First Executive Order


Long Time Member
Term limits, retroactive!

Drain the swamp. Demo-ists and Repubi-can't......... both.....gone.

...term limits are stupid and do no good....I live in California and we have term limits.......

the ballot box is where term limits work.
That maybe the oxymoron of all oxymorons.

There are just some things a guy shouldn't use as an example of success or failure.

Course I wouldn't really know Homer, just been listening to you folks comment's regarding California politics over the years.

Your living it, so you'd know best. I'd risk it.

We have them in Montana and if I could roll back the hands of time, I would change my vote on that and go against them.

As bad as it was before term limits, having a bunch of newbies in the process who are completely dependent upon the lobbyists to teach them how the game works, is even worse. I did not see it playing out that way, but the outsiders, big money, and the lobbyists run the joint far more than they did in the past.

Rethink term limits, even as inviting as it sounds. I've now come to realize the best term limit is a bunch of pissed off voters.

"Hunt when you can - You're gonna' run out of health before you run out of money!"
>We have them in Montana and
>if I could roll back
>the hands of time, I
>would change my vote on
>that and go against them.
>As bad as it was before
>term limits, having a bunch
>of newbies in the process
>who are completely dependent upon
>the lobbyists to teach them
>how the game works, is
>even worse. I did
>not see it playing out
>that way, but the outsiders,
>big money, and the lobbyists
>run the joint far more
>than they did in the

>Rethink term limits, even as inviting
>as it sounds. I've
>now come to realize the
>best term limit is a
>bunch of pissed off voters.
>"Hunt when you can - You're
>gonna' run out of health
>before you run out of

+1. We have term limits I voted for them it was a big mistake. My state senator is really intelligent and has a lot of good ideas for a republican. When he's term limited out I will get the usual moron. It happens throughout the unicameral..
LAST EDITED ON Nov-16-16 AT 10:06PM (MST)[p]Tired of politicians that look to me like they are more interested in getting re-elected than they are in doing what is best for our country.

Elected Republican have ignored the tools they've had, since they had the House and Senate and the Presidency during the first two years of Bush's 8 years, and again when they had the House and Senate the last two years under the current administration.

What did Republi-can't do about:
National Debt
Social Security
Health Care
Energy Independence
Foreign Affairs

In every case they've allowed it to get worse.

I understand the Demo-ists, they have a Party platform and by hell, come hell or high water, they hang together and they fight for their platform. They defend their leaders, as rotten as they are, to the bitter end.

The Republi-can'ts have a platform, it means sh!t to them. They cave every time the Demos wag a finger at them. They are so faux "rugged individualists" they care about one thing, their own "rugged individualist re-election", nothing more. Happy to suck what's left in the tit, after the Demo's have had their fill. They could careless about winning policy fights. They throw each other under the fricken bus as if it's a virtue.

Screw'em, I expect Demo-ists to behave like socialist or worse, but I expect more for the a$$holes who have been claiming to support a conservative platform.

You expect to get punched in the teeth by your enemies, but I can't stand back stabbing SOB's that claim to represent me and premeditatively intend to roll over, without a fight.

In a two party system, (which I like) "voting them out" isn't reliable, because if you can't (because of my core believes) vote for a Demo-ists, because of his/her platform support. Under the two party system, that forces you to vote for a Repubican't that has learned how to get elected and for the next thirty years hide behind the "we can't" argument.

Too hell with them, force the system to bring in new blood every six or eight years and keep them working to accomplish something for the country while they are in there. They can still get unelected, by their constituents early, if they don't perform. Voters still get to vote, if they are failing, vote them out before their term limit forces them out.

BigFin would can an employee at the snap of a dry twig, if they didn't do the job he hired them to do. And he should.

I understand large organizations, both, for profit and not for profit, and that they want to get cozy with elected officials, and develop long term relationships, so they can milk a gentle cow. I get it. It's the sh!ts having a new guy/woman elected that has no loyalties to the org. For the rest of us, that's a good thing. Earn your milk, like the rest of us, that don't have the "connections", like the big boys do.

We have all heard the endless calls against cronyism, some have used the term over and over and railed against it unceasingly. Fact us, it's been used so much on the hunting forums, you've forced us unlearned types to look up the definition of the term. Unlimited political terms are the fundamental foundation of cronyism, so I'm not surprise that the big boys love life time politicians. It's working for'em.

When they speak of draining the swamp, they aren't talking about hauling off a 5 gallon bucket of water!

Or are they? We'll see.

LAST EDITED ON Nov-16-16 AT 10:36PM (MST)[p]T, y'all taught Trump to use personal attacks to get elected. He was a great student and out performed his professors.

Believe me, that's not the only thing he's learned.

He's had a great teacher in the art of Execute Orders, from the best there's ever been, so far. Trump's got a high bar to cross to out perform what we've had for the last 7 year, 10 months, in that regard. I'm thinking Trump's going to try to set a new Olympic trails record. That's the nasty reality of breaking protocol, isn't it. Ya can't put that genie back in that bottle.

He knows he can circumvent Congress when ever the hell he wants to. So what if the next President Un-Executive every Order, in 4 or 8 years from now. The damage will have been done. The swamps empty. The old guard are gone. If we go back to unlimited terms, after Trump leaves, the old "well heeled" folks have been out of power for 2 to 6 years and will have to run again, without the "power of the office" in their hip pocket.

Maybe the next Pres. will like term limits as well and leave it in place. It's a gamble I'd take. Who the hell knows, as yet, what Donald Trump will do. Seems like the guys that started this American experiment saw the value in term limits, good enough for them, good enough for me.

It's a fools bet, to call it either way this early, if you ask me. But no one asked, so I went ahead and pontificated anyway, as is my nature.


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