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Democrats will have a hard time selling that Durham is a bias Republican that is doing Trump's bidding based on the information for him. Even dude will have a hard times selling that B.S.
William Barr appoints US Attorney John Durham to investigate Russia probe genesis

Sources tell Fox that Durham is focused on the months leading up to the election; chief intelligence correspondent Catherine Herridge reports.

U.S. Attorney John Durham, the longtime lawman tapped to investigate the origins of the Russia investigation, is no stranger to high-stakes assignments that might not make him popular in federal law enforcement circles.

But his reputation as a hard-charging and apolitical prosecutor is what colleagues say has made him the go-to investigator for highly sensitive jobs. And looking into alleged misconduct within the FBI and other government agencies -- surrounding the most politically explosive investigation since at least the Clinton era -- could be his toughest assignment yet.

Those who know him describe him as up to the task.

?He is aggressive, tireless and fair,? former U.S. attorney for Connecticut Deirdre Daly told Fox News in an interview Wednesday. ?He has been tapped by the Justice Department under previous Democratic and Republican administrations to conduct sensitive and significant investigations, so he has done this before for both sides of the aisle, so to speak.?

'What's critically important here is that he is independent and apolitical.'
? Deirdre Daly, former U.S. attorney for Connecticut

Durham served as counsel to Daly when she was U.S. attorney and deputy U.S. attorney. Durham now holds the U.S. attorney position in Connecticut, but his profile rose this week after it emerged that Attorney General Bill Barr had assigned him to lead the investigation into ?all intelligence collection activities? related to the Trump campaign during the 2016 presidential election, and any misconduct during the early stages of the FBI?s original Russia probe.


Durham, 68, was appointed by President Trump as U.S. attorney for Connecticut in 2018. But prior to being confirmed to that post, he had been tasked multiple times with investigating alleged misconduct by national security and law enforcement officials. Durham has conducted these sensitive investigations under administrations of both political parties.

?What's critically important here is that he is independent and apolitical,? Daly said.

One of Durham?s highest-profile cases was in 1999, when former Attorney General Janet Reno, during former President Bill Clinton?s administration, asked him to probe the FBI?s handling of Boston mob boss Whitey Bulger. During that case, Durham helped to convict retired FBI agent John Connolly Jr., who was sentenced to 10 years in federal prison on racketeering charges related to his relationship with Bulger.

Next, in 2008, during former President George W. Bush?s administration, then-Attorney General Michael Mukasey assigned Durham to investigate the CIA?s alleged destruction of videotapes in 2005, which showed the torture of terrorism suspects. By 2009, under the Obama administration, then-Attorney General Eric Holder expanded Durham?s task to probe whether the CIA broke any laws in its handling of detainees in custody. Durham ultimately did not recommend charges.

Later, Holder tapped Durham to lead the Justice Department's investigation into whether it was legal for the CIA to use ?enhanced? interrogation techniques.

?He has tremendous experience as both an investigator and a prosecutor,? Daly said. ?He is also extremely familiar with the federal criminal justice system?s procedures, policies and practices.?

Former U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder, Jr. appointed John Durham to investigate alleged abuses at the CIA.

Former U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder, Jr. appointed John Durham to investigate alleged abuses at the CIA. (AP)

Durham also led investigations into former Republican Connecticut Gov. John Rowland, who was imprisoned twice for not paying taxes and for accepting improper gifts from individuals conducting business with the state.


Others who know Durham and his work described him as a ?hard-charging, bulldog? prosecutor.

According to sources familiar with the latest investigation, Durham has been working on his review of the Russia probe ?for weeks.? He is expected to focus on the period before Nov. 7, 2016?including the use of FBI informants as well as alleged improper issuance of Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA) warrants. Durham was asked to help Barr ?ensure that intelligence collection activities by the U.S. Government related to the Trump 2016 Presidential Campaign were lawful and appropriate.?
Nance was probably a little turned on at the prospects of her using cuffs and bondage on another submissive male. They like that kind of thing in San Francisco....

You're right Homer.......DUD has given his soul to Satan when it comes to politics.....
Are you serious dickweed? You are blinded by your hatred of all things Trump?
Cheesehead only a bent wrist liberal Adam Henry like you would think it would be funny to handcuff Barr. Like your socialists liberals you really do not want to have exposed how your favorite party corrupted the laws of this country and tried to buy an election and then try to throw out a duly elected President. You should be ran out of the country as you are not any American worth two cents.

Atta boy MR Hatfield..... give em hell! Played by their own party and not smart enough to figure it out. LOL
Cheesehead, CNN ran a poll where they called just over 1,000 persons at random and asked them what they thought about Barr conducting his investigations.
Since it was a random poll, they contacted Democrats, Republicans, and even persons that pay little attention to politics.
Almost 70 percent of those polled stated the investigations needed to continue to find out what took place prior to and during the last election.
Needless to say CNN did not like the results of the poll and did not published the results. Is that the news agency you get your information from and only get the slanted side for liberals and idiots only?


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