hunted big desert mule deer down here. It's not easy to kill that buck, even with a guide walking you in, not to mention 10 other people hunting the same buck blowing stalks, driving around etc

I don't think he meant the literally walked the hunter to the deer, but I could be wrong
Honestly, some of the opinions here are in line with my own opinions about "hunting". What is hunting anyway.? Are there check boxes and you have to check a certain number of them for it to count.?

Example: Is riding a horse 5 miles, sitting on a ridge with unnatural optics glassing, finding a buck 2 miles away, riding over there, then shooting it from 800 yards away with your sniper rufle... "hunting".?

Is driving in a truck for 7 hours, pulling a trailer, camping somewhere for 5 days, walking up the same 2 or 3 ridges everyday, never seeing an animal... is that hunting?

Is putting on your Kuiu or Sitka gear and walking in the boot tracks of a stranger you just paid $5000 to hold your hand to your quarry, hunting.?

Everyone has their own ideas and expectations of what hunting is. I appreciate differing opinions. If someone gets offended because someone else says they weren't really hunting, its because they probably realize there is some truth to it.
As far as the buck, I saw the OPs name and thought I was looking at a Coues deer for a second... lol Can you imagine.??!

Stud buck. Glad he ended up in a freezer and on a wall instead of feeding the coyotes and worms
This thread is one reason I basically quit visiting this site.
And never post any of my kills.
Too much Bashing.
The Jealousy is as big as that buck's antlers.
Congrats to the hunter, Well Done!!! Awesome Desert Muley.
Anybody on here would LOVE to have that thing in their man cave.
'Brett walked client Ron Maguire @rrmaguire Into this buck at 32 yards and Ron hammered him! Ron has paid his dues". My guess he didn't like this sentence.
Opinion's are like assholes, Every one has one.The problem is after five knee surgeries,I have no ass left, but I will always have my opinion's.Here is my opinion about Arizona (This is were the buck was shot) My family has lived in Arizona before it was a state and one of the real problems with hunting in Arizona now is regardless of how many animals we have,the people in charge of our Game and fish department have decided to give more and more tags for the allmighty $ My family has friends over the years that have been game Wardens and biologists for Arizona and they have never agreed with there boss giving out so many tags.I am going to give you one example of how corruption works.Years ago a biologist my Dad knew did a study on Javalina.They found that when a herd gets below a certain number,they can not survive coyotes.How they protect themselves is circle the wagons with young in the middle and teeth sticking out.I saw this in person years ago on a herd of 25.The two coyotes did not have a chance and hauled ass .Fast forward to current times and to find a herd that has more than 10 pigs is very hard unless it is thick hard to glass country or miles of hiking.The department now gives out so many tags it is shocking.Quite a few years ago my father and friends were going to the Game and fish meetings and when they confronted the department about the past studies about pig herd sizes, it came on deaf ears.
This reminds of the old fly fisherman vs. traditional fisherman argument from days gone by. The fly fisherman were the elite, because it has harder to do it the way they do it and others were just cutting corners or not as good. This thought process seems to be spilling over to the hunting world.

Nice buck and congrats to the hunter.

The videos do not show the actual hunt. One is merely an on-camera interview by Duwane of the hunter & guide after the kill. The other shows the buck on hoof before it was shot.
I agree. i've paid for guided hunts, busted my ass and still came up empty. Not all guided hunts are like the situation where a team camps on an animal until their commissioners tag holder shows up.
People that made those comments should be embarrassed , i am for them i am so glad i am able to go on a guided hunt and take the guess work out and not have to kill myself for 5 days after traveling 12 , 13 hours most people are so jealous and wish they had the money to go guided and then make awful comments like said on here just pathetic
That's a kool pic of the hunter standing there with his bow and the deer bedded. I was there in WY this year except I wasn't sure the deer was still there!

Congrats on a successful stalk.
some pretty outlandish assumptions about the guided hunter without knowing him or the details of the hunt other than a few paragraphs from the outfitter. I'm pretty sure they weren't holding hands when the guide "walked him into 32 yards". For anyone knocking the guy for how he spends his cash is just crazy. If he can afford to do 6 or 600 guided hunts in AZ, more power to him.

Beautiful deer and congrats to the hunter!
some pretty outlandish assumptions about the guided hunter without knowing him or the details of the hunt other than a few paragraphs from the outfitter. I'm pretty sure they weren't holding hands when the guide "walked him into 32 yards". For anyone knocking the guy for how he spends his cash is just crazy. If he can afford to do 6 or 600 guided hunts in AZ, more power to him.

Beautiful deer and congrats to the hunter!
Are you assuming? ? Sorry founder I couldn't help it.

It’s negative post like yours that are hurting this site. Someone shares a story with some great pictures, of a great mule deer on a site named Monstermuleys and all you can say is, yeah but he’s so rich, he just bought that buck. Anyone with enough money could have done that. Like it was some sort of fenced hunt or something. Hope you feel better about yourself self now that you’ve put down what was probably someone else’s hard earned accomplishment.
Hey founder
Its your website
If you like free advertising on your forums
Thats your call
Still like your site none the same
No offense
People that made those comments should be embarrassed , i am for them i am so glad i am able to go on a guided hunt and take the guess work out and not have to kill myself for 5 days after traveling 12 , 13 hours most people are so jealous and wish they had the money to go guided and then make awful comments like said on here just pathetic
Actually there’s plenty of guys that prefer DIY and money doesn’t make a good hunter. I think we can all admit that the satisfaction of getting things done yourself is much greater than paying thousands to have someone walk you around. I don’t mind guided hunts but saying that others wish they had the money to go guided is ridiculous.
Money doesn't guarantee anything when you're on a fair chase hunt.... whether it be spent on a high end landowner tag, outfitter, etc.

Congrats on an awesome buck!
I bet more money guarantees you a chance at a bigger animal though. So what is the meaning of "fair chase" these days?
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I bet more money guarantees you a chance at a bigger animal though. So what is the meaning of "fair chase" these days?
The same as it’s always been. No where in B&C’s patented ‘Fair Chase’ statement does it state that a guided hunt is not appropriate. I’m not sure what you’re point is?
Nice edit...

Of course more money guarantees you a chance at a bigger animal. Just like it guarantees you a chance to buy a bigger, nicer house or a higher end vehicle. Hunting is an industry just the same, and I think it’s fair to say more money generally means that if you do you’re homework you’re going to have a better opportunity to harvest a larger animal than someone who doesn’t have it or chooses not to spend it chasing trophies. But if I’m driving a Ferrari instead of a Civic does that make me a bad driver? If I’m in a 5000 sq ft house on 10 acres am I not as good at living in it as if it were a 1 bedroom apartment? Not really, the guy in the Ferrari just has to buy it knowing there are always going to be clowns out there jealous that he can afford it rather than admiring its beauty at the stoplight.

With advancements in technology “fair chase” has certainly been a more fluid concept, but to me it means there’s nothing restraining the animal or preventing its escape to safety. If it beats you it beats you and gets away until next time. I’m sure it means something different to everyone.

This thread was started to share pictures and a story of a good hunt and respect a well-earned trophy. So I’ll ask you why you felt compelled to pop in and say anything but congratulations? I hope it made your day better knowing you said your peace. I’m sure the guy who shot that monster is crying all the way to the taxidermist over the internet studs who choose to waste their time being critical.
And if there had been only congrats, this thread would have probably already died. So, the naysayers, by keeping it going, are giving the outfitter free advertising.
One more thing, I really enjoy getting animals with family and friends, but if I had a tag for an area/state that I'm not familiar with I'd hire a guide... And I'm sure I would just as happy as if I were on my own...

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