Expo Odds


LAST EDITED ON Aug-08-07 AT 05:24PM (MST)[p]Does anyone know the tag odds from the big expo in Utah? I searched but couldn't find any info. (nonresident elk & deer)

Thanks, Kevin
I was hoping to see what the final numbers were also. My guess is there were several hundred thousand $5.00 chances thrown in the hat. Just curious if the money raised was worth the tags that were given to the convention.

Brian Latturner
That is the other side of the coin, was everything donated or did they have to pay/rent everything to put on the convention. Did the convention really make money?
I guess the odds were never told!

Thanks for the reply, Kevin
My guess is that the convention made atleast a couple million. I would guess the convention itself was paid for by those who purchased booths and those who came to the show.

The money raised from the tag draw is where I think the profit was made. My guess is 2-3 million dollars was generated in that draw. I would dare say that the Henry's Deer tag had over 20,000 applicants and the top elk tags had 10,000 to 15,000 applicants. ????? I don't know. I'd like to hear. Expected to hear something on the total money raised on that draw....but?????

Brian Latturner
Not a chance!!!!
A Henry Mtn. rifle deer tag has about 3,800 applicants in the regular draw. I'm certain there were more than that who applied for it at the expo. Like I said, I would bet close to 30,000.
It would be nice to see the odds for each tag.

Brian Latturner
Didn't Jed Lowe, the guy who smoked that whopper buck in CO a couple of years ago pull the Henry's tag? What are the odds of that? What are the odds of the hunter who killed the world record bull with a muzzy in Utah pulling a tag? He got a tag also. Wow. Derrick Mower pulled a bull tag too. Is it pure luck? Or does donating 1000's of greenbacks to SFW really increase your odds? I don't know if I want to see the draw odds or not. I don't know if it would matter on some tags?
Only 10500 is far better than I would have thought. I figured atleast 30,000 different people would have applied for something. Heck, maybe the odds for some tags weren't too bad??
Would like to know.

Brian Latturner
YES- I believe the application per species/weapon/season will be $10 to be with in the new Utah application fee of $10.00 per species.

YES- I do believe that the 'new privacy law/rule' on no info to the public on the draw results will also be in effect on the Expo tag draw.

I do not have a problem with the odds, nor do I have a problem
with paying an application fee. What I do have a problem with
is a representative of SFW saying they would post the results,
then not doing so. If I am not mistaken, it was promised before and after the show. If I am wrong, someone please correct me.

Also, what bothers me is Mr. Peay will not come on here and defend their actions. Many may say; why would he bother? Well,
he was consistently posting/advertising before the show. So I
am sure he could take 5 minutes out of his busy schedule to
full "their" commitment.
Just a couple of comments,
First of all I believe that the total monies brought in by this convention was more like 12 million.
Second of all, you might want to add a few more zero's to what the Mower family donated. Not 1000's - They donated 2.2 million dollars all of which went back into Utahs wildlife. As for me I put in for the whole lot - all $465.00 worth, I drew a turkey tag though.
Yeh, Derrick Mower drew a Wasatch Elk Tag....Big deal.....with as much money as he has donated to helping wildlife and habitat in Utah, quit whining, it's called LUCK OF THE DRAW. If Derrick was given any preference, he would of been given a Pahvant or San Juan elk tag. I don't know the guy personally, but it's guys like him that allow guys like you and I to continue to have the oppertunity to hunt great animals and units. The guy does not sit on his wallet when it comes to supporting wildlife in Utah.
He'll probably get SJ or Pahvant at the 08 expo if he wants. Wouldn't it look to obvious if he pulled the most coveted tag the first go around. Hmmm?

I could give a rats arse how much money he donates.That's great.But without the big boys putting out the odds of these expo tags it's not difficult to sit back and wonder how the big spenders that "donate" to the cause draw a tag.

But I'll more than likely do it again in 08. After all, it benefits wildlife right? "Wink wink"?

Hey mulemanrack, I'm not whining, I'm laughing.
I don't know the odds. They were probably not good. I do have 3 friends drew elk tags 1-2 years ago in the regular draw. They can't apply for 3-4 more years. These three drew expo elk tags. One shot a 360 bull two years ago, and 395 bull on the Book Cliffs two weeks ago! I bet they will be applying again.
Let me ask this-
My son drew a convention tag for the muzzle loader book cliffs deer, is there a waiting for him to put in for deer on the regular draws now that he has drawn a LE deer tag...or are these totally seperate tags?

Skull Krazy
"No Bones About It"
Convention tags are completely seperate from LE tags. Your son can apply for LE deer in 2008!

Thanx Pro!
Maybe with HIS luck, he'll get a Henry's tag before his old man does!!

Skull Krazy
"No Bones About It"
Penquin.....If Mr. Mower draws San Juan or Pahvant elk next year at the expo, than I'll be the first one to jump on your "whining wagon". I know alot of those "big money" guys that put in at the convention but didn't draw. Karl Malone spent $76,000 on the auctioned Wasatch Front Bighorn Sheep tag. The dwr didn't just "let" him draw the tag. If it wasn't for Karl's generous donations of hundreds of thousands of dollars, we wouldn't have bighorn sheep on the Wasatch front mountains. Alls I'm saying, If you think the game is "rigged", don't play!

I swear your laugh sounds like a whine........
LAST EDITED ON Oct-01-07 AT 05:15PM (MST)[p]Nice you mention Karl.Your probably his biggest fan right.How's that Idaho deal turning out for him? Did he donate enough money to the wildlife funds up there so he could get out of some hot water? I'm sure you know exactly how much that cost right?

Did your pa donate big bucks to draw his Expo tag, or was that just LUCK OF THE DRAW TOO? Until I see odds from it all, I'll call bs on it.

I'll still play the game,that time of year is boring,cold and not much to hunt then.Hell I've got money to burn, I mean, I've got money to generously donate? Hey maybe I'll ride my wagon down, wanna go for a ride? I won't even charge you and the "big money guys" you know. What a deal ehh.

I'm done peeing now.

Just show us the odds mulemanrack!

P.S. Tell your dad good job on a hell of a bull he got there.
Why are you guys b!tching about draw odds when SFW gave a 2007 henrys deer tag to a guy for letting them display his 2006 Sportsman permit Henry mountain buck in their booth at the convention. I have shown nothing but support for you and your cause Don but this is a little hard to swallow!
It wasn't a 2007 Henry's tag they were going to give to that dude, it was a Book Cliffs tag.

Brian Latturner
What ever. We will see what he brings into the taxidermy shop in a few weeks. After the Henry Mt rifle deer season is over.

all i can say is there are alot of uneducated whiners here.
1st. you can't find the odds so you ASSUME they did not post them.
2. you cry that the utah odds suck, the expo gives a (2nd chance) to draw a great tag, then you cry about the manner they gave tham to you.
3. get your facts before you post something negative involving a specific person, or group.
4. the SFW did not do the expo alone, remember.
5. the ODDS. the heneries tag had better odds than if you or i were to put in the regular draw (rifle) with 0 points.
6. every one had 1 chance you had to be a utah resident, and you had to show up.

so the odds were ALOT BETTER than you think!

ya ever hear the saying don't bite the hand that feeds ya?

well don't go to the expo pay your now 10 bucks a chance then CRY FOUL WHEN YOU DON"T DRAW!!
So enlighten us whiners who can't find the odds please? Oh please do. You say don't bite the hand that feeds us? Who in the hell filled the hands with food? Everyone that put in at the expo, everyone who supports SFW and so on. That's who.
People just want to see the odds.

So where are they?Show us the odds.A bunch of guys on here are intrested!
It amazes me that people think they have "better" odds because they get "more chances".

Taking a tag from the general draw (with odds of 1:10 or 1:100) and putting it in another draw (with odds of 1:20,000) only increases your chances/odds if you 1) are in a waiting period for that species, 2) put in for another species, or 3) are too stupid to know better.

You did not have to be a resident to draw. You only had to show up. Also, where are the odds posted? I would really like to see them!

Does it really matter what the odds are? As with all good fundraising raffles, the odds are terrible, nobody has to show them to me to know that. Did you buy the tickets becuase you thought you had a good chance to win something or because you wanted to make a contribution to wildlife? If you did it so that you could win something without spending much money then I guarantee that you will be pissed off when you finally see the odds. Face it, this is legal gambling and the house always wins, that is the way the game is set up.
Rifle666, you're the only one whos uneducated. Before you start spouting off how everybody is an uneducated whinner, get your facts straight Utardiot.

Where are the odds posted? please tell us if your so smart.

You don't have to be a Utah resident to put in for the convention tags!!!!!

Everybody does'nt get just 1 chance. You can buy as many chances as you want.

In the general draw about 3000 people put in for 20 or so Henry mtn deer permits. At the convention how many thousands of people put in for ONE Henry mtn deer permit. Please tell me how the odds are better. Seeing how you're so smart.
It's also the fact that they said the odds would be posted and they never were. Do you think posting the odds is going to stop someone from paying their $5 to put in for the Henry's this year? If you do then you are crazy!!!
shotgun1 wrote: "Everybody does'nt get just 1 chance. You can buy as many chances as you want."

That is simply NOT true. You can out in for each permit ONCE, you can however put in for multiple tags and for multiple species as opposed to one thru the DWR LE process.

While I agree the odds should be posted since they were promised, I see little to gain by such info other than for curiosity. We know they gave out X number of tags, and that the drawing was conducted by the SAME independant company that does the DWR LE draws. I know goin gin my odds arfe slim, but atleast I have a small chance at drawing a Henry deer tag. Thru the DWR I have no chance, as I am committed to the LE elk draw. This means my chances of drawing a Henry deer tag is much higher thru the convention than w/o it.

John, just post the stupid numbers, so these folks can move on to the next item to nit-pick and complain about.

LAST EDITED ON Oct-02-07 AT 09:34PM (MST)[p]thank you pro.

i'm not all knowing all the time, i was under the impression you had to be a res. i may be wrong.

either way your odds are alot worse if you don't play.

PLEASE DON"T PLAY!!!! make our odds all better.
stay here and cry!

and WTF cares what the odds are? you put in the general draw right?

my odds might suck but so what, i'll still play the game.
You call us all a bunch of uneducated whiners, then you spew out a bunch of nonsense. I then set you straight, then you say" call me uneducated, your the dumba$$" How old are you, like 6? Go back to the UDWR preschool forums and play with those kids.
>You call us all a bunch
>of uneducated whiners, then you
>spew out a bunch of
>nonsense. I then set you
>straight, then you say" call
>me uneducated, your the dumba$$"
> How old are you,
>like 6? Go back to
>the UDWR preschool forums and
>play with those kids.

14 posts and you tell someone to go to preschool, freakin genius. You go boy!

>You call us all a bunch
>of uneducated whiners, then you
>spew out a bunch of
>nonsense. I then set you
>straight, then you say" call
>me uneducated, your the dumba$$"
> How old are you,
>like 6? Go back to
>the UDWR preschool forums and
>play with those kids.

i think you might have it backwards. you have shown your age to all.
and just how did you set me straight?

When did I call YOU a DUMB A@@
im much older than 6
the UDWR has NO FORUM ,genius
you are whining about the odds. that makes you a whiner.

if you want to add something to a discussion, great. do it. quit crying.
if you don't like the EXPO DON'T GO. I don't care and they don't need your $$

there are plenty of people who will support the cause without crying when they don't draw.

and if you would have drawn a tag i guarantee you would not be crying about the odds.
I can't beleive I'am having this discussion with such morons.

You Know exactly what you said. You said" Call me uneducated, you're the dumb a$$". You went and reread it and saw just how stupid you made yourself look and edited it out.

Exactly which post am I whinning and crying about the odds? If you are going call someone a whinner, you better read all the post first to make sure they were the ones who were doing the whinning.

Pouts, What ever. I may only have 14 post but I've been a member since 2002. I just choose not to spend every waking moment starting fights on the internet like you. I 've been on this site enough to know that if someone doesn't agree with you, then their just whinners and you're always right. How about your little buddy with 5 post calling everyone uneducated whinners. Frickin genues. Oh and another thing Pouts, Mind your own damn business, I wasn't even talking to you.

I done with both you Utards and this thread.

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