Extreme Arizona Bulls


LAST EDITED ON Apr-02-14 AT 03:26PM (MST)[p]Hello Guys,

We are hoping that draw results post very soon but it's anyone's guess on when it will actually happen.
What is your best guess for when results will post & on the score of these Arizona Archery Bulls?
Both were taken in 2013 in Northeast Arizona.

The closest guess to the gross score of both of these bulls wins a new "Trophy Wife" elk call & an Extreme Bulls 7 DVD! (Ties will be broken by whoever posted their scores first).

And... here is a video to keep your adrenaline pumping! Best of luck to all of you in the draw! :)

Steve Chappell
Hey Steve,

I hope all is well! I'll say the bull on the left will go 393 1/8 and the one on the right is 373 4/8! Great bulls! I'm still a few years away from a tag I think! I'll talk to you later!

Right bull--401
Left bull--414
I saw that photo on a guy's phone in the unit during early rifle.
I believe he said they were both over 400"
Nice work Steve!
Billy Van Ness
I would guess but it would be unfair because I held both of these bulls and killed my bull in the same unit. Plus the hunters told me their exact scores haha looks like a few of you also may have heard the scores because you're pretty close.
Ok the left non-typical scores 413 7/8

And the right typical scores 388 3/8

And I'm a non resident with $650 on my credit card first time Hunting Arizona and I'm so anxious to find out which unit I can hardly stand it.
Hey Guys,

Thanks for posting your scores. There were a lot of great estimates!
I am going to declare two winners since they were both right on the money with their estimates. The winners are...
cmbbulldog with a guess of 817" total &
Mike111 with his guess of 417" & 401".

cmb & Mike, I sent you both PM's- congrats!

The bulls gross scored- 417" on the 9x9 non typical & 400" on the nose for the typical 6x6.

Thanks again everyone and best of luck on your hunts this year. :)

Enjoy the video and hope you all get to experience some moments like these this fall! Extreme Bulls 8 should be released early 2015...

Steve Chappell
Steve - I got the DVD and call in the mail today. Thank you very much, looking forward to watching the DVD.

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