Elk in 54, 55 and 57


I drew the unit 54 bull tag that allows me to hunt 54,55 and 57. My question is which unit holds the most elk and chance for me to shoot my first bull. I have scouted 54 5 times now and havent seen an elk yet. Anyone willing to share some info with. Please post or pm me if you don't mind.
>I drew the unit 54 bull
>tag that allows me to
>hunt 54,55 and 57. My
>question is which unit holds
>the most elk and chance
>for me to shoot my
>first bull. I have scouted
>54 5 times now and
>havent seen an elk yet.
>Anyone willing to share some
>info with. Please post or
>pm me if you don't
That is strange you haven't seen any elk in your trips, there are literally TONS of elk running around up there (unit 54) don't have much experience in the other units. Where abouts have you been looking?? I just got 2 pics today of bulls that will both go 395+" both pulled from 54 this last weekend...
Are those 395+" elk, dead or alive? I would love to see bulls that big from Idaho as we get no love as a big bull state, usually for good reason.
BPK those bulls would be dead, and there was also a 380+" shot out in 47 last week too... Would love to post pics, but I don't personally know any of the hunters who harvested the animals... Rumor has it that there was/are over 10 bulls in the 380-410" range runnin around...
Damnnnnnnnnnnnn! It would be nice to see 400" bulls in Idaho not out of some high fence place in E Idaho.
>Have pics of the unit 47
>bull on the hoof. 380
>is a stretch but still
>a huge bull.

Post up the pics so we can see if it's a stretch... I have been told by several reliable sources that it's 380+"... Closer to 390" to be exact...
Well, one of the two bulls mentioned earlier was OFFICIALLY measured by a local OFFICIAL P&Y measurer by the name of Clayton Nielson and green grossed 403" with no more than a couple inches of deductions... And rumor has it Mr. Nielson is a VERY tight measurer so it may even go a little more than that! And to think people pay thousands upon thousands for a bull of this caliber every year! I love seein this bull go to an average (19 year old) hunter from Idaho and not some guy paying a bunch of money in an attempt to get recognized as a "great hunter!"
I love seein
>this bull go to an
>average (19 year old) hunter
>from Idaho and not some
>guy paying a bunch of
>money in an attempt to
>get recognized as a "great

true that muleyman
Man, I hope these rumors are true. Good to hear you boys down South are tipping over some monster bulls.
Biggerfish, he did break 400" I spoke to the kid in the pic the day after he had it scored... But what do I know...
Well ok then I must be wrong! I talked to the guy who shot it first and when they walked up the next day the kid and his father found it still walking and the kid shot it and then the father put the kill shot in it! so the person that helped pack it out must be wrong about it size, Thanks I will let him know.
sounds like some drama brewing there...

either way 390- or 400, who cares it is still one heck of a big bull. Congrats to all involved.
No Drama at all! It is one heck of of a Bull and I wish it was mine and I am really happy for the kid! I guess I am alittle jealous too.
No drama from me either, just stating what I had heard. But ya, maybe I can find a bull maybe 60 inches shy of that once my bull hunt opens...
I went out again this weekend and scouted. Both days i got into elk. Guess i was looking in the wrong places. In two days and around 15 miles hiked i saw 7 different bulls, one of which i cow called in to 40 yards. That was my first expierence doing that and it was a rush. I saw 3 bulls i would saw were around 300 and one monster. Two of the bulls were nontypical, is this standard for this area? You see crazy looking bulls? Thanks for the guys who gave me info and helped me along the way. Headed up again this weekend to scout some more and learn the roads, got turned around a bit. lol

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