Facts, not accusations and name calling.

Friend to a murderer??? Wow you set your standards sky high! Thieves, accessories to a robbery, and felony evading...what a great group of guys.
"Anybody making a statement that they would consider a convicted poacher their friend is no better than the convicted party"

I like you TOPGUN but at times I think you are NUTS!

Being someones friend doesn't mean you condone or participate in what they do.
"Friend to a murderer??? Wow you set your standards sky high! Thieves, accessories to a robbery, and felony evading...what a great group of guys."

You might be surprised. They very well could be your neighbor now. Maybe you even drink beer with them when yall get off work. You might even go hunting with them. They are all around you. Just sinners that for whatever reason fell off the path. Not much different than you in reality, no matter how much you want to argue it.
Topgun, I like you but you do not speak for 95% of sportsman!!!

I have to agree with nick, tri, woodruff of this one. Hell if I disowned a friend for doing stupid stuff I wouldn't have any friends. And on the flip side, my friends would disown me becuase like them, have done stupid things in life.
The bottom line is this... We all make mistakes. Each person has different trials in life and certain weakness. A FRIEND is a friend through good and bad. They are there to lift you up, smack you upside the head when you do something stupid. They are there to help you learn and grow.
If a so called "friend" abandoned me like topgun has pointed out, he was never a friend to begin with!!!

Enjoy that glass house!!!
Just a few thoughts.

No breaking the law should be justified, but often is in some cases.

Years ago party hunting was common. My dad did a lot of it. There were a lot more deer back then. I would guess at least 50% of hunting camps did it to some degree. Money was tight, the deer were used by needy families, and vey much appreciated. That was poaching.

Back then or now. If your kids were very hungry, you lost your job, you had no food. Would you kill an animal with out a license? I would look at that differently that shooting a trophy animal out of season, cutting it's antlers off and wasting the meat.

I once came upon a deer that was hit by a car. Broken back suffering alot. It was out of season, against the law. I killed the deer. Yes, I guess I poached it.

As mentioned, Some people would drink and drive, and tolerate it.

Some would cheat on taxes. Some cheat on buying tags.
Some speed while driving, I wonder who is guilty of breaking this law?

We all will be accountable for our actions and conduct. We will be judged by how we live, what we do, our desires of our heart, our attitudes, including how we treat others who break laws. We will even be judged on how judgemental we are.

Hopefully, when we make mistakes or break a law , we learn a lesson, make changes, and do better. Just a few thoughts.
Tri, being my neighbor and being my friend are two entirely different things. No seriously, you've got some tremendous associates. Do they allow conjugal visits?
I can support a friend when he makes a stupid decision as long as he tries to make it better. I'll always stand by my friend in those circumstances. If one of my buddies murders someone with pre-meditation or rapes or molests they can find new friends.

I won't stand by my friends if they elect to continue their poor behavior, such as continue to poach. This is why the original topic of this thread should not grace the pages of MDF, Muley Crazy, nor any other rag. Birds of a feather flock together.
"Tri, being my neighbor and being my friend are two entirely different things. No seriously, you've got some tremendous associates. Do they allow conjugal visits?"

I know you like to post funnies, but in the real world I hope you are never put in a situation where you have to find out what you are capable, or incapable, of doing.
+1 2_Point! I'm not saying any of us are perfect or that I expect a friend to be perfect. However, if I know a person is continually and willingly violating the law(s), cheating on his wife, etc., then he can go his merry way. I don't condone continual lawbreakers or persons who behave like animals in their sex life. Sorry, but that's the way I was raised and I offer no apologies for feeling that way.
No wonder kids/people in this country are all screwed up. If I had friends like some of you all are saying you have and didn't care what they did, right or wrong I'd get some new friends ...or a life.
Hopefully someone on here can get this guy on a list for a proxy babtism. HOLY CRAPS He's doomed.
>I kinda have to get in
>the boat with Tristate here.
>I ain't tossing my friends to
>the gutter because of something
>they may have done.
> That does not mean that
>I condone it, would aid
>in it, or will do
>it myself. People are responsible
>for their OWN moral level.
>I have neither the time,
>nor the inclination to monitor
>others......I have my own problems
>getting thru life as it
> The things that created our
>friendship would have to be
>directly violated before I would
>turn my back on them.
>The law and the Lord
>can judge the rest of
>I don't drink, but I have
>friends that have had more
>than one alcohol related incident.
> I have friends that cheat
>on their wives. I have
>cheated on my wives.
>I have friends that cheat on
>their taxes.
>I have friends that don't approve
>of everything I do either,
>but I got their back
>and they have mine.
>My friends screw up, they are
>dumb chits......I'll tell them exactly
>what I think and wish
>them luck with the "unraveling"......but
>if they need me......they won't
>have to look very far.
> "I could agree with you,
>but then we would both
>wrong......and stupid"

Hey Nicky!

And I Quote:

"I have Friends that Cheat on their Taxes"!

Guess you didn't finish that one did Ya?

"I have Cheated on My Wives"!

That SPLAINS the Plural need of a Wife!

Remember Nicky!

90% of all MM'ers/TARDS are Angels as long as it's somebodyelse in the Spotlight!

I will say this:

I think We all(Can I speak for all of us just once?)make poor choices in Life at one time or another,but these Habitual Abusers are people I have no use for!

As ww says: Carry On!

I'll get my 2 Litre Bottle of Dew & Popcorn!:D

Wisz was a Hell of a Sport this year even if He did tell the UDWR to F-Off during the Phone Call!:D
15" Bases?
30" 5ths?
Missing 450" Bull!
The next 4 years is Slicks Fault,again,GEEZUS!

Wisz was a Hell of a Sport this year even if He did tell the UDWR to F-Off during the Phone Call!:D
15" Bases?
30" 5ths?
Missing 450" Bull!
The next 4 years is Slicks Fault,again,GEEZUS!
LAST EDITED ON Dec-12-12 AT 07:46PM (MST)[p]LMAO-Now that is some true funny chit right there.
Wait I hear the stampede of the-

Some people learn by there mistakes and others don't or choose not to.
Those that choose not to learn from there mistakes are what most people call liars and cheats.
>>I kinda have to get in
>>the boat with Tristate here.
>>I ain't tossing my friends to
>>the gutter because of something
>>they may have done.
>> That does not mean that
>>I condone it, would aid
>>in it, or will do
>>it myself. People are responsible
>>for their OWN moral level.
>>I have neither the time,
>>nor the inclination to monitor
>>others......I have my own problems
>>getting thru life as it
>> The things that created our
>>friendship would have to be
>>directly violated before I would
>>turn my back on them.
>>The law and the Lord
>>can judge the rest of
>>I don't drink, but I have
>>friends that have had more
>>than one alcohol related incident.
>> I have friends that cheat
>>on their wives. I have
>>cheated on my wives.
>>I have friends that cheat on
>>their taxes.
>>I have friends that don't approve
>>of everything I do either,
>>but I got their back
>>and they have mine.
>>My friends screw up, they are
>>dumb chits......I'll tell them exactly
>>what I think and wish
>>them luck with the "unraveling"......but
>>if they need me......they won't
>>have to look very far.
>> "I could agree with you,
>>but then we would both
>>wrong......and stupid"
>Hey Nicky!
>And I Quote:
>"I have Friends that Cheat on
>their Taxes"!
>Guess you didn't finish that one
>did Ya?
>"I have Cheated on My Wives"!
>That SPLAINS the Plural need of
>a Wife!
>Remember Nicky!
>90% of all MM'ers/TARDS are Angels
>as long as it's somebodyelse
>in the Spotlight!

"The truth shall set you free!".........?

I guess we are all going to have to agree to disagree here....obviously your "moral compass" has clearer points than mine.

Please provide a list of prizes that you receive for being so much more than I.
You Win all the Prizes Nicky!

Guess you need to re-read what I wrote?

I said:::

Anybody can make bad Choices,I think We all have,Excluding the MM Angels!

We learn from Bad Choices sometimes,Right?

Not sure this Guy mentioned above is learning anything Nicky?

So Nicky?

What you think about your Buddies that just keep making the Bad Choices,over and over and over again?

Wisz was a Hell of a Sport this year even if He did tell the UDWR to F-Off during the Phone Call!:D
15" Bases?
30" 5ths?
Missing 450" Bull!
The next 4 years is Slicks Fault,again,GEEZUS!
Well, OK......First off, sorry Bessie.....I was not directing my post to you. I was aiming at the "morals police".

I don't mean to say that a CONTINUAL abuse of the "rules" is OK for my "friends"......or anyone else. In that regard, if one was to CONTINUE to make bad choices, even after our discussing the issue, then we have no middle ground.

My point was, that things people do, are not automatically going to destroy our friendship, and what is right for others, ain't my business to judge......or anyone else's either. But don't abuse me.....even my hypocrisy has it's limits.

"I could agree with you, but then we would both be
wrong......and stupid"
OK Nicky!

Sorry,I thought you were directing it at me!

I call them the MM Angels!

Bet they've never done anything Wrong!

Wisz was a Hell of a Sport this year even if He did tell the UDWR to F-Off during the Phone Call!:D
15" Bases?
30" 5ths?
Missing 450" Bull!
The next 4 years is Slicks Fault,again,GEEZUS!
"I call them the MM Angels!Bet they've never done anything Wrong!"

Well since we are all coming clean here..... There was this one time at band camp....... Terry
It all breaks down to a couple of things. Everyone has broken one game law or another during their hunting career. Be that a big violation or small violation they are all violations the same.

I don't ever buy the "I am SO poor that I need to shoot a deer" excuse. Save the gas money and buy yourself some meat from the store (where meat is made LOL).

I believe that it is not what people have DONE but what they are currently DOING.
sportsmen should be most concerned with the poaching of deer. What Brownlee did in his youth was poach licenses not deer. I am not sold on the idea that an animal taken with a license that was illegally obtained makes the deer poached. Because the quota or bag limit for the hunting unit was not exceeded. Making a false claim of residency to obtain a license is a vastly different and less offensive crime than say poaching a deer on its winter range, out of season and with no license...sportmen should reserve their despise for meaningful,results oriented crimes or real "poaching"
Additionally those of you, 18 years later still passing judgement on Brownlee are as troublesome as anything Brownlee has done.
Trammer said, " I am not sold on the idea that an animal taken with a license that was illegally obtained makes the deer poached..."

HaHa! That's a good one!! I guess this dead horse needs beating some more though i try to avoid the negative aspects of hunting that threads like this can become for enablers addicted to the dramma.

Certainly that is poaching! Premeditated actions to obtain a illegal tag to possibly kill not only a trophy buck but one of the biggest trophies in the unit. That's Poaching, plain and simple and it's also a long reach to try to defend someone of the crime by trying to twist the facts that way!!


"It's all about knowing what your firearms practical limitations are and combining that with your own personal limitations!"
LAST EDITED ON Mar-07-13 AT 01:50PM (MST)[p]Geez, I see trammer is back and condoning more illegal activities again! The guy sure has a twisted mind on game laws and to think he's a guide, LOL! He'd fit in real good with Brownlee who is in court on more game law violations as I type this!!! Heck, maybe he's even "another" of Brownlee's good buddies on this site trying to defend him!
Couldn't have said it better Sage. It is what it is. Illegal taking of deer = poaching. But that ship has sailed a long ways in 18 years. We can now just worry if it returned.


Theres logic, and theres women. They don't go together.
So as long as I have a tag....... for the right animal and the right sex......... it doesn't matter who when or how the said animal gets killed? Awesome.

I see the world a bit different.

If you have to ask if something is poaching or not then it is most likely poaching. If everyone else in the room disagrees with you as too what is poaching then it is most likely poaching.

I separate hunting violations into two piles. Those violations incurred knowingly and those incurred unknowingly.

Knowingly: Lie to get tag, shoot and tag with another person's tag, shoot after hours, use an incorrect weapon, shoot out of season, shoot several hundred feet inside the wrong unit, etc.

Unknowingly: Fail to buy habitat license, fail to sign license, shot too close to road, shot over a seasonal creek, had a bullet in the gun when driving a vehicle, shoot a bull elk and the bullet passes though to kill a calf, not wearing an orange hat, etc.

Both knowingly and unknowingly committed acts are violations. Ignorance is no excuse.

I have some sympathy for the person who was ignorant. No sympathy for the crafty who cares more about the kill than the journey.
outdoors, you need way more than 2 piles and even with only 2 you had difficulty sorting crimes into the right pile. You sorted not wearing your orange hat into the unknowing basket. Say you find yourself packed into the wilderness and when dressing for the morning hunt cant find your orange hat and later that day shoot a giant deer. You knowing shot your deer in violation of the law. According to you and the law your deer is poached because you knowingly broke the law...now transport your deer and hatless butt across a state line and you knowing violated the lacey act with its minimum mandatory sentences and you just knowingly destroyed your own life as you will serve years in a federal prison for the offence of not wearing the right color clothing.The newspaper stories about your conviction may not even mention the hat just that you had poached a giant deer and transported across state lines. And remember according to you, ignorance is no excuse.... you just argued yourself into the same corner Blownlee was in 18 years ago.........does anyone really think hunters need to be forced to wear certain colors of clothing?
Do you stay up all night dreaming of all the BS you post trammer? Let's just face it. You were born about 100+ years too late and back then you would have been in your prime before any State or Federal game laws were enacted so you could get away with anything your little heart desired, LOL! Your posts again put you in the same mold as Brownlee and B. Joe Coy, who you also defended for all kinds of game law violations last year. I guess they were all just misunderstandings like the taxidermist down in southern Wyoming who just got nailed on a bunch of game law violations. He lost the right to hunt in 30+ states for five years, was assessed over $16K in penalties, and had all his firearms confiscated. The main thing he did was shoot a big buck in a closed unit and tagged it with a tag that was only good for another LQ unit. The word is that he's going around saying it was just a misunderstanding that he and the G&F Department had!
Topgun, sounds like we all agree on the Wyoming taxidermist. Shooting a deer in a closed unit is about as straight up a poaching as could be...also I would rather be in the mold of Brownlee and Coy than with you in your baying pack of ignoramuses.
>outdoors, you need way more than
>2 piles and even with
>only 2 you had difficulty
>sorting crimes into the right
>pile. You sorted not wearing
>your orange hat into the
>unknowing basket. Say you find
>yourself packed into the wilderness
>and when dressing for the
>morning hunt cant find your
>orange hat and later that
>day shoot a giant deer.
>You knowing shot your deer
>in violation of the law.
>According to you and the
>law your deer is poached
>because you knowingly broke the
>law...now transport your deer and
>hatless butt across a state
>line and you knowing violated
>the lacey act with its
>minimum mandatory sentences and you
>just knowingly destroyed your own
>life as you will serve
>years in a federal prison
>for the offence of not
>wearing the right color clothing.The
>newspaper stories about your conviction
>may not even mention the
>hat just that you had
>poached a giant deer and
>transported across state lines. And
>remember according to you, ignorance
>is no excuse.... you just
>argued yourself into the same
>corner Blownlee was in 18
>years ago.........does anyone really think
>hunters need to be forced
>to wear certain colors of

Wrong. Once you realize you are about to violate a statute then you fall into Knowingly. Nice try, though. Plausible denial might be a way to defend yourself when the lawman or the spouse or the boss or the parent sniffs something is just not right. Does not change there are just two piles. Choose wisely. It is not that hard.
>Hey I have got a question
>for Topgun and Outdoors.Have you
>ever hunted in Utah?

Have you ever earned $20 the hard way? Find someone to converse with that cares.
>Hey I have got a question
>for Topgun and Outdoors.Have you
>ever hunted in Utah?

***No, but I stayed in a Holiday Inn Express once. Does that count, LOL?!!!
Topgun and outdoors, its easy to talk about others but not so easy to talk about yourself and your own violations or poaching is it?
Why don't you go look up Tri and have a meaningful conversation with him. Better yet, go in a corner with a mirror and talk to yourself because he probably wouldn't even agree with your constant babbling BS when you post!
I have got a better Idea Topgun or as I like to call you BottomRung. Lets go give you and Tristate an I.Q. test.........my money is on Tristate.
>Topgun and outdoors, its easy to
>talk about others but not
>so easy to talk about
>yourself and your own violations
>or poaching is it?

Zero violations here but appreciate you are now stalking to find birds of a feather. Better luck next time. Some walk the walk. Boring way to live but society seems to appreciate the effort. Buh bye.
outdoors you should be a politician.That was a non answer. I did not ask if you had any violations, I asked if you had ever hunted in Utah. If you had I would be happy to point out your violations for you.
LAST EDITED ON Mar-12-13 AT 01:49PM (MST)[p]>outdoors you should be a politician.That
>was a non answer. I
>did not ask if you
>had any violations, I asked
>if you had ever hunted
>in Utah. If you had
>I would be happy to
>point out your violations for

Really? There you go again with your statements that border on or are slanderous! So his answer of yes or no would depend on you telling of violations he's committed, huh? What would you have said/done if I had said yes to your question? You are one big f***ing joke man! Like I said in an earlier post, why don't you go in a corner with a mirror and talk to yourself! And you wonder why you are out of a discussion/debate and nobody answers you before it even gets going good, LOL! Do you see the thread heading? Either state some facts backed up with substance or please leave the building!
>outdoors you should be a politician.That
>was a non answer. I
>did not ask if you
>had any violations, I asked
>if you had ever hunted
>in Utah. If you had
>I would be happy to
>point out your violations for

Blah blah. Nan nan nan. Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz.

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