Elk Unit 61 & 7....thoughts


Looking to hunt in Wyoming this year and was hoping for some thoughts on a couple units. I'm looking for a good bull...Ive taken a couple 330 and 340 type bulls with my bow and would like the chance at something in this range or larger. I've read good things about 7, but I'm concerned about access issues. Is there alot of huntable public land with good elk or is that going to be an issue? Also, is 61 mostly wilderness? Is the quality there? Is the land mostly public? I have a brother that is a Wy res. and cam hunt/guide me....so would 61 be worth it? Thanks in advance
Never hunted either one, But I heard 7 can be real prick to find access. I've heard alot about 61 the last couple years and that might be the better option of the 2. but like I said it's hard for me to give you a valued opinion.

access sucks according to WY in both units, and 61 is about 50-50 wilderness so you have either got to be a resident or need a resident/guide with you the entire time. Download the big game hunting guide off the G&F website. Lots general access and unit thoughts as to rather you can kill a bull or not.

Pat C.
Unless yer willing to pay, 7 has limited access and what it does have will be crowded given the 3000 or so tags they give out. Having said that, I'll be putting in for 7 next year. Looking at paying a $1500 trespass fee if I draw. Such is the cost of hunting these days if you want a quality hunt in a few of these area's. I also hunted 61 a few years ago. A large portion of the area is public. However, most of the elk are in the wilderness and you'll need horses to get in that country.
There is a huge problem with any elk unit in or around a wilderness area. The problem is Wyoming has a wolf population that is out of control. I am a wyoming resident and have noticed a huge decline in call ability. My first year archery hunting I had numerous bulls within range and every year it gets harder and harder to get a response. I live in Evanston and hunt near Kemmerer. Its not wilderness and i have seen wolfs on three different occasions. Your best bet would be to contact some guides and ask them there opinion of the area. I hope this helps and good luck hunting.
I know of unit 61 and I've seen some very nice bulls there, but you have to go in about 6-8 miles before you get into the really good areas and most of the best hunting areas are in the wilderness. If you have access to horses and the weather gods shine on you it can be a good hunt. If you don't have horses and the weather gods are not kind, it'll be a long, cold, hunt without seeing much.
I can get back in that far and my brother lives in Meeteetese. We are working on trying to get a friend to pack us in and out. It sounds as if 61 has some potential for good bulls....you mentioned that the weather will help...do you mean that a cold snap will help the situation by pushing some elk to lower country, or do you mean that warmer weather is an advantage because it can get nasty back in there? Also, anyone willing to throw some ideas out there about the best way to access that country and where a guy might start to look for elk? I also must mention that you have all been very helpful and it is greatly appreciated. If I can return the favor in any way please let me know.....southern utah elk....I can help.
Don't let your brother forget to get his permit to guide you in there !

Pat C.
I have never been to 61 so I am not going to talk about a unit that I don't know. I have hunted 7 and here is how I see it. If you want a good chance at a 340+ bull than there is where you need to soend your time. Lots and lots of elk. Yes there is alot of private but if you use your map(s) you can still have a good successful hunt. Now the bow hunt is the best way to go in that unit. Rifle is well lets say a joke. Its like a zillion people all in one spot!! Its crazy. If you do draw it let me know and I can direct you to some areas where I had good/great success at some elk. I drew it as a resident. Oh its super fun when teh rut is on. Just thought I would add that.
I have hunted unit 7 four times with friends and family. The DWR has increased permits alot over the past 4 yrs. Archery used to be pretty good. It can be OK in the right places. Some tresspass fees are reasonable. Quality of bulls have gone down hill some the past few yrs. Too many hunters both archery and rifle compared to the past have made it a frustrating unit to hunt in many areas.

I don't know anything about 61.

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