Elk waiting period


Very Active Member
It looks like NV changed the waiting period for antlered elk from 10 years if you harvest and 5 years if you don't to 7 years no matter what. I just looked up my eligibility and sure enough my waiting period date moved up 3 years. Anyone else hear about this change?
That's good news for me and bad news for my brother. He got an elk tag in 2014 but was not successful. He was going to be eligible again in 2019.Now he will have to wait till 2021.I drew an elk tag in 2016 and was successful, now I only have to wait 7 yrs instead of 10 yrs to become eligible again. I will be pushing 70 then,if I can still hunt I will try to draw again.
I saw this on the agenda. Was wondering if it actually took effect.

I am now eligible for buck antelope. Was not going to be until next year. I still have two points for doe antelope after applying. I will probably apply for doe with my daughter since she won't be old enough for the buck hunt this year then apply next year for buck.
Not true about your brother. If he was on a five year waiting period he DOES NOT get bumped to 7. It will stay at 5.
Those dates are correct. You wait 7 years and can apply on the 8th year. That's a true 7 year waiting period.
Has a lot of you guys huntnevada accounts already changed on eligibility dates? I checked mine and it still isnt updated to the new waiting period yet.
>Not true about your brother. If
>he was on a five
>year waiting period he DOES
>NOT get bumped to 7.
>It will stay at 5.

Good to hear!I guess I misunderstood.
I hope I'm not the only one who sees that this isn't good for anyone but the dept of wildlife,they did this for one reason only,to double the application fees they collect.going to take twice as long to draw a tag now.
LAST EDITED ON Mar-08-17 AT 11:12PM (MST)[p]I can understand why you would you would think that, but there are actually some legit reasons for it. It's no secret that elk numbers in Nevada are continually increasing. NDOW has a job to do - manage elk numbers consistent with the available habitat. In years past, tags were intentionally not filled on a less than desirable bull because a 5 year wait is more attractive than a 10 year wait. It's more difficult for biologists to manage the elk when there's that additional factor. And why is drawing a tag quicker more important than proper management of game? And when did a wildlife agency receiving more money become a bad thing? It's that same money that helps provide us the opportunity to hunt healthy herds in the first place. While I get where you are coming from, I respectfully dont see it the same way as you do.
Yea it's sweet alright,the only reason Ndow did this was to double the application fees they collect,was plenty hard to draw before.Hope you all like seeing unsuccessful by your name,I know the dept of wildlife will.
just got a call from my buddy if your on a 5year waiting period now you do get bumped to 7 years sorry for the bad news he aint happy but what you going to do
I'd heard of this, and think it's GREAT. Doesn't do me a bit of good, though...passed the 5 year wait, PLUS 4 points now! Maybe 2017 will be kind? It took me 10 years to draw the FIRST go-round! :-(
>just got a call from my
>buddy if your on a
>5year waiting period now you
>do get bumped to 7
>years sorry for the bad
>news he aint happy but
>what you going to do

Are you sure?
Maybe we need to see the exact wording from NDOW.
>AT 11:12?PM (MST)

>I can understand why you would
>you would think that, but
>there are actually some legit
>reasons for it. It's no
>secret that elk numbers in
>Nevada are continually increasing. NDOW
>has a job to do
>- manage elk numbers consistent
>with the available habitat. In
>years past, tags were intentionally
>not filled on a less
>than desirable bull because a
>5 year wait is more
>attractive than a 10 year
>wait. It's more difficult for
>biologists to manage the elk
>when there's that additional factor.
>And why is drawing a
>tag quicker more important than
>proper management of game? And
>when did a wildlife agency
>receiving more money become a
>bad thing? It's that same
>money that helps provide us
>the opportunity to hunt healthy
>herds in the first place.
>While I get where you
>are coming from, I respectfully
>dont see it the same
>way as you do.

Plus 1 shedneck
>Tell your brother to check his
>eligibility on hunt Nevada.com
>that would tell you good
Will do. It will be time to apply for deer tags soon.We will find out for sure then.
Awesome, now NDOW should allow bonus points to be purchased during the waiting period. Theyre missing a decent revenue opportunity.
Shedneck,I respectfully disagree how does a shortened waiting period alleviate the elk overpopulation problem,will they issue more tags because of a shorter wait to apply?if like you say folks would rather wait 5 yrs than kill a small bull,then why not make it the same wait period for kill or no kill,it's all about application fees
LAST EDITED ON Mar-10-17 AT 07:19AM (MST)[p]>Shedneck,I respectfully disagree how does a
>shortened waiting period alleviate the
>elk overpopulation problem,will they issue
>more tags because of a
>shorter wait to apply?if like
>you say folks would rather
>wait 5 yrs than kill
>a small bull,then why not
>make it the same wait
>period for kill or no
>kill,it's all about application fees

That's exactly what they did - it's now 7 years whether you harvest or not.

And issuing more tags causes issues as well, one of which is an over concentration of hunters in the field. Not only are sportsman generally opposed to that for many reasons, but it also has the potential to limit sucecess rates when animals have so much pressure.

And once again, why is more money a problem? They didn't raise the price of the application fee. One of the greatest arguments for hunters and hunting - and one which true hunters are most proud of - is that if it wasnt for hunting then there wouldnt be conservation because fees paid by hunters for things like applications are almost the entire revenue stream for wildflife management agencies. You show me that NDOW has too much money and I'll start believing your argumemt.
>Is this change for residents only?
> Mine still shows 10

Im a resident and mine havent changed yet either. It should be same for resident and non residents.
I just checked, I am on the waiting period for both Elk and Antelope, mine has not changed. If it does I will be able to start building point for Ant. again
>>Tell your brother to check his
>>eligibility on hunt Nevada.com
>>that would tell you good
>Will do. It will be time
>to apply for deer tags
>soon.We will find out for
>sure then.
Waiting period for an antlered elk tag is now 7 years regardless of hunt success. The previous 5 year waiting period remains in effect for antlered elk tag holders who were unsuccessful prior to 2017 and are currently ineligible to apply for antlered elk.
From the NDOW bulletin
Yep 2019 for elk and now I get to apply for antelope a year earlier. I like this 7 year wait we need to kill more elk but it's cows that control population. The elk are taking over in Nevada and mule deer are paying the price.
I believe this will just increase the revenue for NDOW and increase the bonus point creep for hunters. What NDOW could do to make this favorable for hunters is change the draw process for 50% of the tags are random draw and 50% got to the applicants with the highest bonus points. This would drastically lower the amount of bonus points needed to draw, but this is not in the best interest of NDOW because once you start applying for bonus points they got you and having the max bonus points in Nevada doesn't really mean anything. Changing the waiting period from 10 to 7 only gets more hunters in the bonus point game.
The system you are talking is identical to Utah's draw system. A system like that helps high point holders at the expense of lower point holders because instead of lower point holders having a chance at every alloted tag, they now only get a chance at half of those tags. I have to say, the phrase point creep is not often associated with Nevada like it is Wyoming and Colorado. I think Nevada has the finest draw system of all Western states for a lot of reasons, but if for nothing else it doesn't discourage an applicant from starting to apply because an applicant has a chance of drawing even tne most coveted tag.
If 50% of the tags went to the top point holders for each area, it would effectively eliminate the possibility of even getting a tag for most people. Look at how many Max point holders there are for Rocky Mountain Goat and Sheep. It would take dozens of years just to get through that.

Changing the waiting periods around shouldn't change the revenue too much because it also made the waiting period longer for those who don't harvest.

We all still only get one number in the draw regardless of how many points we have, just the people who have applied longer get more raffle tickets for that low number. And there is always that one guy that seems to win the guns at all the events.

Apply and be happy we can still have the opportunity to hunt. You never know when you will run out of health and can't do it any more.
Since it took me 23 years to draw a Nevada elk tag, I don't think a 10 or 7 year waiting period will make any difference for me :)

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