
Long Time Member
No doubt someone will come on and post that their card got hit for a tag! on Wednesday or Thursday.......

Goofballs haha

What website are you reading that on YD! I just went on the Wyoming G&F website and two places say the results will be posted on February 28, which is Tuesday, a week from tomorrow!!!

Last year they were posted at 10:00 (MST) on Thursday 2/25.
I don't remember what day the WFG indicated that they would be posted but I think it ended up being a few days early.
YD---I'm not in for elk myself, but am hoping that a friend from ND draws his bull tag in the Special Draw so we can get him another bull with his bow like we did with his 3PPs in 2009. The G&F site does say in 2 places that results will be up the last day of the month just like it did in the booklet. They are not posting them up even one day early this year than the date in the booklet!
>No doubt someone will come on
>and post that their card
>got hit for a tag!
>on Wednesday or Thursday.......
>Goofballs haha

Everyone's card already got hit; when they applied.
Heck I'll bite, just to keep the knuckle head from doing it. My credit card has been hit!!!

To bad it was a month ago and for the tune of $2400.00.

We may here "My credit card just got reimbursed" before the draw.

I would just be happy if one of my three sons don't get a reimbursement :)

Best of luck to you all in the draw.
Yeah, mine was hit just like everyone else. I'm on the bubble like you. My buddy and I are trying to pull 2 of the 3 tags that's available. You never know who might jump in the draw with that few of tags available and change how many PP you need.
Hmmm. I put in for a hard to draw tag 1st choice, with general tag as my 2nd choice.

Mine says "nonresident special elk with preference point option unsuccessful."

Wondering if that means I was unsuccessful with my 1st choice? But still possibly drew 2nd choice?

Find out in the morning I guess...

"You sure you know how to skin grizz,
Do any of the unsuccessful guys also see the bold text in red right below the results saying that anyone who draws a tag must buy a $12.50 conservation stamp?

"You sure you know how to skin grizz,
>Do any of the unsuccessful guys
>also see the bold text
>in red right below the
>results saying that anyone who
>draws a tag must buy
>a $12.50 conservation stamp?

Yes, I see it. Why do you ask?
It seems that link wont come up for me!
Is it down now as well or am I getting one pulled on me?

Good Luck!
>Do any of the unsuccessful guys
>also see the bold text
>in red right below the
>results saying that anyone who
>draws a tag must buy
>a $12.50 conservation stamp?
>"You sure you know how to
>skin grizz,

Seems you may have drawn second choice hence it shows you still were unsuccessful and got a point. Guess you will find out tomorrow!
It's a .gov site that is owned and ran by state of Wyoming.

>I hope you guys didn't put
>in any personal information in
>that link. Looks
>kind of fishy.

"You sure you know how to skin grizz,
Why is the normal d replaced with an o? Most of the department websites, have wgfd, while this one has wgfo. Likely not an issue, but it looks strange.
LAST EDITED ON Feb-28-17 AT 03:03AM (MST)[p]It's an "online" link.

HA, found a new backdoor. I drew my tag. woohoo
wapitibob u suck. u go on all the forums. then u tell us u have a new backdoor and dont post it up. i dont believe u. whats the saying, without a pic it didnt happen. just having fun.
results are out!!
My 16 year old son drew 51-1 with 5 points!!!!
Even though he qualified for the cheaper youth license I put him in for the expensive special draw to increase his odds.

We are excited to hit Wyoming again
LAST EDITED ON Feb-28-17 AT 10:32AM (MST)[p]I say how I got the results and some jackwagon will call the dept asking if it's true, and they'll say "ummm yea for about the next 30 seconds...".

I'm not telling anybody.

congrats SD, make some memories
45-1 for me also. Congrads taxi guy. I will primarily hunt archery with rifle as the backup. Keep in touch and I'd be happy to share any updates I have with you.
I applied in the special draw with a general elk license as my 2nd choice and did not draw.

I drew it that way 2 years ago but looking at the draw odds for 2017 they just published the number of apps has doubled.

"You sure you know how to skin grizz,
Yea, demand for an $1,100 tag is not slowing down a bit. Look for that license increase to fly thru the Legislature now.
100% agree. No reason it won't.

>Yea, demand for an $1,100 tag
>is not slowing down a
>bit. Look for that license
>increase to fly thru the
>Legislature now.

"You sure you know how to skin grizz,
I find that true also, not to change the subject of this thread but I meet lots of hunters every year that say hunting is becoming a rich mans sport and I believe there is a little truth to that.
Nothing can be done this year about it but to enjoy the high county.
My son would have been eligible for the reduced price youth tag ($275). But that locked him into the regular draw. Looking at the draw odds I didn't feel that he would draw the tag in the regular draw so paid the additional $782 for the special tag to increase his chances of drawing. It paid off as he drew with 5 points in the special drawing and it took a minimum of 4.5 points to draw in the special and it took minimum of 8 points in the regular draw (1:8 odds).

You need to add in the value of preference points when deciding between regular and special. In this case for the 51-1 tag 3-4 years of points at $50 each year equates to additional $150 - $200 that you also need to put into the equation.

For me it was more about getting my son on a good elk hunt and having the experience together before he graduates from high school next year. Can't put a price on that.
Already posted my results on several sites, but might as well do it here also, in case someone wants to share their experience. 3 of drew 24-1 in the special random draw, ~2% odds, so it was not expected. At those odds this is realistically a once-in-a-lifetime hunt.
With 7 points I drew a 24-1 elk tag - one of only two, I believe, to draw that random tag. By my calculations I had a .7% chance. I am still in shock.
I archery hunted for 25+ years, but the last few years I've found myself hunting a little more with the rifle. I will archery hunt the end of September and then return in October for a couple of weeks if needed.
Viva Wyoming!!

I am 10 out of 11 years now chasing them dang elk in Wyo!
'cheapie fee' of course------>

Great for all that drew and keep your head up for next year if ya didn't draw fella's.

No luck here. Up to 3 points. I don't wanna end up in that no man's land with 4-7 points where I feel like it would be a waste to use them on a general either.
ZERO - One son with max and special price - Unsuccessful
Two other sons with one point under max different unit regular draw - Unsuccessful.

Congrats to those of you that drew. I guess I will get a $2200.00+ refund. Much rather be hunting elk in Wyoming!!!
>You gusy that drew 45-1, how
>many points did you have?
> We struck out with
>9 points.

9 points in special draw was 100%. In regular draw it was only 8%. Lots of chatter on Internet forums for 45, which always leads to point creep in my opinion. I almost applied but decided just to get another point this year.
There were three of us with 10, 9 & 8 points so we averaged out with 9. From my preliminary research I new we need to go special to most likely draw so we ponied up the money and did it. I thought I had max points but learned this year that I somehow missed getting my point in 2013 so decided to go with friends this year with a 45-1 tag and use the 10 points up.
I am surprised with all the chatter. I have 2 friends that hunted it last year and the year before (2015-2016) and in '15 it was bad. In '16 it was rough, but he got a small 5x6 bull if I remember right. Lots of guys I talked to said it was not very good hunting. I hunted it in 2014 and did ok, shot a small 6x6 with the bow that went 310. But I have 2 people that have 9 points that didnt draw. They wanted to hunt that area only because I knew the area well.
>You gusy that drew 45-1, how
>many points did you have?
> We struck out with
>9 points.

Four of us drew 3 with 10pts and 1 with 9
Nothing for me.

One of my hunting buddies burnt max points ( against my advice ) on 45-1 and drew it. the sad part is he died while jogging Sunday .

Goes to show you should do as much as you can today because you may not get another chance.

Stay Thirsty My Friends
Congrats to all those who drew.

Curious how the 45 hunts go. I will have 10 points going into next years draw and am seriously considering 45. Hope you all are willing to report back. good luck!
That's terrible Tog sorry for your lose.
How old was he ?
I agree with you do as much as you can while you still can.
Agreed on doing what you can, when you can! Tomorrow isn't promised. I've been in a holding pattern the last 1.5 yrs, waiting to have my aortic valve replaced. I try to not let it slow me down.
And Wyoming blessed me with a unit 24-1 elk tag this year. The valve replacement better happen real soon, or it will wait til after elk season.

Don P
He was 66 and in great health. or so we thought.

I tried to get him to hold out for the late Cody hunts but he ran out of patience. and time as it turned out. it would have been his first out of state hunt.

Congrats to those that drew tags. make the best of them.

Stay Thirsty My Friends
Damn, you guys are spending a ton of points on 45-1. It's not worth that many points, especially if your non-resident DIY hunter. Time for me to pick another unit.
I agree Sierra. IT was a decent hunt for me in 2014, but bad in 2015 for a friend, with hardly any elk rut or sighting. 2016 was poor also, my other friend put in just in case 2015 was a fluke. It was not. Very poor hunting and both were not impressed with the hunt. Unit 45 has gone down hill alot over the last few years and 10 points was WAY TO MANY for that hunt.
Unit 45? With MAX preference points???

>I drew with max points will
>be archery hunting (hopefully the
>if no luck will do rifle
Excited to be hunting 124 in 2017! 3.7% Odds w Max in the special draw.

What's the use in telling a guy he's used too many points after the draw?

How bout congrats on the tag and maybe I can point you in the right direction?
45 has plenty of elk and IMHO has not gone downhill one bit. It's just that the weather the last two years caused some major changes in activity during the season, timing of the rut, etc.
Just to way in here on 45-1 there were over 2000 people going into this years draw with max points and over 2000 people like myself that missed a year going in with one less than max. This means that for the best of the best if you have anything less than max you better be willing to wait a long time or take a backup. After much research that was 45-1 for me and was a close toss up with 38 but I chose 45-1 because as a NR and limited time I knew more people that hunted it and could dial me in versus me trying to figure it out on my own.
Maybe a mistake, maybe not we'll see once we get there.
As someone sitting on max points, I LOVE hearing these stories of guys cashing out their max points on units like 45. Clear out that max point pool that much faster.

Good luck to all that drew. My brother and buddy were in the special draw for a hunt that they would have drawn last year with the points they had but didn't draw this year, so looks like there was point creep all over.
>Maybe a mistake, maybe not we'll
>see once we get there.

It's never a mistake if you're hunting elk in Wyoming!
Best of luck!
>Just to way in here on
>45-1 there were over 2000
>people going into this years
>draw with max points and
>over 2000 people like myself
>that missed a year going
>in with one less than
>max. This means that for
>the best of the best
>if you have anything less
>than max you better be
>willing to wait a long
>time or take a backup.
>After much research that was
>45-1 for me and was
>a close toss up with
>38 but I chose 45-1
>because as a NR and
>limited time I knew more
>people that hunted it and
>could dial me in versus
>me trying to figure it
>out on my own.
>Maybe a mistake, maybe not we'll
>see once we get there.

That's the same thought we had, we can keep buying points and keep wishing we were hunting or draw a tag and go hunting. I hear too many stories like the one Togwotee told, and it reminds me to do as much as I can when I can. You never know when your time is up. Sorry for your loss Togwotee and good luck to everyone this year.
I agree, my father is a transplant survivor and wants/needs to hunt has much as he can before he runs out of time or just can't do it anymore. He will be 73 this year and we decided to use our points for our hunt. We had more than enough points to draw the 39-1 tag we put in for, but I needed to compromise on an area with enough access so he could hunt.

Hopefully we can make it work for him this year. I already booked the Wyoming High Country lodge for the last two weeks of the season so he will have a comfortable place to stay and get out of the cold.

He is a daily reminder for me to be active and do what you dream about now, while you still can.

Congrats to everyone that drew, looking forward to spending the months planning and preparing.


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