Euro mount


Active Member
I was able to harvest a descent buck yesterday that I would like to get a euro mount done with. Any suggestion with who does them? I am currently living in Herriman, UT.
Lets see some pictures !! Are you holding out for the big magazine deal or what ?
It's easy to do yourself and it will only cost you a few gag's ;-)
DIY is the only way to go for a euro. You can do it in a day and for only around 15$ I always like my own stuff best. Good luck. Post a finished product when you are finished.
I'll get some pics and story up John. Hopefully later today. I got home real late last night and now I am sitting in class. It's not a huge buck but my best buck. 4 point, 21" spread.

I thought about doing it myself. Just thought I would look into having someone depending on cost as I'm going to be pretty busy here shortly with a new baby in the home.
I agree. DIY is easy. I tried it for the first time last year. Simmered my first muzzy buck last December in soapy water for a while and them applied bleaching paste from a salon. It worked awesome. Then I sealed it up with a thin coat of laquer.
Went ahead and bought a pot to try and do this myself this weekend. I have bleached a skull before but have never boiled one out, so if there are any tips/pointers please let me know.

Right now the skin is still attached along with part of the neck.
Cut away as much meat and soft tissue as you can before you boil it but be careful not to nick the bone. Boil it at a low boil it takes longer but too hot and you will separate connective tissue on the skull. Take your time and it will turn out great.


Socialism is a philosophy of failure, the creed of
ignorance, and the gospel of envy.

You have enemies? Good. That means you've
stood up for something, sometime in your life.

- Winston Churchill
1.Get as much meat off the skull as possible. Get the eyes out, brains out, bottom jaw off, then you are ready to simmer. To get the brains out, just use a screwdriver, or wire, or even a knife, scramble them up, and keep pulling the out the back. If you don't get the brains out first, the skull could end up very greasy.

2.Get some Sal Soda (Arm & Hammer Washing soda (not baking soda) and add it to the water. This will turn the flesh into a jelly like substance, and makes it much easier and faster to remove.

3.Do not let the water get to a boil, just a simmer. Boiling will damage the bone, and cook grease into the bone. Simmer the skull for 20 minutes at a time. Pull the skull out, and go to work with a knife, pliers or whatever, and get off as much flesh as you can. (sometimes the cartledge in the nasal pasage is difficult to remove. It becomes very soft and will not come out in one piece. It is sometimes easier to wait until it dries, and then just break it off).

4. Once the skull is cleaned of flesh, immediately wash it in soapy, hot water with Dawn detergent. Then soak the skull for at least a weak in Dawn detergent water, changing the water daily. This will remove any grease in the skull.

5. Once skull is degreased, use 40% peroxide mixed with whitening powder (both of these can be purchased at a beauty supply store). Mix in to a paste and cover the skull with it. Pour peroxide down the nasal cavity. Wrap the skull in clear plastic, and place next to a heat source. If it is warm out, just set it in the sun. If not, put near a floor heater for several hours, changing the position of it every once in a while. The peroxide mix is heat activated.

6.Wash off all the bleaching agent and let dry. Once dry seal with a clear spray (I use a matte finish, bu depends on what you prefer).

7.If the antlers were bleached at all, touch up with mini-wax aged oak stain.
LAST EDITED ON Oct-24-12 AT 08:56AM (MST)[p]Thanks huntindad4 and nmtaxi. This will help me out a lot.

I will post pics when I get it done.
Awesome post nmtaxi!


Socialism is a philosophy of failure, the creed of
ignorance, and the gospel of envy.

You have enemies? Good. That means you've
stood up for something, sometime in your life.

- Winston Churchill
Congrats on the deer! I used to do a bunch of them myself until I got looking in to beetles and saw the difference it makes using them. Got in touch with Robert, with Skull Designs and I'm done doing my own for good. He does an awesome job and is cheaper than the majority of taxidermist who boil them. I live in Davis Co. and gladly drive to Salem. Give him a call,

I've done them myself also and for 100 bucks its not worth it. they stink so you have to d othem outside and burn 25 in propane. plus its nasty, pay and have it done
I using nmtaxi's way and it worked awsome, ill be puttin the peroxide/whitener mix on tomorrow. I would use beetles but couldnt find anyone usin them around my neck of the woods AND im broke
this is with nmtaxi way of doing it, im at the step where you put the whitening powder on it, i like the bone color a more though so i think im going to go witht he clear coat now

That looks good IDbones and a nice buck to. I was able to get the head skinned and lower jaw removed today. Now on to the eyes and brain and I'll be ready to boil this weekend.
One thing maybe worth checking in the future is to ask if your taxi would trade the cape for a euro mount. If not, they might knock a chunk off yer euro bill. I stopped by my taxi's place in Sept with my antelope and asked. He looked at my cape which was in perfect condition, pre rut, and said I really need a cape and that's a nice one. Was a win/win as far as I'm concerned...
I was going to tell him the samething about the cape. But after I saw that he shot it in the neck. Well... it more then likely has a big hole in it ?
LAST EDITED ON Oct-26-12 AT 08:03PM (MST)[p]My brother took his elk to Mike Christensen Taxidermy in American Fork and he did a wonderful job. Very white and beautiful skull. I currentley have my general season buck there right now.
Just need to let it finish drying then I'll spray some clear coat on it. It turned out ok but I definitely had some issues with the nasal area. Next time I'll heavily consider saving the cape and trading it out, never even thought of that. Like John pointed out I downed this buck by shooting it in the neck and not sure it would have been salvagable.

Here are some pics


LAST EDITED ON Oct-29-12 AT 11:18PM (MST)[p]It looks great ! How many times did you gage ? ;-)
Someone needs to make it so we can copy nmtaxi insruction to keep in a file. He gave out some great info.
LAST EDITED ON Oct-30-12 AT 10:31AM (MST)[p]"Someone needs to make it so we can copy nmtaxi insruction to keep in a file."

Just hold your left mouse button down and scroll over his text to highlight it. Hold your right mouse button down copy and paste it into a word document and save..... Terry
Thanks for the DIY instructions. That will will help me if I get lucky next week.
With school I've spent a lot of time in cadaver labs, so not too many gags John. However; when removing the rest of the brains after it cooked a little was not a great smell.
not it was not, it stunk up my whole breeze way outside my house. a little note for the guys that are gonna use this, be very light with the detergent, and make sure you get it all off! it deterierated a lot of my thinner bone spots on my skull. you jsut gotta make sure you get it all off. i thought i had it all off and i let it sit for a couple days and when it dried i could see a crust on some spots, when i went at with a toothbrush, even lightly the bone and detergent were bonded. i eventually had to cut my losses and clear coat it

Boil and spray off with a pressure washer. I used to do it the way that was described in the post until a buddy told me about the pressure washer. Works pretty darn slick. Took less than an hour to get this one completely cleaned. boil 10 mins, then pressure wash... usually takes 3 rounds to get it all perfect.
Another little trick I have learned if you don't want to go the pressure wasser route. After boiling and there is just little bits of meat left in the nasal cavity you can take your air hose with an air sprayer and just blow them out. Worked very good.

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