Fixing broken antlers?


Long Time Member
The bull I killed last fall took a really nasty fall and guoged and cracked a main beam. Through the course of the pack out and de-fleshing for a European mount it finally separated. How can I join the beam back together? I've used some stout epoxies at work, but is there something specific for antlers? How about filling in and coloring the gouge mark? This stuff better left to a taxi maybe? Thanks, mtmuley
Duct tape, I have used it in the past and been pleased with the results

I'll tell you who it was . . . it was that D@MN Sasquatch!
Your results are different than mine. Used that crap to hold the rack together packing it out. Not the answer I'm looking for. mtmuley
There are different things you can use. My guess is that you will have to drill a hole and put an all thread bolt/dowel plus bondo or epoxy to get it to stay secure.

Post a pic.

I would recommend taking it to a taxidermist. They deal with these things frequently. If any paint or touch ups need to be done they can match and blend it so it looks good.
I have used Boiled Linseed oil and mulch to stain up old antlers and have had good results. You will have to post up some pictures so we can see the area and what we are dealing with.
All thread, JB weld and bondo. Match up grooves as needed and paint to match.

"I could eat a bowl of Alphabet Soup and
sh!t a better argument than that!"
I watched my taxidermist fix a broken antler on my moose. He drilled over sized holes in each end and then used a metal rod and expoxy to glue things back together. He then used a plastic filler, Bondo is the cheapest and worked it with sandpaper. He then painted the affected area and lightly stained the entire area overlapping the repairs and paint. You can't tell it was ever broken.
Triple_BB, That's the route I was thinking of going. I know I can join the beam together alright, it's the filling and painting that might be a challenge. It isn't a huge bull, but I'd like it to look good. mtmuley
You have to saw the beam in half, drill and insert TWO dowls (two so it won't spin). Then take either a file or dremel to shape the beam if it doesn't match up perfectly. You'll need to touch up the color and the line from the joint.
Good luck!
I'm a big fan of bailing wire. Just drill enough small holes clear through on both sides of the break to run multiple strands back and forth from one side to the other and twist the ends together with pliers to suck everything up tight.

For more strength, double up the wire but you are going to have to drill a little bigger holes!

Once this is all done and they don't move much, THEN use the duct tape, i use the brown type, for the nice kinda clean finished look we should all hope for. Good luck!!


Anybody that says i don't have a sense of humor is FOS!
Lol sage, maybe I should have gone into more detail.
I know duct tape is bad during transportation, however once its on the wall there is not much movement.

I'll tell you who it was . . . it was that D@MN Sasquatch!

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