F-35 spending cuts-Trump


Very Active Member
Looks like the career politicians were gonna swipe the credit card for the over budget project. Then once again they couldn't do there job and find ways to make it cheaper. So daddy had to get the belt out paddle some A55es and what do you get when Trumps steps in. over 700,000,000 dollars saved on the project. But the 2 loudest men in the room won't say much on this. The one being a vet should be really proud.
LAST EDITED ON May-02-17 AT 10:12AM (MST)[p]Hmmm....I am always proud of my service.

Show me the real savings caused solely by Trump to the F 35 program because I suspect once again you swallowed before bothering to confirm Trump wasn't just enjoying your throat muscles. He plays his leg humpers like a fiddle and they also are there to defend his every lie. I guess him signing off on another Trillion of spending that reflects the liberal Democrats priorities can now be forgotten.


No I won't forget a trillion dollars or agree with it. Your pretty good at forgetting 9 trillion on a day to day basis. Cant count past 5 very well can ya?
LAST EDITED ON May-02-17 AT 10:44AM (MST)[p]BS, If you had any honesty you could go back and look at what I said about the Debt going back to when GWB was running adding his $5 Trillion. Find a single post where I didn't call the Obama debt idotic, terrible, destroying our future. Find one where I supported him on anything other than ordering the mission to kill bin Laden. It would be nice if there was some honesty on here; However honesty and Trump leg humpers are mutually exclusive.

Ben Friedman, a military budget expert at the libertarian Cato Institute, said that the savings have nothing to do with Trump since they were already in the works.

"First, there are no savings yet, as they are anticipated, perhaps hopefully," he said. "Second, it is normal for costs to fall as production goes forward and problems are solved. Third, it's not as if no one before Trump was looking to cut F-35 costs. It has been a fixation in the Pentagon for a long time."

Keep swallowing there are trillions and trillions worth of debt still coming in the next 3.8years and I bet there won't be a whimper about from the fake conservative wing of MM.com. Debt is only bad if there is a D in the White House, with an R, then Deficits don't matter, ask Cheney.

NEMO I am starting to think TOG is one of your off spring. You sure talk about swallowing alot. Maybe you should seek professional help ?
LAST EDITED ON May-02-17 AT 11:23AM (MST)[p]Funny stuff. I suspecting you are Manny's spawn.

Care to comment on the claims that Trump was all it took to cut $700 million from the F35 program or is this just another one of those posts where you want to get in a jibe at the poster and don't want to add anything the OP's claim?

The joke about the Trump leg humpers swallowing wouldn't be funny if there was not an element of truth to it.

He is going to sign on for another Trillion in spending but the OP wants to cover up that with a mythical claim of a $700 million savings, that has yet to be realized and was under way prior to Trump election.

NEMO why do you always claim you know so much about the numbers game with the government ? None of us know chit !! You believe everything you read dont you ? Oh as long as it shines your way that is. NONE of us know how much is being spent and saved. You really think you are a know it all don't you ? Any idiot can read articles. Why dont you try gettin your arse outta your chair once in a while ?
That's the spirit, we are all victims and government is too big and complicated to understand.

I never said I know it all. So is Westertines 100% on what is real in regards to the F35 program? Pretty easy to show he is not being forth coming with all the facts and is accepting Trump's word for it. Has Trump ever lied about anything?

I never claimed to be a victim of anything. AGAIN you have a difficult time reading and comprehending. I am used to that with you though. And Trump lies plenty. Just like every other sorry arsed politician I see. Are you ever gunna realize how I feel about politicians now days ? How many times do I need to type it for you ?
If there was any honesty among the Trump leg humpers then would admit that are buying the con.

From July of 2016



The second initiative builds on this cost saving momentum. Called the Sustainment Cost Reduction Initiative, the three companies are investing up to $250 million targeting FY2018 ? FY2022 to reduce sustainment costs by 10 percent. This initiative projects at least a $1 billion savings for the five year period.

So now we have to believe that the maker was going to work toward a $1 billion in savings but when Trump got involved he cut that down to $700 million and that counts as a win in Trump world.

Which is higher? $1 Billion or $700 Million?

Which one of these two competing view is not the truth?

It doesn't take know it all, all it takes is an understanding Trump is full of it and anybody who believes him is simply lying to themselves.

>I never claimed to be a
>victim of anything. AGAIN
>you have a difficult time
>reading and comprehending. I
>am used to that with
>you though. And Trump
>lies plenty. Just like
>every other sorry arsed politician
>I see. Are you
>ever gunna realize how I
>feel about politicians now days
>? How many times
>do I need to type
>it for you ?

If you really don't like any politician then why do you give to $hyts about anyone making fun of Trump defenders? I realize you claim not to like any of them but you sure jump into a lot of threads and then go on personal attacks instead of commenting on the subject at hand.

It sounds like you don't believe the budget numbers are available for the F35 or that I am incapable of reading a spreadsheet. They are available if you would like me to review them for you. it ain't rocket surgery.

So then did Trump save $700 million from the F 35 or not? That is the contention of the OP, let's see if you can keep up with what the thread is about.

So if it's even 500 million I'll take it over nothing unlike the last jack A55. That used his presidency as a travel expense. And if trump can make cuts there I'm sure he will elsewhere mouth.
Tines trying to talk with NEMO is impossible. His head is so far up his own arse he is trying to look out his nipples. Aint workin well.
LAST EDITED ON May-02-17 AT 01:39PM (MST)[p]>Tines trying to talk with NEMO
>is impossible. His head
>is so far up his
>own arse he is trying
>to look out his nipples.
> Aint workin well.

Again why are you worried about my "arse" that is just weird.


Can you prove Trump did these cuts? Prior to Trump it was project the cost would be reduced by $1 Billion. Trump cut that savings down to $700 million and guess what, so far not one dollar has come out of the F35 program.

I get it you cheer when he would save a $500 but turn your head when he signs on for another Trillion. That is some magic stuff you all are smoking where a cut costs an additional Trillion. Saving money like this will surely reduce the our debt. Care to make a bet that at the end of 4 years Whether Trump will have made even a down payment on reducing debt?

It's all good. Funny to watch the knots the True Trumpteers will turn themselves into to defend spending and pretending it is savings.

>So if it's even 500 million
>I'll take it over nothing
>unlike the last jack A55.
>That used his presidency as
>a travel expense. And if
>trump can make cuts there
>I'm sure he will elsewhere

What do you base this on? Congress just added an additional $120 million to the pork barrel bill it passed just for the rest of this year, for Trump's travel and security. Where is he going to cut?

Also it does nothing to the anything if he cuts in one area but moves that money to another part. He said he will not touch what drives our debt: the Non Discretionary programs. These are on auto pilot and you could cut entire discretionary budget and still wouldn't balance the budget.

At some point you will have to realize you are grasping at straws that Trump will cut anything except taxes. He has no intention of cutting spending except in the minds of supporters.

Taxes from 35 to 15% at the cooperate level mouth. Let me guess though companies expanding giving raises and creating jobs doesn't result in more money to the economy by your math. Regulations getting slashed in business that saves money in itself and don't argue with me on that because I worked in a steel plant and I know all about how much regulations cost companies. So don't try that argument cause you'll never win because you have no skin in the game there. Downsizing the govt. if he does that it changes alot of spending because govt. work costs more if you didn't know. Tog don't even comment you don't hold a job you have no voice at the table since we pay for your horizon card.
Oh I forgot to mention we're gonna go after oil in the arctic and offshore now to. Pu55boy's little paperwork stopping that made it to the dumpster. In your mind mouth I'm sure your math shows us giving oil away for free. Oh yeah and the oilfields we currently have are going to ramp up. Hmm sounds like money will be made. Or do they operate at a loss not this time they may have the last 8 years. But there's a new sheriff in town.
LAST EDITED ON May-02-17 AT 04:08PM (MST)[p]I live near the Baaken oilfield, have clients who are oilfield service companies, water haulers, fracking sand delivery guys and hotshot crews, pipe yards, etc. They have been calling back workers but it isn't like the boom of a couple of years ago.

Tax cuts don't cut the debt, you cannot grow your way out of a $20 Trillion debt, period. There is not a single reputable economist who said you can tax cut your way to reducing the debt.

Let's do this.

As of today the Debt is $19.9 Trillion. Let's bet in four years if it is higher or lower. Let's see if you believe tax cuts and economic growth will cut our debt or not. Easy money for you, you have all the answers and a new sheriff backing you up. Either you believe in Trump and his leadership or you are in denial.

People going back to work is a good thing. That is never the argument, racking up higher debt to enslave your children and grand children in debt prison is not a conservative vision for the future. Trump is going to blow a hole in the debt as big or bigger than GWB's. If he gets all his tax cuts and doesn't touch entitlements, like he said, then the size of his added debt approaches Obama's, another $9 Trillion.

He ain't going to grow the economy, cut spending and pay down the debt and he was never serious about that. He will walk away with tax cuts for the top, spend what ever it takes to make people happy and put the rest on the credit card and blame the left for not letting his agenda through.

So do we have a bet or not? I say there will be another $5 Trillion added to the debt under Trump. Easy money if you really believe what you posted.

Even if most of what Trump says doesn't come true (it's only been 100 days) it sure beats the hell out of listening to Hillary screech about buying solar panels from China and hiring illegal aliens to install them so we can lower the sea levels. And paying for everyone's college education so they can become liberal anarchist and burn down the school. And saying we need to look the other way when illegals bring gangs and drugs into the country because keeping them out "is not who we are. That's not the America she knows."
>Even if most of what Trump
>says doesn't come true (it's
>only been 100 days) it
>sure beats the hell out
>of listening to Hillary screech
>about buying solar panels from
>China and hiring illegal aliens
>to install them so we
>can lower the sea levels.
>And paying for everyone's college
>education so they can become
>liberal anarchist and burn down
>the school. And saying we
>need to look the other
>way when illegals bring gangs
>and drugs into the country
>because keeping them out "is
>not who we are. That's
>not the America she knows."
So nobody buys that he will do what he says but we can't call BS on him he says it? Makes perfect sense.
>So nobody buys that he will
>do what he says but
>we can't call BS on
>him he says it?
>Makes perfect sense.

That's correct
Even when a chump discovers he was conned they won't admit it.

Not that the chumps here are smart enough to face that struggle.

Stay Thirsty My Friends
>Tog tell me what your hero
>obama did that was so
>great other than give you
>a free phone .
Tog is still waiting for the battery.
And His F'N STIMULUS Check!

[Font][Font color = "blue"]I Changed My Signature Just for NVB!
Like 6 Damn Times Now!
LAST EDITED ON May-04-17 AT 00:18AM (MST)[p]N is 100% correct in that our national debt will NOT be diminished without taking on the non - discretionary spending . The non- discretionary spending reciepantants are the heart of the DNC voting block, I don't think thats debatable. We must also
address SS eligibility ( increasing age requirements) and potentially giving younger Americans an opt out option if they choice . Step one for our nation is to create a growing economy that needs worker bees.I think the tax reform position Trump has on the table would pour gas on the fire for our nations economy. So #1 cut taxes and grow jobs . #2 once jobs are available force folks off the government gravey train into the work force. That accomplished so much good , The nanny state Democrates support has done massive damage to our national debt and the family . MAGA
LAST EDITED ON May-04-17 AT 07:28AM (MST)[p]What will tax cuts do that free money from the Fed for the last 8 years has not done?

Negative it is Trump's core voters who are on the government tit. That is why he has stated he will not touch SS or Medicare.

The moment anyone gets their government cheese cut, especially the boomers, they make the politicians run for cover. It is easier to enslave your grand children than to ever sacrifice your payment.

I will bet you now that Trump continues borrowing Trillions to finance our debt and give money to his fellow billionaires and the freedom caucus will be using Cheney's line that, "Deficits don't matter". He loves of debt.

>AT 07:28?AM (MST)

>What will tax cuts do that
>free money from the Fed
>for the last 8 years
>has not done?
>Negative it is Trump's core
>voters who are on the
>government tit. That is
>why he has stated he
>will not touch SS or
>The moment anyone gets their government
>cheese cut, especially the boomers,
>they make the politicians run
>for cover. It is
>easier to enslave your grand
>children than to ever sacrifice
>your payment.
>I will bet you now that
>Trump continues borrowing Trillions to
>finance our debt and give
>money to his fellow billionaires
>and the freedom caucus will
>be using Cheney's line that,
>"Deficits don't matter". He
>loves of debt.
I bet there is lots of cheese in Obama care.
Bunches of Cheese in there. Are you suggesting it comes to me? My commissions have been reduced by over half of what I used to get prior to the ACA.

Now The Republicans are voting on a bill that provides an additional $130 Billion annually to the high risk pools for those with Reexisting. That is on top of the subsidies included in their bill.

They are rushing through a health care bill that has not been scored and not everyone has read. How did that turn out last time? I suspect Trumpcare will hang the Republicans just like Obamacare hung the Democrats.

There is no doubt that things with Obamacare are unsustainable but I have been through major reforms throughout my career and the politicians never get it right, ever. This will end up being the same way.


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