Federal employment Backgrounds


Long Time Member
I wanted to talk about something no one else is talking about. First I want it known this is not a general attack on our soldiers and veterans. But at the same time there is a real pattern here. I don't know if there is something the government should be doing differently to help our veterans when they are discharged or if working with the federal government is mentally destructive but the fact no one is talking about is a disproportionate percentage of mass killers and shooters have a history of working for our federal government currently or in the past.

Before you get irate at me just start looking at bio on these killers and keep going back. People are talking about gun control but the shooter is the perpetrator and a high percentage of them share a common thread.

Maybe the Feds should do better background checks on who THEY hire and quit blaming it on weak gun laws.
To answer that maybe they should. Most people that have security clearances at a high level dealing with Nuclear materials get a psych test but I doubt any others below that level do.
It adds to the cost we already can't float. No easy answers on that Tri.
Good input guys. I don't know what to do either. But the reality is the last three mass shootings all had ties with the federal government. Many more in our nations history also share that tie.
Damn man, I was just kidding about ripping Jesus on x-mas, but now I can't wait for x-mas.

Did you realize that all the mass murderers had moms. I think we should look into this.

You need some sleep man. Now you want to be suspicious of every military member, or reserve military member, and vet because they could be mass murderers? What the hell are you gonna ask? "Are you planning on killing people in the future"? I would hope the answer would be yes, since that's kind of the point of having a military, killing people and breaking stuff. Last I checked, they ALL get weapons training, and the majority carry weapons for their career.

You have got to quit watching HLN for your news. Turn off the Alex Jones.

So heres the deal. That black chopper you saw that circles your house, IT REALLY IS WATCHING YOU. They are seeing if the chemtrails from the planes have sprayed you with enough chemicals that they can control your mind. That is necessary because those FEMA trailers that were in Houston following the hurricane, they are actually going to be used as a concentration camp by the UN when they take over the government. That knowledge I learned from the Bilderberg annual meetings, in which they layed out how they emptied Fort Knox and are secretly diverting all the countries capital into Euros. The Brittish caught on to this conspiracy, and voted to leave the EU, because as we all know, the EU IS the center for the NEW WORLD ORDER, of coure with its capital in Brussles. We were informed by the Masons, from their newletter out of the Bohemian Grove that when Bush knocked down the building at the Twin towers, that was to distract us from seeing the real truth, that it was the Jews who did that, because a phone call came via the Jewish secret phone lines that the musssad was going to knock them down to start a war, so all jews should not go to work that day. That war would distract the world from noticing that all the banks and all of the media are Jewish, and that they are taking over the world via the Eu and the NEW WORLD ORDER. Luckily for you and I Alex Jones got word of this and put it out to the public via info wars. That lead to a change of plans. Now the Jews have used their super human ability in medicinal mind control, to implant hitler DNA that they retained(we all know Hiltler was a secret Jew) into military members and vets, that will lead them to become mass murderers. Of course, now you, TRISTATE have foiled that plot because you've stumbled on the only fail safe way to stop the complete worldwide domination by the Jews, via the hitler DNA injected super soldiers, YOUR GONNA ASK THEM IF THEY PLAN ON BEING MASS MURDERERS IN THEIR LIFE. A greatful nation thanks you TRISTATE, you've saved humanity!!!

"The only thing that stops a bad guy with a gun is a good guy with a gun"
Laugh all you want Hossblur but the fact remains almost every single mass slaying in the USA has one of three factors in it.

1. Islam
2. prescribed psychotropic drugs
3. a federal employee

They don't call it "going postal" for nothing.
You may be right DW. I honestly never checked that. Will do from now on.


Were you trying to use English?
LAST EDITED ON Jul-09-16 AT 01:51PM (MST)[p]I heard they also all ate at IHOP less than 24 hours before the incident. I am just saying...maybe the issue is the Rooty-Tooty-Fresh and Fruity!
They also include the use of a gun, so I guess now your going to "discover" that now?

"The only thing that stops a bad guy with a gun is a good guy with a gun"
>Laugh all you want Hossblur but
>the fact remains almost every
>single mass slaying in the
>USA has one of three
>factors in it.
>1. Islam
>2. prescribed psychotropic drugs
>3. a federal employee
>They don't cal; it "going postal"
>for nothing.

Can we see your "data"?

You forgot:
attended public schools
played video games
smoked marijuana

What about:
Sandy Hook - Adam Lanza
Columbine - Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold
Jared Loughner
And many others who weren't even old enough to have a job, let alone be a soldier or government employee.

It's easy to arm chair this thing and draw conclusions based on limited data but the fact is they may fit into many other categories besides your big three.

BTW, I loved hossblur's response. Tinfoil hat specials. I have a lunatic who emails me almost every day with his ideas of why the world is falling apart, Agenda 21, Cliven Bundy and what's wrong with public education or federal land ownership. I'd guess him to be 70+, white, Christian, retired professional, conservative tea-party-righteous-right member, who sits around reading conservative "news" and hating the federal government. Is he going to "go postal" some day? Probably not. But if he does I don't think he fits ANY of your categories.



You just showed a couple of people who fall into my list of three under prescribed psychotropic drugs.

Something amazing to me is I made this thread to shift people willing to blame guns for this issue over to looking at the actual people and you don't like that. I guess you would rather deal with them slowly chipping away your second amendment rights than deal with real issues.

The last three mass shootings were all committed by former federal employees. That really is a fact. This trend can only continue so long before the populace is going to start wanting the government answer for it.
>You just showed a couple of
>people who fall into my
>list of three under prescribed
>psychotropic drugs.
>Something amazing to me is I
>made this thread to shift
>people willing to blame guns
>for this issue over to
>looking at the actual people
>and you don't like that.
> I guess you would
>rather deal with them slowly
>chipping away your second amendment
>rights than deal with real
>The last three mass shootings were
>all committed by former federal
>employees. That really is
>a fact. This trend
>can only continue so long
>before the populace is going
>to start wanting the government
>answer for it.


I don't want to argue with you. You have a valid concern. You make some pretty broad statements based on the emotion of these last three terrible incidents. That's all I was saying. Psychotropic drugs was an add-on that was not in your original post. It was all about being government employees and soldiers. As I said, mass-murderers will fit into multiple buckets. I don't have an answer. And I am not in any way blaming the gun. Please don't assume to know what I "would rather".

So you have a valid concern - now what's your solution? How do you identify these people before they go berserk? And then what do you do with them?
I'm thinking testosterone, along with some outside influences, might be the common link, as very few women become mass gun killers and lots of women work for the government Just a guess though.
"You make some pretty broad statements based on the emotion of these last three terrible incidents. "

Actually no. This was a very specific statement based in fact not emotion. A disproportionate number of American mass slayings involve people who are or once were federal employees. That is a fact.
>disproportionate number of American mass
>slayings involve people who are
>or once were federal employees.
> That is a fact.

OK, hard to resist here. You wouldn't likely let me get away with a statement like that. Your data please? A disproportionate number of the last say 5 or 6 or even 10 mass slayings in memory did involve former federal employees. But to make a blanket statement that "A disproportionate number American mass slayings involve people who are or once were federal employees" is opinion unless you go back and research them all to find the facts. It does appear that they are, but you either have to say it's your opinion, define the parameters of disproportionate or produce the data. :)

Regardless, again what is YOUR solution???

When I say disproportionate I am saying that a higher percentage of mass murderers exist of a certain demographic than the percentage they represent in the general population.

If you want to argue this through all of American history be my guest but I can tell you that the latest trend is represented by %100 of the last three mass shootings were made up of ex federal employees. You are dodging accountability NVB for someone else and it really doesn't make sense besides you just desire to argue. I am sure you are much happier when the blame was on guns.

To answer your question, I don't have a solution. I have ideas and more questions but I am pretty sure we, or I, are no where near developing a solution.
I love the first amendment. It allows stupid people to make stupid statements, so that the rest of us know who the stupid people are.

Fed worker and Air Force Veteran
I'm not dodging anything. I'm playing your game Mr. Facts-and-Figures. I've already agreed with you that you have a valid concern. And again, don't assume you know a thing about how I feel about guns. Your method of deflecting from the argument, attacking those who question you, and telling them what they feel, think or believe is classic narcissism.

So you have no solution? You just want to #####. Fine.

Calling me names doesn't make the problem go away. If you haven't learned yet I don't care what label you want to stick on me to make yourself feel better.

Just because I don't have an answer doesn't mean I just want to #####. I want to talk about the issue and get other people's ideas on what may be causing this trend. If you think you are playing "my game" don't kid yourself.

I love the freedom of the press. It allows me to see that a disproportionate number of federal employees go on shooting sprees.


Just another tax paying bullet dodger.
Well, considering we have almost 1.5 million federal employees and 2.5 million active duty and reserve servicemen and women, not to mention all the retirees and people who are not in the military any more I guess we are screwed. Somebody better come up with a quick litmus test for determining who the bad players are.

Damn, I forgot Agenda 21!!!

How exactly is this a new thing?

What pushes the totals is higher population numbers. You think Billy the Kid was a selective killer? Did we forget about the whole prohibition ganster killing? Did we miss our history lesson? Custers last stand? We could go all night. THe difference... denser populations of unarmed people. Are we to believe that Adam Lanza would have done that much damage at Cabelas? Or a gun show? I highly doubt the percentage of psychos has changed much. We used to lock them away, or they ended up dead. Now we hold there hand, call them trolls, argue with them on MM, hear their theories of wildlife management, or $fw, wait sorry I am confusing my psychos. We used to lock them away or they ended up dead.....

INFOWARS forever, right TRI!!

"The only thing that stops a bad guy with a gun is a good guy with a gun"
I think I am going to alienate some people and befuddle others, but Tristate has a point--but only to a point.

But here's the real problem with what Tristate has said--those who are doing any kind of profiling on these shooters and who have all of the data available on them are ALSO federal employees and have an agenda, or they report to people who report to people who have an agenda.

In addition, Tristate has made a leap from "Federal Employees" or even... what was it he said... "ties to federal employees..."? He made a leap to also include military veterans, and in fact seems to SINGLE OUT Military veterans. The left in this country ALREADY calls military veterans, and especially those with combat training and experience, "potential domestic terrorists", and jackasses like Markos of the DailyKOS call them "American Taliban". Just seconds after Gabrielle Giffords was shot in Arizona, Markos sent a tweet to the effect "Effing American Taliban!"

And what did we find out later, AFTER the facts were known? She was shot by ANOTHER DEMOCRAT who felt that she wasn't liberal enough for him.

I would ask what about the 1984 McDonald's massacre in San Diego? What about Timothy McViegh, who killed 186 people without firing a shot? Just outliers? Just "noise" in the statistical data? What about those in other countries where guns are not available to average citizens, so they use knives, swords, bombs and sarin gas instead to kill and maim in large numbers?

We all know it's not about keeping guns out of the hands of bad guys and it never HAS been. It's about first limiting as much as possible the capabilities of the guns that the rest of us are able to buy legally, and eventually taking them ALL away from us.

Is there a single person alive who doesn't think the Dems would not have already disarmed every single American if we did not have the Second Amendment? Yeah, there are brainwashed knuckleheads who will deny that any Democrat wants to take away our guns. There are two kinds of liberals--the liars, and the LIED TO.

Anybody reading this who thinks no one wants to take away our guns really needs to wake up and start paying attention.

We have a radical Alinskyite Progressive Marxist Racist and probable Muslim who may not even actually be a natural born American Citizen in the White House who surrounds himself with people who say things like "Never let a crisis go to waste", and they do not! I don't know if you'll read or hear this anywhere else, but the man is just the figurehead of a movement, and the Dems in Congress and at the polls don't even realize they are being used by these people to destroy this country from within.

Australia HAD no Second Amendment, and their citizens have been disarmed. Rumor is that shortly before actual confiscation occurred, the sales of PVC piping and sealers spiked to levels not seen before or since... Take that for what it's worth.

Every time some psycho goes loaded for bear into another "Gun free zone" and shoots people, they immediately ratchet up the rhetoric to demand more infringements on the Second Amendment.

If you live in California and you're paying attention, then all I need to say is Gavin Newsom and Kamala Harris.

I would dearly love to see honest profiling of the shooters, but I think in most cases it's not necessary... anti-depressant drugs and Islam tell us just about all we need to know in some cases. Knowing there won't be anyone shooting back at them certainly accounts for a significant number of mass shooters also. But the state controlled "news" media has made sure that there are enough of the brain washed masses opposed to concealed carry that we're not likely to see a change in the direction that has been going.

They make a big deal of saying the shooter "sprayed" bullets from the semi-automatic Bushmaster AR-15 he stole from his mother, but they would NEVER say the coward may not have had the guts to step foot in the place if he had known there may be faculty or parents carrying concealed firearms who could shoot back.

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