Fiscal Conservatism


Long Time Member
LAST EDITED ON Feb-04-08 AT 06:50PM (MST)[p]What the heck its just a few trillion nothing to get upset about. I'm interested in how many of you still feel the republicans are the party of fiscal conservatives. Even my friend the local banker is starting to think that Bush may be a bit of a spendthrift. I'm waiting for some of you guys to put your spin on this. Your spin will go something like this.

1. The war on Terror is expensive its cost us money but its worth it.
2. It was a weak economy that Clinton left Bush with that showed up into the Bush presidency.
3. Wait and see how much Hillary or Obama spend.

Go ahead surprise me with another reason why Bush's fiscal policy is totally in line with fiscal conservatism.
You know what frightens me even more Husker??? We are now being bankrolled by the Chinese and Middle Eastern governments.

To quote a well known lib ... "It's all about the Economy Stupid"

We have entered into dangerous waters and Bush can't duck this one with his rhetoric ... it happened on his watch!

Just wait an hour or so his defenders will be posting, besides what's a little loan from our good friends the Chinese and the Arabs. I'm kind of disappointed that 202 hasn't already started the defense. The health care thread probably took a lot out of him.
Maybe that's why the conservatives are against abortion, they need all those kids to pay our debt back.

That should crank 202 up.
well we haven't seen a fiscal conservative that would please me in my lifetime........GW is the worst.

Continue with your circle jerk......looks like you guys are getting your jollies.

It's only going to get more jolly, McCain is probably going to lock up the nomination tomarrow so the sniveling around here is going to be a riot. that means all 3 players left will be liberals, yet all will be tighter with a buck than your Bush was. funny stuff.
The Bush administration has spent money like drunken sailors. I don't think there is a fiscal conservative left in DC.
Last time I checked it was the Democratic controlled Congress that passed the "Bills" that fund everything. Bush can give them a budget but they have to pass it. But since President Bush is nothing more than a punching bag to some of ya'll, it has to be his fault, right? I am really disappointed in D.C. and the way they all spend. But it's awful simpleminded to think YOUR congress isn't mostly to blame. If Bush said "free" healthcare, you all would bash him for funding it. If Bush said "free" baby bonds you all would crucify him. But since it's Billy Clinton squared, it's cool? President Bush has dealt with 9/11, wars, the fact that the techno boom has fizzled (how many more phones, comps, scanners, ect. can you sell?) and a combative, anti- anything conservative congress. You'll get your wish Husker, and when the Demo President elect runs the place, who ya gonna ##### at? Oh wait! When a dem gets in the white house we all can quit our jobs, get free everything, live forever, and sing kum-bay-ya as we live peacefully with our radical terrorist brothers. Crime will vanish, morale will soar and animals will play and talk just like a disney movie. I can't wait for the heaven on earth that is coming. You go Husker! Go to you drug dealer and get more of whatever the hell you're smoking!
Grow up bigbuck .... bushie had a captive audience for 6 years and still fd'up.

?Democratic controlled Congress?

You & timberline_ thumbsucker need to go fishing

LAST EDITED ON Feb-04-08 AT 08:23PM (MST)[p]Me grow up? Listen floride, you stick to sucking on your binky and being a damn traitor! I was just spouting my opinion and since it isnt Liberal it must be wrong, right? All politicians suck! But not to you leftwingers, unless they are republicans. I can and will post when you nutjobs piss me off. (Which is pretty much everytime you whine) This country is great because of Conservatives and in spite of you!
What happened for the last two years when Pelosi was in charge of Congress? RECORD SPENDING AND EARMARKS!!!! Bush's fault too no doubt.
big ... don't you dare drag my "binky" into this ... that's just not fair!

You are right and i apologize from the bottom of where my heart would be if i wasn't a heartless repub. Here's hopin' you and your binky have a great life and again, please accept my regrets for bring it up!
Is this really you bigbuckchaser or your alter ego 202 typical whichever one that was one of your better rants. By the way if you had bothered to read the article you would have read that the democratically controlled Congress will not pass this budget. It just amazes me how spending and tax cuts are always going to fix the problem of a deficit that continues to grow. Maybe whichever democrat becomes president will screw it up as bad as Bush its possible but not very likely. Actually read the article and look at the numbers that were projected following Clinton's presidency and then look at where we are at now.

Yes I know all about 9-11 and what it did to the economy. I also know all about the cost of the war on terrorism. All that cost for taking a 2-bit dictator out. Let me see where have I read the reference to anyone who criticizes your beloved Bush as being a traitor. Yes I remember it is your alter ego who uses that as well.

Come on I need one more good rant you got the drug smoking traitor part in the rant. Try to hit the destruction of the moral fabric of America in your next rant. Maybe a little reference to being homosexual as well, lets get serious and throw in the fact I'm a communist, or anarchist, atheist, agnostic, hell maybe even that all that disagree are Muslims. Work on it you Can Do It!
cornhusker wrote: "Come on I need one more good rant you got the drug smoking traitor part in the rant. Try to hit the destruction of the moral fabric of America in your next rant. Maybe a little reference to being homosexual as well, lets get serious and throw in the fact I'm a communist, or anarchist, atheist, agnostic, hell maybe even that all that disagree are Muslims. Work on it you Can Do It!"

How is this different than the comments you have made directed at conservatives? Pot/kettle to me!


Define, develop, and sustain BOTH trophy and opportunity hunts throughout the state of Utah.
I have always been a Conservitive but; I remember the day Bush said that HE was sending off the troops. HE couldn't fund them but relied on the American people to support the boys. What Congress is not going to support our troops if once they're there?

To me, that day Bush stood up all smug and proud, told us he was sending our guys off to a oversea's battle that many said we could not win, was the day i started hating G.W. jr. MHRIH!
Both parties pretty much make a 14 year old girl in a mall look like a fiscal conservative.

Government does not solve problems; it subsidizes them. --Ronald Reagan
202 or bigbuttchaser which ever you are tonight how do you come up with two years from today to last January? what the dems have is a slim majority not what you'd call control.

Your boy Bush has dropped the ball on fiscal responsibility like no president in history, his budget of 3.1 trillion is actually going to be over 4 trillion by the time the economic rescue package is added on. in this near record deficit proposal he even cuts medicade and medicare, many other programs are on the block as well, to hell with Americans we have better things to blow money on right? if the economy pukes like most experts expect this situation will even become worse with less tax revenue generated, this all still the evil libs doing is it? all the rants and spitting you can muster aren't going to convince anyone except an idiot.
You all want to know the dumbest part of all this political bantering? It is all moot, since all politicians are liars, cheats and self interest aholes and we common Americans can't do a single thing to change that fact; except #####.

We definately need another tea party. Unfortunately you would need Patriots for that and there ain't any left.

The system has failed and there is no way to fix it now. If anybody really believes that any current politician is going to be better for this country, you need to saddle up ol' Pokey and head back out to Gumbyland.

When the Dems get in next year, they will do the same old crap and you can come back here 4 years from now and the rants will be exactly the same......only the $$$$$$$ and the names will be different.

Of course by then, you may have given up so many freedoms that it will be illegal to rant against the government.

Glad I am old and don't have to put up with too much more of this bullship.
My God to listen to this bunch we should all just eat a bullet and get it over with. Good grief.
Look guys all this stuff is cyclical. America has its ups and downs. But she always rights her self. Good fighting back and forth with ideas is the key. Sure there is plenty of blame to go around. We only have ourselves to blame. We elect the scum. The last low spot was Nixon then Carter. Along came Reagan and we were righted. A leader will step up and we will be righted again. Keep the faith all is not lost despite what Cornhole, Foreskin, Dumbdude and T say. :)

?Justice consists not in being neutral between right and wrong, but in finding out the right and upholding it, wherever found, against the wrong.?
---Theodore Roosevelt,
LAST EDITED ON Feb-05-08 AT 07:44AM (MST)[p]I agree with 02, you guys that are doomsdayers, like nickman, either ar too young to know what problems really are, or too old to care. . .
202 When in history did an incoming president have to contend with this kind of debt? it's like handing your wife a box full of maxed out credit cards and saying " run with it, I wish you luck"

I do admire your confidence in Hillary or Obama though, I don't see how they're going to fix it.

Nobody is saying it's hopeless, we're saying it's time to be fiscally responsible. maybe that is hopeless to you.
Prediction for whoever the new Pres. is:...NOTHING WILL CHANGE

Government does not solve problems; it subsidizes them. --Ronald Reagan
Cornhusker, you really need to check into rehab with brit and see if you can overcome your "habit". If anyone on here disagrees with you, you blast them like a certain Kansas team did to a certain used to be team from the land of corn shucking dorks. You hate President Bush, we get it! You have many bitches and few solutions. You are so far left that when any of us try to look that way to see your point, it takes 16 trips to the chiro to keep us from having to be put down like an old quarter horse. It's cool that you really believe all the stuff you spew, but some of us can't. Deal with it and keep spitting out your vomitous mass and we can all get a grin now and then. Did you like how i said vomitous mass? Here's hoping you, Nancy Polosi and Hillary can get all tangled up in your sheets one night and maybe that will brighten up what must be a sad and hateful life. And since 202 is really actually my alter-ego, he says it sucks to be you and may you get so excited about the next batch of garbage you post that the drool runs down your keyboard, follows the cord to your hard drive and finally to the outlet and shocks some sense into ya! Have a nice day!
Now that's what I'm talking about. I knew you'd go for it.

rant-To talk or write in wild, excited aggressive, boisterous way.

I guess its all a matter of deffinition. But that was pretty wierd. I did break one of my fathers rules, always walk away from someone who appears crazy. (Couldn't resist)

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