Flying in July to Scout.


Active Member
Is there a group out there that is trying to get the current regulations Changed to July 1st. Currently-
No person shall use any aircraft with the intent to spot, locate and aid in the taking of any game animal from August 1 through January 31 of the following calendar year.
I feel it should be July 1st and I want to support the effort. Thanks

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Jake Swensen
I don't see any enforcement of the law in NW Wyoming. This year while sheep scouting and hunting, I saw the old "red and white" plane flying all over sheep and goat country. Flying down low and in a pattern. Saw it in the lower Sunlight and again in North Crandall and Pilot Peak areas. The plane is not one utilized by the G&F.

LAST EDITED ON Dec-01-17 AT 11:54AM (MST)[p]>I don't see any enforcement of
>the law in NW Wyoming.
>This year while sheep scouting
>and hunting, I saw the
>old "red and white" plane
>flying all over sheep and
>goat country. Flying down low
>and in a pattern. Saw
>it in the lower Sunlight
>and again in North Crandall
>and Pilot Peak areas. The
>plane is not one utilized
>by the G&F.

The only way that law will be 100% effective is through voluntary compliance or some locals with balls enough to notify the G&F of who is doing the flying. You can't tell me that people in the general area where these planes are based don't know who the planes belong to. It takes the general public to help on stuff like this just like poaching, rather than to say there is no enforcement since the G&F can't go flying all over in a chopper or fixed wing aircraft looking for stuff like that because they just don't have the manpower or financial resources to do that. jm77 or BuzzH will know what organization(s) that may be trying to cut another month off the allowed times and the BHA may be one that is involved. IMHO I agree that it shouldn't be allowed at all and if they can't disallow it completely I would make the cutoff date of June 1! That would at least save a lot of mule deer bucks that haven't grown much of a rack before then to be waypointed and hunted later on by these outfitters that are doing it.
LAST EDITED ON Dec-01-17 AT 12:14PM (MST)[p]It doesn't have to be a group or organization to get the ball rolling on changing this. If you don't like the current regulation, statue or rule, whatever the hell it is let them know. Every one of us has access to the G&F commissioners or State reps. Most of them want to hear from you. Here is a direct quote I got from a G&F Commissioner just a couple days ago,

"I pray we can get more public opinion on this subject as we move through the comment period. Please stay in touch and thanks again for your effort, I can assure you it was well received!
People still have the power if we can figure out how to get them more involved. If you have any opinions on this I would love to hear them, after all, I believe we are their commission."

I am not overly familiar with the flying reg. I believe it would require legislative change, not sure. But our State reps should have the same attitude as this Commissioner. No need to wait for BHA to get the ball rolling.
Ok, first the Aircraft law is in regulation, which is a G&F Commission issue. BHA wanted a year round ban which mirrors the actual state law against using aircraft for spotting and locating game animals. We wanted July 1, but agreed with Aug 1st because it was hard enough to convince G&F because they are so gun shy about folks complaining, i.e. outfitters and ranchers. Everyone knows sheep and mule deer bucks can be scouted in July for advantage. The truth is, if G&F just stayed out of it, state law would trump and it would be a year round ban.

Second, there can be no argument that the regulation has eliminated over 80% of the flying for scouting purposes. That alone makes it a huge success. I myself turned in a plane last year that was obviously scouting for elk in November. He was so low I could easily get the numbers. Turned out to be a local landowner "looking for cows". BS! Anyway, he knows now he will get turned in and I haven't seen him at all this year, in the air during November.

Third, we were told, that in the future, if there was enough feedback in favor of, the dates could be changed. They open the regs every year and changes can be considered. BHA will support stricter dates.

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