Full Curl Social


Very Active Member
Does one have to pre-register for this, or can one sign up for it on Saturday at the Expo?
I called a buddy of mine that is helping set up at the expo and he said that you can buy a tickett at the door. The social is on Saturday, February 13th, 2-4 PM. It is $100 if you have the full curl and $40.00 for everyone else. Additional guest can get in for $10.00 each. You can register on line at the website fullcul.org
Should be fun. Hope to see ya'll there!
Winning a sheep hunt would be cool beyond words. I would imagine that the odds are not too bad! See ya there, Scott
It would be great for you to be a part of this new endeavor. It would also be fantastic for your son to win a hunt. Hope to have you both there, and good luck on the draws. I agree that the odds might be pretty good.
Thanks, Rick. My friend from Idaho and his son will also be joining me. Perhaps you and I will get a few minutes to chat.
I would love to visit, but since we have never met I don't know that I will know who you are. If you recognize me from my son's sheep photos, please introduce yourself. I always love talking sheep.
And nvnative, I wish you could be there as well. I will be sure to send some photos!
We met last Fall when you were buying your new truck. I enjoyed our conversation. It was a great event. I was impressed! Don and others had told me what they have invisioned for the Organization and it is impressive it was great to see it launch!They have my support! I think of those who make less than complementary comments of Don and Karl and they do not realize who these great leaders are and what they do for the comman man or woman. Congratulations to all that drew! Especially, the huntresses and youth! Jessica Terry and Kyle way to go! Drawing the tag was awesome! Congratulations to all!!!
LAST EDITED ON Feb-15-10 AT 12:09PM (MST)[p]Hello my fellow hunting friends.

Jessica was, in fact, drawn for a Dall sheep hunt at the new FULL CURL SOCIETY meeting!!!!!!!!!!!! Thanks DON PEAY and KARL MALONE!!!!!!!!!!!! (I got a hug from Karl)

I have been a proponent of SFW and UFNAWS and now FULL CURL from day one! It's been my pleasure to associate with win-win type people!

This will be Jessica's second leg of a long, hard, expensive, rewarding journey. (My Full Curl quest began 30 years ago this year and ended in 2003)

As usual, Don under promised and OVER delivered. We were told that 4 sheep hunts would be drawn. There were TEN, YES TEN, drawn and given to hunters from all over the country. Next year? Who knows how many hard working hunters will be out of their minds with joy? 20? I'll be there to see!


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