Face paint??


Long Time Member
My boys love Born and Raised Outdoors. So, we"will be face painting!"

Last time I used the stuff the black stayed on for days.

Ideas for more non permanent or easier to get off paint?

From the party of HUNTIN, FISHIN, PUBLIC LAND.
LAST EDITED ON Jul-26-18 AT 09:26PM (MST)[p]I feel like the stuff that wipes away super easy comes in tubes and I think it's made by Hunters specialty. I feel line that stuff will make your face shine and reflective. The paint that comes in a compac is also made by hunter specialties does a better job at not give it your face such a reflective appearance. It does stick to your skin a little but just use baby wipes.
Carbomask is the only face paint that won't drive you crazy. When I do put on face paint, Carbomask is the only choice.
Take a wine cork (real one, not synthetic cork) and burn the tip a bit with a lighter. It will produce a black residue that comes off with soap and water.
Never have used it and have never had an issue taking animals.

Never thought it was necessary so I have zero experience with makeup application and removal...

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