Founder's 2018 Hunt Adventures


Founder Since 1999
My hunt adventures this year actually began with some antler hunting and I scored big on a 200-3/8 set off a buck I spotted on the winter range in December. Pretty cool find! (Pictures Below)

But now the real serious part gets rolling, finding a buck or two to hunt this fall. I have Utah, Wyoming and Colorado tags, but Wyoming is the number one focus. In fact, if I don't have time to scout Colorado, I may return that tag.

My goal in Wyoming this year is the same as usually, to find a 200-inch buck to hunt. That is asking a lot, I have to admit, but I like to set the bar high. Either way, I'll be hunting the best buck I can find. That's what I like to do.

My first deer scouting trip this year is in. In two days I looked at 54 bucks, with 3 of them having enough bone to at least be interesting. I don't think any of them are going to be real big, but good ones.




First High Country Scouting Trip of the Year!






Brian Latturner
@mm_founder on Instagram
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Got back out for another 3 days of backpacking and looking for deer. Looked at about 80 bucks. A few were pretty good. Didn't find any however that really got me excited. The one buck pictured with the spike buck, is one that I think could end up real interesting. My camera has not been working right, so I'm getting a lot of blur.







Brian Latturner
@mm_founder on Instagram
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Another 3 days of buck scouting in Wyoming. On this trip I looked at about 42 bucks in total. The best buck was a pretty good typical that has good tine length (pictured below). Also found a cool buck that has a bit more mass than average and a nice inline on his G4. Anything with extra stuff excites me.








Brian Latturner
@mm_founder on Instagram
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I think I've found the best buck of the year for me. It's a very nice 4x5 that might end up a 5x5. I think he'll go better than 185. Plus found another 4x5 that has long eyeguards and his 5th is a cheater/droptine. He should be near 180 I believe when done. Tines aren't real long, but eyeguards and extra make up for it. Pretty good bucks, but no 200-incher yet.








Brian Latturner
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Got my butt over into Colorado recently for a 3 day scouting trip. Didn't find too much. The buck pictured below is the best seen. Looked over lots of country though. Such a large body buck. He looked like a horse going across the sidehill.


Brian Latturner
@mm_founder on Instagram
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I also made it back to Wyoming recently as well and found a couple bucks that I'd call takers for me. They aren't 200 inches like I'm hoping for, but they sure looked good. When I saw them, I was excited and that's what I'm looking for....a buck or two that excites me. The search for a 200 will continue though, but I'm happy to have found a couple that gets me excited to hunt. My hunting buddy who helped me land a tag is really happy too. Maybe we'll get lucky and get one of the two. His wife also has a tag and might be in there hunting as well.







Brian Latturner
@mm_founder on Instagram
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Got back out there for another few days of scouting and was able to find some big bucks. Found a 3x4 that is cool. He's quite tall and wide. And I located a buck that might be the best of the year. 45 bucks in total. Watch the video...........

Brian Latturner
@mm_founder on Instagram
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Looked over 32 bucks on this scouting trip and saw two that are darn nice. Only got video of one, the heavy dude with kickers. He's cool and I believe at this point, he's the one I'd be hunting if I find nothing better. More searching planned though......

Brian Latturner
@mm_founder on Instagram
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A few more days in the high country produced another 54 bucks to look at. A couple of them ended up being pretty good. Two of them I think are in that 180 range.







Brian Latturner
@mm_founder on Instagram
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So my Wyoming hunting is done!

What a fun hunt for my Wyoming hunting buddy and I. Right now I have to thank him for sharing his points with me to put me in the game. I put in 21 days of scouting and looked over hundreds of bucks. I found these two along with another wide one in an area I know well, and the archery hunt was on.
We packed in the night before the opener with a couple crappy llamas that were more trouble than anything. But we made it.
Opening morning we saw the wide buck and he was number one on my hit list. I also got a look at the 5x5, and while I liked him, my hope was to get a chance at the wide buck. And, I knew the double (really triple) droptine buck was in there somewhere. Over the next few days I got to see the wide buck one more time, then he vanished, as he was fully aware we were in his home. Scott missed the 5x5 a couple times and made stalks on him and other bucks many times. Each day was packed with hunting fun. I found the droptine buck and made plays on him myself. On day 5, I spotted the 5x5 bedded in a real good spot. Had Scott been with me, I would?ve let him attempt the play, but he wasn?t and I had the urge to test my skills and prove to myself I could get it done. I had to make a play and did.
He was bedded above his buddies and only 75 yards off a ridge, so I spent more than an hour sneaking across a steep, gravel side hill and then crawled and scooted to 57 yards. At that point, I was as close as I dared go and prepared for a shot. For more than two hours I stood there with the sun frying me waiting for him to stand. I knew when the sun moved to the west it would eventually hit him and he'd stand to move beds, but I was so worried that swirling wind could carry my stink to him that I didn't dare sit down. I had to be ready when he stood. I didn't think I'd have much time.
After more than a couple hours, it worked as I had hoped and he stood. Perfect! I was ready and put an arrow in him. He was instantly sick and remained standing and staggering in his bed. He was ready to drop, but I quickly shot him again. The absolute worst part of hunting for me is watching them die, so I wanted it over as quickly as possible. And it was after that 2nd arrow.
I was so excited. So, so excited! What fun!!!! You?ll have to watch my video when I add it.
So my hunting was done and now it was time to get Scott a buck. There were several bucks in the area that he would shoot and over the next couple days he was ran ragged stalking bucks.
On day 7, our last day, I spotted the droptine buck and Scott headed to the ridge to setup for a shot. It took a while, but the buck ended up walking to within about 15 feet of Scott and after spooking the buck out to a crazy 20 yards, Scott put an arrow into the perfect spot. Another big buck score!! Again, I was so excited. Watch the video when I get it added.

So here are our trophies. I believe in my 21 days of scouting, I looked at around 432 different bucks. These two are in the top 6-7 best bucks I found. I had hoped to find a monster, but no. Just real good bucks.


Brian Latturner
@mm_founder on Instagram
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After having success in Wyoming during the archery hunt, I had a lot of downtime. I had a Utah deer tag and took the boy hunting. He was able to take a nice buck, but I never saw anything that got me excited.

Anden's Buck

Brian Latturner
@mm_founder on Instagram
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In early November, Anden and I headed for Colorado. He had drawn the tag, but I picked one up off the leftover list. We put in 9 days of hard hunting. Conditions were great, bucks were following does around, we saw lots of deer and lots of bucks, but I never saw a buck that I could say for sure was one I'd want to take. We saw plenty that were good enough for the boy, and I did see a couple bucks that looked awfully good, but I didn't get any video, so I hate to guess on size.

Anden hunted hard and missed a couple of bucks. He was bummed, but I try to teach him that it's OK to go home empty handed. It was a fun hunt. Watch it below......

Brian Latturner
@mm_founder on Instagram
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