Founder's 2015 Hunt Adventures


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So far this year, I haven't done too much hunting, other than for shed antlers. Below are a couple pics of the best antlers of the year for me.

As for my upcoming hunts .... I expect to be hunting Utah and Colorado, and hoping for Wyoming. I've been keeping my butt in shape during off-season .... running, biking, hiking and weight lifting. I'm ready to get after it for sure!



Brian Latturner
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My summer muley scouting has begun! I went out the other day looking for the 12x9 that my wife dubbed "Blackjack" last year. Within 10 minutes, he showed himself, but he's not as big and isn't going to be as big. He still has plenty of tines, and some fun stuff on the one base, but just not huge.

It was evident that he had been shot, and hit in the right spot. It's a wonder he's alive at all. My guess is that the wound has hindered his growth. He also has a limp.

Here's some video and pics.




Brian Latturner
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I do have a Wyoming tag this year and have completed my first backpack scouting trip of the summer. On this trip, I saw 49 different bucks in total. I don't think any of them will be a taker for me. But, I know all about this game. Many, many bucks must be looked at to find a whopper. There are very few of them.

Here's a video and photos of two of the best bucks:



Brian Latturner
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I got back after it in the high country over the past couple of days and turned up what I think will be a taker this year. He has several extras on each side. Not super wide. In my video I talked 28 inches, but maybe not that wide. But he will end up with a nice chunk of bone on his head and that's what I like.
I also found a couple other bucks that are pretty darn good.




Brian Latturner
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Hiked in last night to look at the buck we dubbed "Blackjack" last year. Here's a bit of video of him. Just not huge, but sure has lots of points!!!

Brian Latturner
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Another trip to Wyoming and a few big ones found. Still not thinking any are takers, at least for me. Maybe my buddies will be interested. On this trip I turned up a wide 5x5, wide 4x5, and big 3x4. I also saw two other bucks that were pretty good, but just 4x4's and I'm not sure how good they were.
I still haven't found one that is "for sure" the one. I'm hoping to find one with extra stuff or a whopper typical. I know very well how few and far between they are, so I know what to expect on each climb up the mountain.
Take a look at the video.







Brian Latturner
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I got back out there for a couple more days of scouting. Found some cool bucks and saw one that I really like. Got rained on. Sure isn't fun hiking around when it's so wet. Pain in the butt for sure.







Brian Latturner
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It's been a couple weeks since my last post. I've been looking around for the buck with all the points I shared earlier, but haven't seen him. The hunt opens tomorrow. Maybe I'll figure out where he's hanging out.
I also returned yesterday from a two day scouting trip in Wyoming. Never even turned the camera on. I did see two bucks worth taking photos and video of, but the one run before I got the camera out and the other was about two miles away.

The first was a good looking buck with a 25 inch type frame, long tines, and a couple extras on one side. The other was a long way off, but I could tell that he was tall and wider. When I say wider, I mean wider the most....maybe a 27 incher. What was cool was that he had about a 10 inch droptine. That's rare.

Tomorrow the hunt begins here in Utah.

Brian Latturner
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Been archery hunting here in Utah for the last few days. I made a play on a buck yesterday and then saw him again today. No luck. The wife got lots of action on opening day, missed one but moved on numerous bucks. Fun to watch.

Brian Latturner
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I spent a couple days in the high country and found a couple wide bucks and a narrow one that's pretty nice. Good trip. The two wide bucks are real nice.








Brian Latturner
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I spent 6 days in the high country of Wyoming bowhunting. No shots for me. I saw the buck I wanted, but never could get a shot off.

Returned home yesterday, the family talked me into going to the Trampoline park and......I broke my neck!! Yep, broken C7. I'm in a neck brace and it looks like hunting for a bit is over. I don't think shooting a rifle at this point is very good. It's what they call a "stable break", which means I don't need surgery, but if I did more damage it could change to an unstable break or just do serious damage in an instant.

I haven't yet shared the pics of the buck I was hunting in Wyoming. Will do real soon.

Brian Latturner
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I got word this morning that the Neurosurgeon felt that I could probably hunt and shoot without doing more damage to the break, so I'm going to give it a try.
My hunting partners have told me they'll help me where needed. I'll be ok.......I hope. Just have to be careful.

Brian Latturner
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I returned home on Sunday from 6 days of rifle deer hunting in Wyoming. No monster buck for me. My buddy, Landon, did smoke the wide buck I posted photos of earlier in this thread. My other friend, Jason, also had some nice action. It was a good hunt, despite having gear stolen from our camp. Watch the video.
Thanks to Yellowstone Horse Rentals for setting us up with a couple great ponies. I would not have been able to hunt at all without those horses.
I'm not sure I'll get back to Wyoming or not this year. I want to, but not sure with my neck fractured. Crappy time to break stuff!!!










Brian Latturner
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I wish I had great news to report, but no. I spent another 4 days in the same spot in Wyoming looking for the big one. Did not see him. I have now been in that area for 14 days since I last saw him. Long time to not turn him up. Is he still there....the question I ask over and over and over again. Time invested so far in Wyoming.....15 days scouting, 5 archery hunting, and 10 rifle hunting. A month!

It was a tough trip altogether because I didn't see many bucks. It was warm and they had been pushed really hard and were holding tight in the thick pines....even the young ones.

Found a pool of blood where a deer had been shot and saw a carcass in a canyon (separate deer), so two deer were taken right in there where I suspect the big one to be hanging out. I don't know if the outfitter got the buck or not. I wish I knew. I'd bet not, but wouldn't bet much on it. It's plenty possible.

I did see the droptine buck posted in this thread. He was out of rifle range had I wanted to shoot, but still saw him. Also saw two other larger mature bucks, but not sure how big, but not big enough to be "the one" I was looking for. Just got quick glimpses.

Took one horse with me. Chad at Yellowstone Horse Rentals set me up nice. It was a big horse and gentle and I had no issues. It's always great to be able to tie a horse out on a long rope and not have to worry about them getting all tangled up and freaking out. He hauled all my gear up the mountain and I had all I needed to last up to 10 days, but I left after 4. Just tough hunting. Warm and little activity.
If you ever hunt western Wyoming, definitely consider renting a horse. They're not for everyone, but if you can handle it, they can save your back. Yellowstone Horse Rentals - Tell Chad I sent you.

Not sure if I'll return or not. I might run up and hike in from the bottom for a couple days. Not sure. Still have this neck brace on and it sucks.

No buck pics in this post. Didn't see anything worth videotaping for long enough to get the camera on them.

Brian Latturner
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So Wyoming hunting for me is over and I've lost again. I went back up Sunday for a 2 day trip. Hunted the pines looking for the big boy. I didn't get him. In total, I did 15 days of scouting in Wyoming, 5 days of archery hunting and 12 days rifle hunting. 32 days up there and no buck. Same old story it seems for me. It's all good though. I got to hunt the big one. I think he survived, but not sure. We'll see if a photo pops up one day.

I have to admit, I sure do get frustrated with hunting one big buck like I did up there. They sure are good at disappearing and it gets frustrating not knowing where he went, why I'm not seeing him, wondering if with each distant gun shot if it were him to just hit the dirt and wondering each time I come home and then return if the buck was taken by another and I'm wasting my time.

So that's that. Another unfilled tag for me. Next up, Colorado.

Brian Latturner
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Finally, deer jerky again! Ha Ha
I do like the jerky, although it gets stuck in my teeth and drives me nuts. But more than the jerky, I like to win, to be successful in finding and taking a rare trophy. After 10 days on the mountain in Colorado and 7 days of hunting, a taker buck appeared on the ridge in front of me at first light. Exciting!!!








Brian Latturner
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