Finally Got Him Scored


Active Member
Took this deer in the Texas panhadle on October 30th 2007. It was a 400 mile round trip to an offical P&Y scorer so it took a while. He ended up 227 5/8's gross and 222 6/8's net. The current state non-typical archery record is 184 5/8's. I'm still on cloud nine after nine months.


Congratulations....thats a great buck. It would be cool to see pics of your mount as well. Thanks for sharing.
Xitnet....I still think that your buck is one of the best looking bucks in all of 2007 and ever for that matter. Great looking bruiser! Congrats on the score...but the real prize is that beauty of a buck.
I think I just sharted myself. That is an incredible animal. probably one fo the best looking NT bucks in my opinion.


Good luck toppin that one! Unbelievable.

"You only live once,but if you work it right, once is enough" -Joe E. Lewis
Congrat's on the trophy of a lifetime,those west Texas Muley's have really been coming on in the last 5 years!Congrat's again!

No Gut's...No Story!!!
Would like to but it's about a 450 mile round trip for a B&C scorer. That's what I get for living in the middle of no-where. :)

Don't think I'll ever top this deer and that's okay.

Thank you. When I first posted this deer last fall, I remember you nice comments. Appreciate it.
Awsome buck! one of the best looking i have seen congrats i wanna see the mount when its done.
Good Luck and Great Memories
LAST EDITED ON Jul-25-08 AT 01:54PM (MST)[p]Who says Texas does not have good mule deer?
Way to go Jim! Just saw this on TBH too.
I would have never ever thought TEXAS had muleys like that I would say try and top that but I think I can say Anyone in TEXAS try and top that I bett it will take many many moons to top that WOW What a BUCK and with archery damb 2 thumbs and 2 toes up nice job

Clynt L Citte
Willard UT
2007 Mule deer hunt $xxxx
Having him mounted $xxxx
400 Mile round trip to have him scored with $4.50 gas $xxxx
Finding out he's the new #1 P&Y Buck... You got it...Priceless!

Aim small miss small!!!!!
Much congratulations!
Thank you very much for posting and sharing with us!
Go Texas!

I can only imagine the adrenaline flow during the entire stalk, shot & recovery.
Moments that will never be forgotten.
That buck is a dandy!! and "smashing" the prior record by 38+ "...unheard of...lets hear about the hunt..
> That buck is a dandy!!
>and "smashing" the prior record
>by 38+ "...unheard of...lets hear
>about the hunt..

No joke! In todays hunting world State records seem to be broken by inches or fractions of inches. Congrats on completely smashing the current record!!
that is an awesome buck!!! congrats to you man that thing is a pig of a buck.

beautiful....waaay good...thank you for the pic....congratulations would be an 'understatement'...
great job and with a bow WOW you fullfilled my lifetime goal and i live in wyoming but never had a chance at a buck that size.
i have been scouting all summer and haven't seen a thing that makes my heart beat. i'm fealing bummed about this years hunt and its still 5 weeks away.
That is as nice a buck as anybody could hope for... Congrats again.. Don't know if you could ever top that one..
It is good to see all the praise for an animal the rest of us could only hope to see let a alone take.

Aim small miss small!!!!!
Congrats XIT. I have spent quite a bit of time in the area north of where you took your buck (I probably don't live to far from you either), and haven't found anything even close. What a trophy to be proud of. I heard that you really put your time in over the years in that particular area.

Hopefully I will be able to find his brother or eldest son this year.

Once again, Congrats
Can find the story and a couple more pictures in the archived threads. Do a search for Texas Archery Buck and click the archived button. Thanks to everyone for nice comments.
By the way,
I live in UT.
There are a lot of UTARDS that live here.
I have also seen quite a few WYOMORONS, NEVADUHNS, COLORADORKS, ID-IOTS and AIRHEADZONANS in my travels.
That is an awesome deer congrats.

Congrats on a great buck! That is an absolute HOG , and I can see how your on cloud 9, WOW! Last year we were headed home from the Dallas vs. Minnisota game in late Oct and saw a huge muley on the back of a trailer being pulled by a motorhome, I freaked out how big he was. TX does grow em big. Again, congrats on your monster and thanks for sharing it....NM
You have really got to give it up to the Land Owners in Texas on what they are accomplishing with the herds of deer on their property. More and more I am hearing of Monsters coming out of these Ranchs in say Kent County and the area around them. This may spark some negitive feedback, but to me it goes to show you how successful you can manage large Mule Deer when you stop trying to manage multiple herds on multiple ranges with one mass idea for all of them. Utah is at a major cross roads right now and I hope they make the right decision. I believe with the ease at which hunters can get in and out of Texas versus Mexico there will be a large swing in hunters choosing Texas over Sonora in the coming years. The score sheet says it all P&Y there was definitly no High Fences here. I Love it, Sweet buck and thanks for posting.

W O W.........yep that about sums it up - congrats.

Keep the Sun at Your Back and the Wind in Your Face

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