Fullcry or Squirrelcry???



I just got my new Fullcry magazine, and I've just about had it. If I have to hear about, grannies lap dog treeing three squirrels today,one more time I'm going to go postal! People chase squirrels with dogs, are you kidding me. I don't need no dog to find me a squirrel. That's just one more trashy dog that I have to feed. When I open Fullcry I want to see some big bruin accidentally caught by ed, or some big tom that was sound asleep in some tree as dawgs pack comes wandering along. I don't want to see some squirrel in a tree with a little yappy mut standing on it. Do you know they actually have a "world champion" squirrel dog? You have got to be shitting me. Those boys back east need to find some entertainment. I know leaving sister alone long enough to chase squirrel makes mom happy but I don't need to read about it in a magazine. I don't mean to judge, a houndsman has no roome to do so, but this is getting old. So to all you squirrel guys out there, get a life!!!
I couldn't agree more!!! That is why I canceled my subscription to full cry.

I'm thinking of starting a new magazine called "Western Big Game Houndind".

I'll have the DAWG as our "Mr Mt. Lion" to bounce questions off of. You can do a how to arcticle each quarter.

Ed can do a special with Waycool on bears along with proper thong atire for different events.

CB can do our special guided hunts section.

Mulehound and pumaguy can do a section on hunting off of the back of Mules. This is definately the specialty section.

Tell me what you guys think and start sending in the pictures and arcticles so I can get the first issue out.

No more squirrels for me!!!

Catmando: Putting the HO in hound.
You are preachin' to the choir amigo. I cancelled my subscription over a year ago. Haven't missed it a bit. Well, I take that back. A buddy of mine that takes it always lets me read Gray Fox's column out of his Full Cry. Other than that I don't even give it a second look.

I got tired of wading through the 70 pages of BS to get to the 3 pages that interested me.

Besides, I never get time to read Bull Cry anymore. I'm too busy with my wife's Better Homes and Gardens. I can't put that damn thing down!!! Fascinating!!

I have just had it as well! Your idea catmando sounds great. Really beartree, how hard can it be to get a squirrel up a tree? Hell, the other day I heard these I don't know what you want to call these dogs yapin like heck across the street, they look like they were stolen from off the side of the road between chinle and bluff. Anyways, these little suckers were just yappin like you wouldn't believe, after three hours I finally drove over to see what was going on and these little hairballs had this squirrel up a tree, it was so exciting and nerve racking!!
I know what you mean boys, Full Cry isn't the same without Emet Brohardt, O.L. Beckham, Del Cameron, or even Sandy Seaton writing in. Other than Grayfox's articles, which I've noticed have also been absent the last couple of months, I rarely read any of the cur or squirrel news. But I still find a story or two in every issue worth the price of subscription. And you have to admit, that was a cool cover on this months magazine with the bobcat bayed on the ledge.

Any of you boys remember Rod King, the Black and Tanner from Oakley, Idaho??? He had a newsletter of western big game hound news that he put out. I haven't seen a copy for a while so I don't know if he's still doing it.

And BTW, I'll volunteer to be the bar critic for your new magazine catmando. You name the town and I'll scope out the local bars, the houses of ill repute, and most likely even the accomodations at the local jail.....you know, the things every hound dogger needs to know when hunting a new area. I've been training my whole life for this job catmandoo, so what do you say, am I in???
Your in!! With the doggers on this site we should be able to put out a magazine from HELL!!!
You western boys think that there is nothing greater than treeing a big bruin or a lion. Well, I will tell you as a bear, lion, coon and squirrel hunter of days past, I don't care what it is that is in the tree, as long as I get to spend time outdoors with my dogs.
I don't think the attitude is of total exclusion on squirrels. At least I don't read that into this post. What I along with some of these other rednecks are complaining about is the 10 squirrel stories to the one bear story. Of course all the, "Cleates Jones talked to me on the phone the other day," stuff seams to take the print much more often than Dawg and Kevin left the women alone long enough to catch a longtail.

Go gitem_up amigo. we're just blowing a little smoke since it has been too hot and dry to pursue the longtails out here.

Ed, www.swhounds.com
Hey squirrel lover, I'm not saying their is anything wrong with chasing a squirrel with dog I just don't want to read about it in a SERIOUS HOUND MAGAZINE. There is no way you can compare a beardog to a squirrel dog. If you think so you can come out here and see the difference. I myself with a beer in hand can tree a squirrel. I can't with or without beer in hand can tree a bear. So don't even waste my time. You easterners waste enough of my time with me wading through the squirrel crap to get to a REAL HOUND STORY.
Sure any dog can tree a squirrel, but how many will stand their ground when the bushytail comes back down the tree? Have you ever cornered a rabid squirrel? Do you think you could stare down the barrel or your Red Rider and ease back the trigger with a squirrel snarling down at you with those two big buck teeth?

did you guys see the super bowl commercial where the squirrel went up the guys pantleg and found some nuts? that guy would have some input as to whether or not a squirrel was a worthy game animal.
Ya know, I was trying to be nice about this but the last two posts about how tough squirrels are has me laughing my a$$ off. I guess I'll have to really watch out for them rabid ones or the special fast one that can run through 5 hounds, up the leg of my bibs and naw on nuts. Sorry folks, I ain't buying it. Leave it at they tree, that's good enough.

One good dog has a hell of a time with a medium coon, two dogs might have a time with a BIG coon, but there ain't a hound I've had that would have any trouble with a squirrel. It's just a matter of size amigos. A 40 pound coon is one hell of a warrior, a 3 pound squirrel, no matter how big his nuts are, ain't but a bite for these hounds.

I'm not going to talk about lions that live on 200 pound deer or bears that can rip a stump apart without any thought. Lions will kill dogs, bears will kill dogs, coons drown dogs on occasion but you'd have to look long and hard for any story about a dog killin' squirrel. It's hard to type this sh!t :eek: Since we know houndmen are the biggest liars of all and even they haven't dreamed that far. I'm calling BS lound and clear on the killer squirrel stuff.

hey ed, it was a commercial. but i did see a man eatin' turkey once that could stand flat footed and look me eye to eye. a friend of mine lost a fair amount of index finger to a squirrel once too. you can't tell him they ain't maneaters.
I used to have a pack a em squirrel hounds. One day we's out runnin a couple a big ole buck squirrels i'd cut they track crossin an ole loggin road. I dumped the truck on em ana way dem hounds went. They jumped them two bushy tail bucks offan ole bag a peanut m&ms sombody had dropped in da woods. Boy we had a chase goin. Bout four hours latter day still ditnt have em buggers run up. So's I sit down to rest a might. I musta dozed off a spell I awoke an felt somtin runnin up my pant legs. Thats when I heard dem damned old squirrels say Should we eatem here or takem back to the tree. I tell ya that was the last day I hunted squirrel. Yep!
Hey ruttcrazed or should I say "nuttcrazed!" I don't plan to back one of them little buck tooth bastards into a corner but if for some ungodly reason I decide to I will be sure to pack my sling shot with plenty of ammo so he won't come a chargin through the whole pack!

Puttin the nut in "nuttcrazed!
Easy there Keepem, if you want to start shoutin insults, maybe you had better get you a pack of hounds first.
Well for what it's worth gitem_up, I'm with you....it doesn't matter what you catch, bear, lion, deer, elk, squirrel, or even gonorhea, as long as your having a good time! :)
Now nuttcrazed, it is alright to take the truth to be hard. what do you really get up? With all of this talk about nuts and small animals and whatever makes you happy maybe we should call you the mississippi leg hound.
Uh....What?? I you are going in there with a sling shot you had better make sure your buddy is backing you up with his BB gun, you can never be too careful.
I ain't never been to Mississippi, but as far as being a leg hound......well there was that one time, but I was drunk...and needed the money.....


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