
Active Member
Johnson and crew are kicking some a$$. It's Gordon and Johnson and then everyone else.
Fat Tony isn't even a factor.
Looks like Gordons luck might be finally running out.
Still to close to call and anything can happen in two races,but 48 has the momentum and the best crew chief in the business.

Not a JJ fan ,but my hat is off to him. He does have a great crew ,but he is the best driver. Keeps getting better. Since 2002 JJ has 32 wins JG 23 wins and TS 20 wins. Those are the top three in my book and the proof is in the pudding.
At least I wasn't dumb enough to get suckered by shotgunjim again this year......I'll never bet against that little prik JJ again.

LAST EDITED ON Nov-05-07 AT 08:10PM (MST)[p]While ya'll are on the subject, what about the Nextel guys driving in the Busch series. I think its BS, as they get to drive the track a day early, get their set-ups just right.

just my 2cents.

No doubt JJ's on fire, and thats just a little hotter than smoke.

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