Fund raiser for friend with ALS.


Active Member
A good friend of mine who is 43 has ALS (Lou Gehreg disease). It is progressing rapidly and his hospital bills are mounting. He can no longer work, drive, or ski which was his life long passion.

We are having a fund raiser for him and his wife of only 2 years on Friday Dec. 11 @ 6pm @ the Tram Club at Snowbird. There will be a raffle and silent auction for skis, trips, some amazing prints, guided fishing trip on the Green, outdoor gear, gift certificates and more. So if anyone in the Salt Lake area has nothing to do this Friday night, come on up to the Bird, listen to some good music, have a few drinks, and help a great guy out.

I know this is short notice, but if anyone has any goods or services they want to donate to the auction and or raffles let me know. For more info email [email protected]

heres a book of a guy who has beat ALS thru nutrition...its worth alook C

I have been lurking for a number of years and this post prompted me to join. I happen to be a friend of Eric and Glenna Edney. Manny hit the nail on the head and this is a must read book. Eric is without a doubt one of the most amazing people I have ever met. We had a book signing at our church the past two weekends for Eric's book. I hope people buy this book and give it some thought. His arguments are difficult to argue with.


Thanks Manny and Brad for suggesting the book, I just ordered it for my friend.

Paul Kendell, Thank you very much for donating the videos and taking the time to deliver them. It's very much appreciated.
check your PM's shotgunjim

great post/pic, thanks for sharing

JB, sorry, I'm bad about checking my PMs. I just sent you a PM back. Thank you for helping out. You're a good guy no matter what anyone else says. Take care.

I just left Eric and Glenna's home and we talked about your friend. You might mention to him that Eric would be more than willing to talk with him via e-mail if he is interested. Erik chats with folks from all over the world. If your friend is interested get me his e-mail address and we can get he and Eric together.


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