? for N. Nevada Experts


Very Active Member
I was lucky enough (I think) to draw a southern Oregon antelope tag and am trying to get to Oregon Butte which is just across the Nevada state line east of McDermitt.

I will be driving up 95 out of Winnemucca. It looks like there may be a pretty good road through the Fort McDermitt Indian Reservation but I am not sure if the reservation allows thru traffic, rifle, and if that road is any good. It also looks like there is a road that takes off of 95 further south and heads over the Santa Rosa mountain range through Windy Gap and through Holloway Meadows. Since it is going over the Santa Rosa mountains I am not sure how good of a road it is. I am planning on towing a UTV on a small utility trailer with my 4x4 pick-up but don't want to take a road where my pick-up will end up with a bunch of texas pin striping and basically be trashed...

Any input would be greatly appreciated!


Not an expert, but...
don't go over the santa rosa's if your heading to southern oregon. You may get there somehow but it would be a long way on dirt roads that might be super bad getting there.
go through McDermitt you would be fine.
I agree with NVdrhntr. As for the reservation, unless you go through on Friday night or make a lot of noise you won't wake anyone up. Should be fine but I'm not familiar with that road.
the road thru the reservation will be and is much better than over the Santa Rosas. I dont believe there is a problem driving thru there as that road continues on into public land..and i have really not seen a reservation in NV that you really couldn't drive thru.
How do they say it in the Jerimia Johnson movie?? " watch your top knot pilgriam"
Good luck!
If you drive through the Ft. McDermitt reservation keep in mind that it is a dry reservation and the BIA will pull you over if they see you and suspect you may be transporting alcohol through there. Trust me, 4 friends and I all received hefty fines for getting pulled over with beer in the truck. Unopened or not you will get the ticket. Just a heads up. Also if you do decide to go that way the road all the way along the quinn and to the north are pretty good roads.

Just a heads up.
One more thing about the rez road. If it rains or get's slick right at the beginning it can be a nightmare if your towing the trailer. The BIA will pull you over for any reason and even if they don't have a reason. We received a fine for a broken tailight (still functioning, but broken) and for having beer in our truck. We felt fortunate our truck wasn't impounded. In addition, I would not recommend going through there at night as that is one of the only reservations in Nevada where there are some rowdies and alcohol usually comes with the night. There are 2 sherriff's deputies for a large radius and it's not uncommon for both of them to be in McDermott becuse of disturbances. I'm not trying to scare you as we go through the rez chukar hunting 2 or 3 times a year, but make sure your "ducks are in a row." I've only had one issue in 20 years of going up there so chances are you won't see anyone.
Another point well made that i want to reiterate is that road is DANGEROUS when its wet. Even when I wasnt towing a trailer I wasnt able to make it 100 yards up the first grade and it was just as trecherous backing down as it was trying to get up.

I also just wanted to mention something about these BIA guys. They do not give a shite about anything. infact the main BIA guy took our beer, poured it out and then like a good conservationist he threw all the cans right into the desert and escorted us out without any regard to the trash he had just dumped in the reservation that he was supposedly there to "protect".

Long story short. If at all possible find another way around to avoid the hassle and possible headache. The reason this reservation is dry is because like the gentleman before me stated they have somewhat of a booze/drug problem and are a bit out of control.

Hope you can find your way up there!

There is one short little rough spot in the road just off the reservation at Devil's Gate where the Quinn flows through a narrow canyon. Other than that, the road is fine when dry, and it's a pretty good route to the Oregon side.
My brother was driving out of that road one night he had blown two tires and was riding on the rim,It was late at night he was doing five miles an hour when he went through the rez a drunk fella came out of no where and jumped in his truck he wanted him to take him into town.My brother told him he was stoping at 95 and staying there till morning when he got to 95 the guy got out and left.The moral to the story is lock your doors when you pass through there you never now what can happen.
Thanks guys for the help and the safety tips.

I tried to find a website for the reservation to checkout their rules but couldn't find one so I guess they don't have one.

I have driven through the Pyramid Lake Reservation many times without any problems. Hope it wasn't a dry reservation. I don't know if I can go out to the desert without any beers! That might be a deal breaker for that route! At least it is supposed to be a little cooler this weekend.

How long do you think it would take on that road to get out to the Oregon Butte area? I am thinking about an hour...


keep an eye out for Claude Lafayette Dallas, Jr...

Live Free or Die - Nevada Badger
LAST EDITED ON Aug-30-10 AT 06:27AM (MST)[p]>Another point well made that i
>want to reiterate is that
>road is DANGEROUS when its
>wet. Even when I
>wasnt towing a trailer I
>wasnt able to make it
>100 yards up the first
>grade and it was just
>as trecherous backing down as
>it was trying to get
> I also just wanted to
>mention something about these BIA
>guys. They do not
>give a shite about anything.
> infact the main BIA
>guy took our beer, poured
>it out and then like
>a good conservationist he threw
>all the cans right into
>the desert and escorted us
>out without any regard to
>the trash he had just
>dumped in the reservation that
>he was supposedly there to
>Long story short. If at
>all possible find another way
>around to avoid the hassle
>and possible headache. The
>reason this reservation is dry
>is because like the gentleman
>before me stated they have
>somewhat of a booze/drug problem
>and are a bit out
>of control.
>Hope you can find your way
>up there!

No big deal, I do the same thing with my beer cans while going thru McDermitt..what a chit hole.
Hey Guys,

Thanks for the road info. You guys were right on. That is a good road to Oregon Butte. The hardest part was finding the right turn-off which is at the fire station but I got lucky on my first try. It took me 1 1/2 hours to get from Oregon Butte to the 95 pavement coming out but a lot longer going in (going slow, stopping to check map, GPS, etc.) No sign of the BIA but it didn't look like there was too much going on at the reservation. Only saw 1 person going in and out. I even had a beer or two at camp!

Thanks again for the help!

Had a great trip. Lots of antelope but I never really saw any shooter bucks. Tried to fill my tag the last morning on a small buck but missed a 185 yard chip shot! The country is very flat so it is hard to get within rifle range...


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