

Long Time Member
Anyone else smell what's cooking here?...prosecuted by James Comey?s daughter?...

This is headed straight at Trump.....

Epstein got a get out of jail card in 2008 due to intense political pressure. Now he is facing a possible life sentence and you can bet he will be offered a deal if he gives up damaging information on Trump.
Only problem will be if he is telling the truth or lying to save his own butt. Democrats do not care if they get true facts, they will be willing to accept a false smear job in order to defeat Trump next year.
With New York district handling the investigation, you can bet it will another Mueller investigation looking for anything to use to defeat Trump. They will probably ignore the 26 times that Bill Clinton flew on Epstein's jet.

Barring something he trades sending Trump to jail (never happen) there is nothing Trump could have done that would turn his base away from him. I think we've established that. The ***** grabbing deal only increased his support. I surely dont see this being the thing that causes Trump to lose. The Dems still don't have a candidate.
NVBH you are right about the Dems lacking a candidate that is worth 2 cents. This fact is why the Dems will stoop to any dirty dealing trick to offset their poor choice of candidates for the position of president.
They have pulled so many dirty tricks during the past 3 years it has gotten to the point you can not believe them anymore. We can no longer trust our politicians and that goes for many of them in both parties.

Not sure how Trump is going to get caught up in this when it's being reported that Trump banned him from Mar-a-lago after he assaulted an underage girl there. Apparently Trump also was very helpful to the prosecutor in Epstein's previous case which makes it highly unlikely that Trump himself was involved in shenanigans with minors.

This just seems like another retarded attempt at trying to hang Trump with something. No doubt Trump isn't lily white but we didn't elect the Pope (although if we had, we might be talking about underage boys instead of girls) and so far we don't have anything criminal to hang Trump on. My guess is that this will be far more embarrassing to Democrats than Republicans.
LAST EDITED ON Jul-08-19 AT 05:14PM (MST)[p]As the campaign heats up.....

Democrats, and especially the Clinton group, know they're immune.
? try dat on the pope forkey. I think Billy should go live under oath & tell us what he did 26 times at fantasy island or whatever the hell they call it??‍♂️ I hope you realize who the real serial puzzy grabber is Nevada? I'm sure you voted for him & scagatha both?
yeah....I'm sure the prosecutor...Maurene Comey....won't let Trump be implicated somehow....

Another investigation where all roads will lead to the Clintons and the Democrats but will be turned around before reaching the end of the road.......

Opie, no I didnt vote for either of them. I know Bill Clinton is a leacherous creep. We all know it. The self proclaimed ***** grabber I'm talking about isnt him. But you know that. Like I said nothing will come from this latest attempt. Trumps base doesnt care what he does or did.
>Opie, no I didnt vote for
>either of them. I know
>Bill Clinton is a leacherous
>creep. We all know it.
>The self proclaimed ***** grabber
>I'm talking about isnt him.
>But you know that. Like
>I said nothing will come
>from this latest attempt. Trumps
>base doesnt care what he
>does or did.

Well that, and nothing has come from previous investigations, like nothing will come from this one. Even though slick willy went to orgy island 26 times with Epstein. The fishin musta been pretty good to return 26 times!

who cares about Trump's base???.....according to the TDS crowd it takes more than his base to re-elect him....


If You Boys Had Hillary.........!

Would You have gone Fishing too?

I know so many people in so many places
They make allot of money but they got sad faces

It Ain't Easy being Me!:D:D:D
>who cares about Trump's base???.....according to
>the TDS crowd it takes
>more than his base to
>re-elect him....

Wait. I thought I was part of the TDS crowd. I'm saying Trumps a winner in 2020. So far it's not looking like he has an acceptable opponent, just like 2016. Lesser of two evils.
Wow, it seems like this crowd is pretty OK with kid diddling. I don't feel like child rape, human trafficking, and exploitation of kids are really partisan issues, and anyone implicated during this investigation needs to die, regardless of wealth, power, or political affiliation. I see what some are saying about political motivation, and maybe there is some of that. However by the sounds of it, there is no way this loser should be walking the streets. If Trump or B Clinton or anyone else is proven to have taken part or helped conceal it, then they should fry. Glad to see those conservative values are alive and well with this crowd.
LAST EDITED ON Jul-09-19 AT 01:09AM (MST)[p]The concealing the crimes took place in 2008 under Obama's watch. The sheriff of the Florida county where Epstein had his mansion did some of the investigation. He admitted he was put under strong political pressure from high ranking officials not to charge Epstein with a serious felony charge. GEE! that sounds like the get out of jail card that Hillary was given also by the same administration.

Bad news- if political pressure was coming from the top in 2008, that would be under Bush. Way to continue to worry only about the politics of it though. Personally, I'm against child rape, regardless of who is doing it.

>AT 01:09?AM (MST)

>The concealing the crimes took place
>in 2008 under Obama's watch.
>The sheriff of the Florida
>county where Epstein had his
>mansion did some of the
>investigation. He admitted he was
>put under strong political pressure
>from high ranking officials not
>to charge Epstein with a
>serious felony charge. GEE! that
>sounds like the get out
>of jail card that Hillary
>was given also by the
>same administration.
Don?t think anybody disagrees with you wyo on child rape. The tricky part with the recent track record of the ?good ol boys establishment crowd? is what's the truth & what's another attempted witch hunt to save the dirty shythole that DC politics has become from the evil orange man.
I'm very pleased that former President Clinton has come forward and denied any involvement with Epstein and his love of young girls. Also Clinton, known as a non lying person, has said he's been on the Lolita Express only 4 times not 26 times even though documents show otherwise. Anyway, this nasty business is all in the past and Clinton is now a dedicated vegan and can't get it up anymore which has strengthened his marriage to Hillary.
>Wow, it seems like this crowd
>is pretty OK with kid
>diddling. I don't feel like
>child rape, human trafficking, and
>exploitation of kids are really
>partisan issues, and anyone implicated
>during this investigation needs to
>die, regardless of wealth, power,
>or political affiliation. I see
>what some are saying about
>political motivation, and maybe there
>is some of that. However
>by the sounds of it,
>there is no way this
>loser should be walking the
>streets. If Trump or B
>Clinton or anyone else is
>proven to have taken part
>or helped conceal it, then
>they should fry. Glad to
>see those conservative values are
>alive and well with this

I realize things are slow to reach parts of Wyoming, so in the interest of bringing you up to speed, let me tell you what's about to happen. Lawyer comey is going to tell Epstein if he lies and implicates Trump, he will get a lighter sentence. Nevermind the rest of us are fully aware slick willy waa a frequent flyer on Epsteins plane to orgy island with a plane full of underage girls. There are things called flight logs, it wouldn't take sherlock Holmes to shine a light on those flight logs but I doubt comey brings them out of the dark. Now watch and learn.

He better be in solitary until after the trial. The Clintons don't mess around. I will take bets now that there are a lot of top level democrats not wanting any lists to be made public. Wasn't the Senator from NJ a frequent flyer?
I Guess He has a Full Sized Doll Hanging from a Chandelier!

A Poster of SLICK HOSEM WILLY Autographed!

Who The Hell wants one of them?

I know so many people in so many places
They make allot of money but they got sad faces

It Ain't Easy being Me!:D:D:D
LAST EDITED ON Jul-09-19 AT 11:41PM (MST)[p]It is interesting- between personal conversations, and following discussions on a few different forums, I have noticed a distinct and consistent trend. People who are independent or lean left, pretty much unanimously believe that are there likely to be people on both sides of the political spectrum, in addition celebrities and other wealthy people implicated in this. They also believe that anyone involved directly, or in the coverup, should be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law- whoever they are. Those who tend to be supportive of Trump tend to have two opinions. They have either made up their mind that it is all a big conspiracy to get Trump, and he couldn't possibly be involved, or they recognize that there could be involvement but they a. don't care, and/or b. sure but Clinton did it too!

If you aren't at all concerned about the 2008 case and the numerous direct ties between this case and Trump's cabinet (which I haven't heard disputed at all), then I'd have to say you have either lost or never had any ability to think for yourself.

PS- DW you can go ahead and stick your condescending bullshit up your ass.
I am sure it includes some republicans but coming from a NY streeter you can bet most of the men were wealthy liberals and politicians. If Trump took part in it he should hang with the rest of them. After Menendez was let off the hook for the crap he did I am betting we will never hear anything about the list of attendees.
LAST EDITED ON Jul-10-19 AT 07:28AM (MST)[p]
Any Trump/Russia collusion found yet? We all know slick Wiley got a big Russian speakin fee after Hillary approved that Russian uranium deal which was followed by a big Russian donation to the Clinton foundation. Seems they really weren't all that concerned with Russia collusion. They aren't concerned about pedophilia either, unless of course Trump was the pedophile. Keep in mind slick Willy was on the Lolita Express 26 times. Watch!


DW nailed it Wyo. The beginning of your last post the word hope should of replaced believe. I find it interesting that none of you libs were interested in getting to the truth of Billy?s dozen or so other sexual assault cases the last 25 years??

The problem the Socialist party & its followers have is the chicken little syndrome. After their actions the last 3 years how do you decipher a possible truth from the same horseshyt they have been spreading? When you do it non stop then everything becomes horseshyt. See how that works?

And for the record, if there's evidence that Trump was screwing underaged girls that's more substantial than democrat lieing scumbags saying so then ya he should face the consequences.
more theatrics is all i can say' i'm still waiting for comey n a few of his cronies to be locked up...hah
Wyosam, stop being such a whiney douche. I haven't seen anyone on here post anything remotely close to what you're saying. Claiming that we don't care about rape victims and pedophilia is pretty stupid.

Apparently you believe that by the mere fact that Trump knows Epstein he is guilty of raping underage girls. Kind of like the retards who believed that Trump was involved in human trafficking when Bob Kraft got busted for getting a happy ending at a massage parlour.

If Trump (or anyone else for that matter) is found guilty of doing anything like what libtards are claiming, then I will be the first one calling for him to be thrown overboard at sea and left to his own demise.

The problem is that the credibility of the left is in shambles along with the media and those who salivate at the possibility of hanging Trump with ANYTHING to remove him from office will stop at nothing to achieve this. I pointed out that it doesn't make sense that Trump would assist the prosecutor and in fact was praised by the prosecutor in Epstein's 08 case if he was just as guilty. The reason it is political is because...wait for it...this is a political forum so wouldn't you expect the discussion to be....political? Get off your high horse and stop with the bullshyt that people here don't care about the victims.
LAST EDITED ON Jul-10-19 AT 04:48PM (MST)[p]Well Trump's cabinet member did a very good credible job of defending his actions as the Federal prosecutor on the Epstein case back in 2008.

He laid the blame right at the feet of the state prosecutor who wanted to let Epstein go without any jail time. This could tie in with what the retired Palm Beach Chief of Police said about higher ups not wanting him to show any serious violations during their investigation. Could that Chief been talking about high ups such as the local D.A.s office and state officials?
As for Wyosam, he just has a case of TDS and is hoping something is pinned to Trump. Innocent until found guilty does not mean crap to him just like most liberal Democrats. It is a malady with them until it involves a Democrat and they always show their forgiveness. Pay him no attention, his opinion is worth the same as a pile of dog crap.
Based on what the cops are saying, it does appear that Acosta told the truth about the Florida state prosecutor was going to allow Epstein to walk on the charges brought by the state of Florida.


Acosta held a news conference earlier in the day in which he adamantly defended his work as U.S. attorney in brokering an agreement to ensure Epstein spent time in prison and was required to register as a sex offender.

Since Epstein was charged Monday with sex trafficking in New York City, Acosta has come under scrutiny for his role in negotiating that 2008 deal in Florida in which Epstein pleaded guilty to soliciting prostitution under Florida law, registered as a sex offender and spent just over a year in prison while having work-release privileges.

The Miami U.S. Attorney's Office had prepared a federal indictment against Epstein, but it was never filed. Acosta has also faced criticism for failing to disclose the plea deal to Epstein's victims, something he said would have jeopardized the agreement.

Krischer downplayed his office's role in the eventual plea deal, and alleged the U.S. attorney's office abandoned its federal indictment after "secret negotiations between Mr. Epstein's lawyers and Mr. Acosta."

"If Mr. Acosta was truly concerned with the State's case and felt he had to rescue the matter, he would have moved forward with the 53-page indictment that his own office drafted," Krischer said.

Krischer said his office subpoenaed witnesses took evidence to a Grand Jury, which returned a single felony count indictment against Epstein of soliciting prostitution.

But Palm Beach police who worked the case at the time told The Miami Herald as part of an investigation published in November that they felt pressured by Krischer to downgrade Epstein's case to a misdemeanor, or to drop it entirely.

Acosta did not refer to Krischer by name during Wednesday's news conference, but spoke of the Palm Beach County state's attorney. He described his own office as stepping in to ensure Epstein faced some form of punishment.

"Simply put, the Palm Beach State Attorney's Office was willing to let Epstein walk free. No jail time. Nothing," Acosta said. "Prosecutors in my former office found this to be completely unacceptable, and we became involved."
It seems you lack any reading comprehension whatsoever. I haven't said a word about thinking Trump is guilty of child rape, beyond saying that him, or Clinton, or anyone else implicated should fry. I'm more concerned about how this guy leveraged his power and connections to serve a 13 month part-time jail sentence for some pretty heinous #####. Would you all not agree that jails are chock full of people doing way more time for way less? I don't actually care about the political fallout My point about this crowd not caring about those crimes is based on zero mention of that in a thread titled with the douche's name- only conspiracy theories and "Clinton is the dirty one".

I don't blame Trump that this guy did this ##### for years, and I don't blame Bush that the botched prosecution happened under his watch (unlike RELH blaming it Obama until I pointed out how a calendar works). Truth is, those crimes were happening for a long damn time, long before Trump was involved in the political arena (you know, back when he was a democrat). Like I said, I can see that it looks like another investigation into Trump, and maybe it is on some level. My suspicion (and hope) is that this case has been being looked at since 2008 with hopes of some actual accountability. That is my stance. Hoping that there are some non-corrupt law enforcement and prosecutors out there that are not for sale. And around here, that stance is considered liberal TDS. That was my point. The facts are, this guy was exploiting underage girls for a long damn time, while rubbing elbows with a wide variety of the rich, powerful and famous people, and got a slap on the wrist.

I think politicians (on both sides) and the rich and powerful are probably the dirtiest, least trust worthy group of people on the planet, and the two sides politically are entirely hypocritical in their response to pretty much everything. The right is screaming that this is nothing but an attack on their guy. But put on your honest, no bullshit hat for a minute. Do you think the two sides of this wouldn't be perfectly reversed if this story was breaking in 1999 with Clinton in office? It would be a mirror image. The left would be in protect their guy mode, and the right would be on the warpath.

The only thing that I see that has changed in recent years, is that with the me too movement, if Bill Clinton's ##### shenanigans and general rapeyness happened today, he'd take a way bigger hit politically than he did 20 years ago from his own side.

At this point, I'm fairly certain we're going to have 4 more years of Trump, unless the left gets something to stick that convinces the republicans in the senate to abandon him. Personally, as much as I dislike they guy (which goes back way beyond the beginnings of his political career, and would be no different if he had chosen to remain with the democrat party when he decided to become a politician), politically I'd prefer him to Pence. Based on the fact that the democrats have managed to put together an even bigger clown car full of idiots than the republicans did in 2016, I think Trump or Pence are the likely options.

This is getting really long (slow night at work), but if Trump ends up getting hung on something, I wouldn't be at all surprised if its actually being pushed from the old guard right, under cover of the constant investigations from the democrats. There are still plenty of republicans around that only support him out of fear of losing base support. I think they'll turn on him if they decide they can get away with it. If there is something to this current story, and they could throw Trump under a bus while bringing down B Clinton and maybe some others in the process? That seems like a prime opportunity.

>Wyosam, stop being such a whiney
>douche. I haven't seen
>anyone on here post anything
>remotely close to what you're
>saying. Claiming that we
>don't care about rape victims
>and pedophilia is pretty stupid.
>Apparently you believe that by the
>mere fact that Trump knows
>Epstein he is guilty of
>raping underage girls. Kind
>of like the retards who
>believed that Trump was involved
>in human trafficking when Bob
>Kraft got busted for getting
>a happy ending at a
>massage parlour.
>If Trump (or anyone else for
>that matter) is found guilty
>of doing anything like what
>libtards are claiming, then I
>will be the first one
>calling for him to be
>thrown overboard at sea and
>left to his own demise.
>The problem is that the credibility
>of the left is in
>shambles along with the media
>and those who salivate at
>the possibility of hanging Trump
>with ANYTHING to remove him
>from office will stop at
>nothing to achieve this.
>I pointed out that it
>doesn't make sense that Trump
>would assist the prosecutor and
>in fact was praised by
>the prosecutor in Epstein's 08
>case if he was just
>as guilty. The reason
>it is political is because...wait
>for it...this is a political
>forum so wouldn't you expect
>the discussion to be....political?
>Get off your high horse
>and stop with the bullshyt
>that people here don't care
>about the victims.
>Well Trump's cabinet member did a
>very good credible job of
>defending his actions as the
>Federal prosecutor on the Epstein
>case back in 2008.
> He laid the
>blame right at the feet
>of the state prosecutor who
>wanted to let Epstein go
>without any jail time. This
>could tie in with what
>the retired Palm Beach Chief
>of Police said about higher
>ups not wanting him to
>show any serious violations during
>their investigation. Could that Chief
>been talking about high ups
>such as the local D.A.s
>office and state officials?

I'd agree- with more info he looks better than the initial optics. Still, I'd bet we actually agree that digging deeper into the handling of this is a good thing, correct? As former law enforcement I think you'd probably agree that 13 months of part time rich guy jail is pretty light for what this guy was into. Maybe it was just a weak case, and that was really all that they could get. But since we both seem to agree that there was money, power, and influence involved, I'd like to see what that was, and see people held accountable.

> As for Wyosam,
>he just has a case
>of TDS and is hoping
>something is pinned to Trump.
>Innocent until found guilty does
>not mean crap to him
>just like most liberal Democrats.
>It is a malady with
>them until it involves a
>Democrat and they always show
>their forgiveness. Pay him no
>attention, his opinion is worth
>the same as a pile
>of dog crap.

Not sure why I'm bothering to reply to this steaming pile of hypocrisy, but I've got a little more time to kill. See my reply to DW about my thoughts on a lot of that. Innocent until proven guilty is a thing now? Lock her up? Lock Comey up? Everyone who ever looked sideways at Trump is a corrupt liberal that has been masquerading as a republican for decades? While I don't buy all the conspiracy theories, in no way do I consider Hillary or any of her tribe to be clean. I think she is as crooked as a dog's hind leg. Based on your newfound love of the innocent until proven guilty doctrine though, would you not agree that she has been convicted of the same exact number of crimes as Trump, Kavanaugh etc, while spending a hell of a lot more time testifying under oath? See what you did there? Screaming "innocent until proven guilty" selectively when it is your guy is a bullshit stance, and you know it. Innocent until proven guilty is great, and it is also the law of the land, but you and I both know that we aren't going to just take a wait and see approach to every scandal/accusation/story that comes along. If that was the case, then we'd just have to assume that everything is and has been great in Washington for a really long time, other than that time Clinton lied about a #####. They are all squeaky clean, because nobody is convicted of anything. If you were a cop, you know better than that fantasy.

Anyway, i'm off for the next 8 days, and I sure as hell wouldn't waste time on this for free, so you all should probably just assume that I've joinded the great ocho/nemont conspiracy to go into hiding.

LAST EDITED ON Jul-11-19 AT 07:10AM (MST)[p]
The problem Sam is we've been watching this rerun from the left of the boy who cried wolf for 3yrs now. We get it, orange man bad, orange man must go. It's hard to take any accusation the dems shout seriously anymore because we know the place it comes from. The penalty for pedophilia can never be high enough. If it were up to me it'd be a short walk behind the barn and onto the bone pile with em. My comment was dripping with condescension because I can't believe anyone still takes these accusations from the left seriously anymore. We know for certain bill Clinton should swing with Epstein. There are flight logs of Epsteins plane to orgy island, get the names off those flight logs and flesh everyone of them out, be they dems, repubs, or my blood kin! If they participated in what allegedly goes on there, fry the bastards! I'll take any bet you'd like to make, that bill Clinton's name will hardly be a footnote in this investigation. The trouble is in light of the past 3 yrs of this rerun we know they're only lookin for one name on those flight logs, and they're gonna ignore any name with a D in front of it. My thought process doesnt come from havein the "orange schlong in my mouth" as Lennie would have you believe, you can go through the archives of this forum and see where I posted videos of trumps liberal comments from the 80's and 90's and see my apprehension of having him be the Republican candidate cause I thought he was just saying what he had to say to get elected. But the sumbitch has done exactly what he said he would do. I honestly think the more the dems play this rerun the more people they drive to vote Republican. Hopefully the repubs won't squander the opportunity and start to put more conservative candidates on ballots and we'll begin to get back to what made this such a great country, in such a short time. Course I've watched them squander opportunity many times in my adult life so it's hard to get too excited.

Well said dw. Anybody that thinks Billy went down there that many times & wasn?t balls deep in any female no matter how old is shyting themselves.
LAST EDITED ON Jul-11-19 AT 11:30AM (MST)[p]After all that long wind, you can tell that Wyosam is upset that this latest Democrat stunt is another nothing burger that will go no where to get Trump impeached.


Labor Secretary Alex Acosta ? drawing flak amid claims his office years ago fumbled the prosecution of wealthy financier Jeffrey Epstein ? redirected fire Wednesday towards a Florida state prosecutor who reportedly pressured investigators to downgrade charges and who, Acosta says, "was ready to let Epstein walk free."

Acosta unloaded on Barry Krischer, a Democrat who previously served as the Palm Beach County State Attorney overseeing the Epstein case more than a decade ago.
I think Homer is exactly right, this is just Wile E. Coyote's next attempt to get to orange man bad. These people could give a crap about pedophiles or Epstein, because they're all democrat donors and bundlers and pedophile protectors themselves. Like all other attempts they will have the anvil fall squarely on their heads & the TNT blow up in their face.
Sam, what this boils down to is equal justice. Sure there have been many on here, myself included, that have yelled "lock her up" even though there have been no criminal charges against her but saying that that is selective outrage is BS. Imagine if Trump had taken a hammer to his cell phones and bleach bit his server while under investigation. EVERYONE, including myself, would be calling him out on it, because if there is nothing to hide, you don't destroy the evidence. Hillary did those things and nobody said shyt about it and it seems we are learning more and more about how the FBI was in the tank for her since the beginning.

Spare me the crap about the shoe being on the other foot. If Donald ******** Trump committed a criminal act of ANY kind, he should be punished for it, period. Until you loony lefties provide evidence of such wrongdoing I suggest you afford him the same courtesy that you afforded to HRC but you won't. Orange man bad is all anyone needs to know and there is absolutely zero chance Trump would get away with destroying evidence that was under subpoena like your girl did.

We can argue all day long about Trump's performance as POTUS. I can't really complain about much except the debt and I didn't even vote for him. The debt is a whole other conversation but show me any candidate that would solve that problem and I will vote for them instead. Your comparing Hillary smashing cell phones with Trump's helping a prosecutor in a pedophile investigation as selective outrage is ludicrous.
Homer, even I cant argue that the end game here is "get Trump". It was so long ago when he had no intention of being president. It's a hatchet job. That said, if the women were under age girls then that could mean he was committing a felony. Apparently, some people are not ok with having a felon for president. Just a thought.
Apparently, some people
>are not ok with having
>a felon for president. Just
>a thought.

Only if he's a Republican NV. If he's a Democrat he's a victim with street cred!

>Homer, even I cant argue that
>the end game here is
>"get Trump". It was so
>long ago when he had
>no intention of being president.
>It's a hatchet job. That
>said, if the women were
>under age girls then that
>could mean he was committing
>a felony. Apparently, some people
>are not ok with having
>a felon for president. Just
>a thought.

NVB.....so...typically NFL cheerleaders are juveniles????

>>Homer, even I cant argue that
>>the end game here is
>>"get Trump". It was so
>>long ago when he had
>>no intention of being president.
>>It's a hatchet job. That
>>said, if the women were
>>under age girls then that
>>could mean he was committing
>>a felony. Apparently, some people
>>are not ok with having
>>a felon for president. Just
>>a thought.
>NVB.....so...typically NFL cheerleaders are juveniles????

Homer, I wasnt just referring to the video of him and the cheerleaders. I dont think you were either. I was referring to the whole Epstein thing. It's obviously meant to take down Trump.
Some of it is pure BS. Some of it MAY be real. We will never know if it is.
>>>Homer, even I cant argue that
>>>the end game here is
>>>"get Trump". It was so
>>>long ago when he had
>>>no intention of being president.
>>>It's a hatchet job. That
>>>said, if the women were
>>>under age girls then that
>>>could mean he was committing
>>>a felony. Apparently, some people
>>>are not ok with having
>>>a felon for president. Just
>>>a thought.
>>NVB.....so...typically NFL cheerleaders are juveniles????
>Homer, I wasnt just referring to
>the video of him and
>the cheerleaders. I dont think
>you were either. I was
>referring to the whole Epstein
>thing. It's obviously meant to
>take down Trump.
>Some of it is pure BS.
> Some of it MAY
>be real. We will never
>know if it is.

Right.....so...if you want to just imagine stufff, you can also just say on sunday nights....he sneaks into resthomes and rapes old ladies...we may never know....

>>>>Homer, even I cant argue that
>>>>the end game here is
>>>>"get Trump". It was so
>>>>long ago when he had
>>>>no intention of being president.
>>>>It's a hatchet job. That
>>>>said, if the women were
>>>>under age girls then that
>>>>could mean he was committing
>>>>a felony. Apparently, some people
>>>>are not ok with having
>>>>a felon for president. Just
>>>>a thought.
>>>NVB.....so...typically NFL cheerleaders are juveniles????
>>Homer, I wasnt just referring to
>>the video of him and
>>the cheerleaders. I dont think
>>you were either. I was
>>referring to the whole Epstein
>>thing. It's obviously meant to
>>take down Trump.
>>Some of it is pure BS.
>> Some of it MAY
>>be real. We will never
>>know if it is.
>Right.....so...if you want to just imagine
>stufff, you can also just
>say on sunday nights....he sneaks
>into resthomes and rapes old
>ladies...we may never know


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