F CC Apps! OMG End of July?


Very Active Member
Look at what the news release just posted on the AZGFD site:

"Credit card processing holding up fall draw notifications"

"PHOENIX ? Arizona Game and Fish officials are asking hunters to be patient for the fall hunt drawing results because it takes time to process thousands of credit card transactions.

?The computer lottery-portion of the draw process has been completed, but until all credit card transactions are processed, the draw process is not complete and we cannot post who is getting a hunt permit tag,? explained Jim Paxon, chief information officer for Game and Fish.

That's one of the reasons Game and Fish asked prospective hunters earlier this month to make sure their credit cards are up to date.

Here?s how it works.

Once the computer determines someone has been drawn, then the credit card information is submitted. But the process doesn't end there.

If a credit card is denied by a card issuer, multiple attempts are made to get authorization to charge it. When the credit card transaction denial is finalized, Game and Fish personnel must then determine who was next in line to get that hunt-permit tag, and then process that person?s credit information as well. In some cases, it might take multiple iterations to finalize the process on a single tag.

?With more than 130,000 applicants this year for the fall draw, it's just taking time to go through the process,? Paxon said. ?If there were a way to speed up the process, we would be doing it.?

With any luck it is possible that the draw results posting will become available by the end of July.

?If for some reason the process takes longer, we'll do our best to get the word out to all of you,? Paxon said."
Wow. The process sure does not seem to be improving from draw to draw is it? How are other states able to post the results after their draws faster than Arizona is? Many States use the CC process as well but there isn't the delay right?
Then they need to charge your card when you apply and reinburse you if you don't draw that would speed it up.
There's something in AZ law that keeps them from charging your card before getting the tag. They really just need a way of getting your permission to charge your card before you have drawn a tag, a disclaimer of sorts. Other states charge you upfront when you apply, that's the difference.

I just call em as I see em!
All the same people who ##### about not having online apps are the same ones who ##### about the process....
Once again the beast rears up and displays it's ugly head..... we have never been able to get any automated system to work smoothly.

How about we move the app deadline date up 2 weeks draw 2 weeks earlier and then we still get the results out about this time or sooner even with processing delays. I'm sure this could be done fairly easily and take some pressure off the department. The commission would have to approve the tag numbers sooner but that shouldn't be too difficult. Getting the printed regs out sooner should be a no brainer in the process. We're here now and not going back, The department needs the revenue so we need to find a way to make it work.
California application deadline was June 2 and results posted in less than two weeks. There is not much CA does right, but their application/result process is top notch.

They need to go back to paper apps!! That way everything is paid upfront and done. If you draw its already paid for if you don't fish & game reimburse you. SIMPLE
It's time to quit the bitchin. Unlike California the AZGFD actually uses due dilignece when they spend our money.

Since I only use paper applications and a check, the delay does not bother me in the least. It wouldn't bother me at all if the department returned to the process used years ago. You found out that you were drawn when your tag arrived in the mail.
"Since I only use paper applications and a check, the delay does not bother me in the least. It wouldn't bother me at all if the department returned to the process used years ago. You found out that you were drawn when your tag arrived in the mail."

yumatracker so if it goes to the end of July the guys who draw the Strip Archery tags have just a little under 4 weeks till there season opens(no i did not put in for teh Archery hunt).
If i had waited years and used max points to draw a tag i think i would like a little more time to prepare.
LAST EDITED ON Jul-20-12 AT 06:56PM (MST)[p]Lol in general.......hunters seem to be a bunch of curmudgeons! :)

If it were up to me, I'd have the deadline for ALL, yes ALL species and hunts on the second Tuesday of January! Results posted on or before March 1st. This way, you'll know if you're hunting elk, spring turkey, fall turkey, deer, bear, antelope, sheep, javelina, buffalo by March 1. You the have your entire year booked and budgeted.

This split draw, although good in theory, only muddies the masses every six months or so.

Let's have an ENTIRE years worth of applications and drawings due in January, results posted March 1.

And don't tell me it can't be done. It's 2012! In 1969, it only took 4 days to land on the moon! :)
Here in SD they get draw done in less than 2 weeks including processing paper apps, charging cc's, and getting results out.
The January idea is a good one but nearly impossible since they are still counting the deer in January. They do need to move the dealine back at least a few weeks for the archery tags. Seems fair to me. The process itself is what it is and I doubt it will ever get any better. I don't thinks its bad anyway.

"The deadliest weapon in the world is a Marine and his rifle." General John J. "Black Jack" Pershing, US Army
"Most men go through life wondering if they made a difference, Marines don't have that problem." President Ronald Regan
I think it works just fine. Get your card info right or get the he!! out of line and let the next guy in. Everybody dreams up schemes to screw their neighbor out of a tag so they can get one and here the game dept has done it for them.
Why can't they just post the results for those that have credit cards confirmed, and those that have had checks cashed...then list the rest as "pending?"
The draw is what it is for now, but if there's a quicker way to do it then AZ needs to figure it out! There's only 4 weekends left to scout for archery deer if we find out next week, just not enough time IMO. We need an earlier draw, possibly make it one draw again, and a better process!
I totally understand the need to resort everyone below if a charge is denied and an applcation rejected. But why not post the first draw iteration with the caveat you might sneak up from a lower successful choice or nothing based on charging all sucessful applicants? NV does that. And I would think they could start the draw/charge process quicker from the deadline without the data entry and check cashing time paper causes. But, there may have been mostly paper appplications this year because they opened it up to on-line so late. I did paper because I was not liking the odds of something messing up when the on line system took so long to be ready. The hunts and tag numbers are set before they release the regulations and the application process is open.
>It's time to quit the bitchin.

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With the exception of the dumb 20% bonus pass and the group application point averaging abuse, Arizona has the most equitable and fair draw process in the West. The game and fish department cannot win, when they reinstated the online draw for elk there were people that screwed up the hunt number and asked for their points to be reinstated when they drew a cow tag. When Cabelas screwed up and missed the deadline a few years ago AZGFD scheduled a hearing to let them plead their case. AZGFD sent a REMINDER to update credit card information for this years deer draw and another communication to clarify expectations about draw results on Friday afternoon (even though they are still ahead of the published draw date).

I also applied with paper this year, I wish they would go back to it. I also drew an archery strip tag a few years ago and a week or two of additional scouting time will not help much. Phoenix and Tucson are the big population centers in Arizona and they are a long 9+ hour drive from the Strip (and the Strip is a huge place). The Strip is even a long drive from Flagstaff so most guys would probably not scout more if the results came out a few weeks earlier anyway. The biggest strip deer will also have a posse of people and game cameras following them so the odds of shooting the biggest deer on the strip without a guide are low. A DIY hunter can plan to SEE some great deer and get some shots at some nice ones as long as they stick close to water and hunt the majority of the season. I didnt shoot a monster but had a good time anyway, I did put some meat in the freezer though.

If your schedule is tight, hunt a wealth tag state like Utah, they have lots of options to fit your schedule as long as you have a pocket full of money. They even let you turn a tag back in for bonus points (dumb policy). They also bend over the regular hunters at every opportunity, that's not how we roll in the Grand Canyon state fortunately.

Good luck in the AZ draw, results are close.

You must admit though...for those that have to put in for vacation time, the timing of the draw (even if on schedule) kinda SUCKS! We applied as a group and two in this group have employers that require 30 days minimum to process requests for time off...most employers are MUCH further out than that. You are correct, we will be doing no scouting and the game opportunities in AZ are wonderful...but releasing the results just weeks prior to the first hunt makes it VERY difficult on us workin' Folks! This same thing applies for those that have put in for the premium hunts, and then early archery as a second choice. Even if they have CC hits...all they know is that they have a tag. Could be an August hunt, or a November hunt. Pretty easy to see how this could be improved upon...just have the drawing earlier? Yes/No?
>Wow. The process sure does not
>seem to be improving from
>draw to draw is it?
>How are other states able
>to post the results after
>their draws faster than Arizona
>is? Many States use the
>CC process as well but
>there isn't the delay right?

Because they have been doing it longer than AZ. They have more practice.

>Then they need to charge your
>card when you apply and
>reinburse you if you don't
>draw that would speed it

That is very costly. When a merchent charges a credit card they are charged a fee by the merchant account holder and the CC issuing bank. The same thing happens when they credit a card back or credit a refund. Also it is illeagal to write a refund check or give cash back for a CC charge refund.

The problem isn't the online draw application process (I think most would say it's great), the problem is with the process of filling the tags and notifying the applicants.

The answer is so obvious that many people mention it immediately - simply collect the entire fee up front! Take a week or whatever to make sure the CC is good, give a notice if you wish, but in any case within a short time of the deadline you will have a pool of qualified applicants.

I know, I know, AZ supposedly has a law that you can't charge up front for a product or service you're not going to receive for s ome period of time. Again, painfully obvious solution. G&F already takes out $7.50 service fee so obviously that's legal. All that needs to be done is either have the entire charge be a service fee or have the balance be the fee for "a chance" in the drawing. You are getting what you're paying for immediately - a lottery ticket number (G&F) could even give you a number if that were required.
LAST EDITED ON Jul-21-12 AT 05:31PM (MST)[p]> All
>that needs to be done
>is either have the entire
>charge be a service fee
>or have the balance be
>the fee for "a chance"
>in the drawing. You
>are getting what you're paying
>for immediately - a lottery
>ticket number (G&F) could even
>give you a number if
>that were required.

Wow, what a great idea. Then they wouldn't even have to issue refunds since everyone got just what they paid for.

The really humorous part would be a state agency breaking a state statute. Whoops.


How To Hunt Coues Deer
There really is no problem with the system, just in how it's being used. G&F is trying to use the most recent deer data to make decisions for the current year. When the last hunt ends on January 31, its awfully hard to gather the data, analyze it, make recommendations, etc, etc in a timely manner. Simply using the data from the previous year to set the tag numbers would allow G&F to move up the start of the process. The only risk is opening the window on the ability to react to an unusual condition that should require an tag reduction. I'm not aware of any such condition arising in the past.

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