

Active Member
Brian....Rarely do I get on here, but please let this particular forum push boundries. Everyone hits all the hunting sites & they are all PC, which is not how we all feel. I'm willing to gamble most guys here that piss u & moderators off would be OK in camp when face to face. Make us "extra" register for this forum if needed. Only cause it's the most brutal honest line of BS comedy/reality out there now.

Let em take gloves off here......otherwise just another generic place to leave.I

My $0.02
and....I find it hard to believe any moderators get cry baby alerts from this forum.....

Can you make it double secret entrance??
This is by far the most left swinging site I browse. It has slid in a direction that has pushed people away or at least pushed them to contribute pics and stories elsewhere and here for the comic relief of Trump haters, Trump lovers, people who would love to see America fall/fail so they can say it was Trumps fault, throw in poacher supporters.
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I want to second or third or whatever.

If you enter the sportsman political page let it be for full grown adults.

Short of threats or violence, it is a service. If Guys recognize they need to blow off steam, it's better on a forum than on the dog or wife.

I've checked here from time to time but largely stayed out of here until we drove the country off a cliff.

Yelling at Grizz provides relief.

As always. Thanks for the forum
Agreed. Years ago when I first contributed to this forum it was balls out every man for himself and then Trump got elected. For some reason TDS infected many people and this forum got pussified so I looked for alternative places to spend my time. Before you call me a Trump lover, I didn't vote for him and I absolutely despise a lot of his rhetoric. That being said, what this man has gone through in the past 3 1/2 years while still managing to do great things for the country simply amaze me. I do not like his spending at all, and I'm not in favor of this stimulus BS but it's easy to armchair quarterback.

I spend way more time now on bass fishing forums than I do here especially since I got "the message" from the mods a while back. I'm glad there is difference in opinion because without it there's no point but having to watch my mouth so to speak makes this place kind of meh IMO.
When I started here when Clinton was president, we were arguing about the same stuff. Then we argued about GWB and muslims, then I got banned for 15 years. But not by founder LOL.

I wouldn't be here (I can hear the encouragement to leave) if it weren't for the political arguing, unless we could get the hound dawgers back together again. There is nothing interesting about monochrome political - or hunting - sites. And even though we prove every day that you don't have to be smart to argue about politics, some still seem reluctant to ENGAGE?

I think the moderating here is pretty even handed. Name calling, cursing, and religion seems to be the line, and I'm cool with that. Here's a vote for the status quo.
Homer.....Founder said in another thread to "email" the problematic discussion. I can't even remember which argument it Let em hash it out here is all I'm sayin. Have great weekend gents!!
It is usually a "Katy bar the door, no hold bar free for all" on here at times. But as mentioned there has not been a lot of alerts, maybe 2 or 3 I can remember. Everyone seems to give as well as they take. So I guess it is UNDERSTOOD when you enter this forum what your getting into. everyone has on their big person ( have to be politically correct with the gender fluid folks) panties on. check the guns and knifes at the door and have fun.

WTH does "Let em take gloves off here" really mean?
Drunk posting homophobic slurs and Trump style name calling personal attacks?
It's called a discussion forum.
Taking the gloves off means it bare knuckle time , Nut grabbing, ear biting , eye poking, etc, etc.
WTH does "Let em take gloves off here" really mean?
Drunk posting homophobic slurs and Trump style name calling personal attacks?
It's called a discussion forum.

From what I can tell the guy who used the most homophobic slurs on this forum was on your side and he took his ball and went home so.... TDS much?
Somewhat absurd to think I'm supposed to answer for him. Follow him on Yahoo if you're so infatuated with him.

How about that 8 billion Reagan gave Iran?
So now that the MM Congress is sharing their thoughts are we ready for a vote. Even if it passes will Founder veto? The hunting news might run a huge story. I can read the Eastmans head lines now.

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