G7 at Trump Resort


Founder Since 1999
G7 at Trump Resort. He?s sure good at putting the country and it's citizens ahead of himself.....ha ha ha ha ha

Brian Latturner
@mm_founder on Instagram
LIKE MonsterMuleys.com
on Facebook!
Yeah...he'd be much better off to start a foundation....

Since the tax payers are footing the bill, do it at the best price. If Trump's resort can beat other places prices, have it there. You also have to consider the security level in selecting a place to hold it. Protection of world leaders attending is a very important aspect on the place selected to hold it.

LAST EDITED ON Oct-19-19 AT 03:42PM (MST)[p]Folks on this site would be completely losing their ##### if this was anyone but the orange messiah. Baffling. I honestly think if he decided to be a pro-abortion, anti gun rights, climate change alarmist he would flip the 30 whatever percent of the population that worships him on every damn one of those issues. People I know that support him make excuses for every thing he does that goes against everything they believed 3 years ago. I just don't get it. It's all about the constitution if its the 2nd amendment, but when that clown is wiping his ass with the rest of the document, it's fiscal conservatism. "best price", classic!
LAST EDITED ON Oct-19-19 AT 04:44PM (MST)[p]Wow Founder what does having the G7 at Trump Resort have to do with American citizens ? Think you should keep your petty politics to yourself. Which Clown are you supporting in Demorat primary ? Sence you post about politics we want to know.... is it Moe Larry or Curly ?
>AT 04:44?PM (MST)

>Wow Founder what does having the
>G7 at Trump Resort have
>to do with American citizens
>? Think you should keep
>your petty politics to yourself.
>Which Clown are you supporting
>in Demorat primary ? Sence
>you post about politics we
>want to know.... is it
>Moe Larry or Curly ?
So is the 2nd amendment and the rest of the constitution "petty politics", or is that specific to the emoluments clause? This is a clear and unarguable emoluments violation. It would actually be pretty hard to come up with a better example.
Any one of those 3 are more fit for office than Trump! So you choose. Anyone but that selfish, corrupt, slime who?d hang anyone of his supporters for a dollar.

>AT 04:44?PM (MST)

>Wow Founder what does having the
>G7 at Trump Resort have
>to do with American citizens
>? Think you should keep
>your petty politics to yourself.
>Which Clown are you supporting
>in Demorat primary ? Sence
>you post about politics we
>want to know.... is it
>Moe Larry or Curly ?

Brian Latturner
@mm_founder on Instagram
LIKE MonsterMuleys.com
on Facebook!
Trump would tell you his place is best, and I'd be shocked if he were to say something that's not fact. Ha ha ha

Of course he's going to say his place is the best!! He knows more than everyone about everything and he's the greatest at everything. Someday maybe he'll teach us all something about deer and elk hunting. Ha ha

>Since the tax payers are footing
>the bill, do it at
>the best price. If Trump's
>resort can beat other places
>prices, have it there. You
>also have to consider the
>security level in selecting a
>place to hold it. Protection
>of world leaders attending is
>a very important aspect on
>the place selected to hold

Brian Latturner
@mm_founder on Instagram
LIKE MonsterMuleys.com
on Facebook!
So sad.... can't even say who you would support. Because you know they are all losers. Find a safe space... because you will have to deal with Trump for 5 more years. Love the site Brian but stay out of political comments.
LAST EDITED ON Oct-19-19 AT 05:41PM (MST)[p]LAST EDITED ON Oct-19-19 AT 05:31?PM (MST)

All founder has done is prove how stupid of a liberal he is. You liberals will find anything to cry about so as you starting this post. Your media as hannity refers to is a mob . And no i am not a hannity fan but he has a point. And he is right you just cant get over the fact you lost. Everything you liberals whine and throw a fit about just prove they dont know how to handle this.

How much has congress spent trying to destroy trump and again and again they prove nothing. You founder should complain about that. Imagine if congress worked with trump. Lets see lowest unemployment rate. Less people on welfare and food stamps and if congress would step up things would be even better..

Look im no political guru nor do i watch the news or follow all this crap. But i have enough common sense to see the dems have hit a all time low. Look at these trump rallys and all the support. Wow. All the dems combined only get a fraction of that. People are seeing the corrupt dems at work

Serious question founder. What has trump done to affect you or your businesses or well anything. I ask you set aside all the bull crap lies you hear on the news .

TRUMP 2020
LAST EDITED ON Oct-19-19 AT 07:59PM (MST)[p]Well Founder if you vote in one of your three then kiss your Wyoming hunts goodbye when they tax your butt off for their programs for the lazy and illegals. Then when the US goes bankrupt your sponsors and this site will vanish along with the loss of hunters who can afford to hunt.
Don't you think there is a reason they want to provide socialism ?
We would be lucky to have anything left after 1 term.
>LMAO..... So Wyosam or 'Dude' whoever
>you are... Who are you
>supporting in the Demorat clown
>show ?

That is the typical response to every question about Trump down here. What are you laughing at? Your president is making a mockery of this country- I don't think it is particularly funny, but then I still actually have some principles that I stand for. As for who I support in the dem clown show? Not really any of my business in the primary- I'm a registered republican. Some of the more moderate candidates have ideas that I agree with, though I'd not really pick any of them. I don't arrange my beliefs to fit either party, I form my own independent thoughts, which tend to fall pretty middle of the road. My biggest concern is if the republican party is going to continue to go all in on this dumpster fire, or if they are going to provide a viable alternative to whoever the democrats nominate.
>>LMAO..... So Wyosam or 'Dude' whoever
>>you are... Who are you
>>supporting in the Demorat clown
>>show ?
>That is the typical response to
>every question about Trump down
>here. What are you laughing
>at? Your president is making
>a mockery of this country-
>I don't think it is
>particularly funny, but then I
>still actually have some principles
>that I stand for. As
>for who I support in
>the dem clown show? Not
>really any of my business
>in the primary- I'm a
>registered republican. Some of the
>more moderate candidates have ideas
>that I agree with, though
>I'd not really pick any
>of them. I don't arrange
>my beliefs to fit either
>party, I form my own
>independent thoughts, which tend to
>fall pretty middle of the
>road. My biggest concern is
>if the republican party is
>going to continue to go
>all in on this dumpster
>fire, or if they are
>going to provide a viable
>alternative to whoever the democrats

which of that clown show do you consider moderate???....I could live with Tulsi Gabbard....but I know I won't have to

>AT 05:41?PM (MST)

>AT 05:31?PM (MST)

>How much has congress spent trying
>to destroy trump and again
>and again they prove nothing.
>TRUMP 2020

There is quite literally nothing to prove on any of Trump's latest escapades- he's doing them in broad daylight, providing all the evidence on live TV. Just because his supporters don't give a #####, doesn't make constitutional his shenanigans in Ukraine and now the latest blatant emoluments violation to the long list of those. I just don't get the undying love for this idiot.
>>LAST EDITED ON Oct-19-19
>>AT 05:41?PM (MST)

>>LAST EDITED ON Oct-19-19
>>AT 05:31?PM (MST)

>>How much has congress spent trying
>>to destroy trump and again
>>and again they prove nothing.
>>TRUMP 2020
>There is quite literally nothing to
>prove on any of Trump's
>latest escapades- he's doing them
>in broad daylight, providing all
>the evidence on live TV.
>Just because his supporters don't
>give a #####, doesn't make
>constitutional his shenanigans in Ukraine
>and now the latest blatant
>emoluments violation to the long
>list of those. I just
>don't get the undying love
>for this idiot.

Why is ok for obama to tap trump's phone a few years ago but it isnt ok to probe the bidens? Lets see biden sr. Fired the prosecutor that was invesgating biden jr. Biden jr lied on his interview with abc. Said he didnt get paid but yet has all this equity and his lawyer even said he was getting paid. On top of that biden jr has no experience for being on this board in urkiane but yet you libtards just blame trump. So what are the dems hiding. Things are uncovering and the dems back off on the impeachment. Hmmmm i wonder why.. amazing how the media just forgets anything that the dems do. Who was that guy that had info on the clintons then he killed himself in jail while on sucide watch and the cameras quit working along with gaurds sleeping. Well i forgot cause your dems want to cover something
Democrats and their foolish idiots have such a case of TDS that they are now attacking each other. Any body that votes Dem. is voting for a Adam Henry that does not give a crap about the voting citizen. The past three years all we have seen from the Dems. is TDS and the screwing of the average American by them.


Gabbard fires back at Clinton?s ?Russian asset? rows as 2020 Dem candidates back Hawaii rep
I guess I don't get it. What could be more transparent than having the G7 summit meetings than at a Trump resort. How could he hide anything? Some people have a good imagination...or hatred.
LAST EDITED ON Oct-19-19 AT 08:48PM (MST)[p]Trump has now stated the G7 will not be held at his resort due to the backlash. when first proposed, he stated it would be held there at no profit over cost.
Now it can be held at another resort that will charge enough to earn a profit that will be paid for by the tax payers. Thanks again Dems, you screwed us again! Now you know why Dems are such Adam Henrys along with their followers.

Obviously Founder has probably never been there! It's one of the nicest resorts in the country....Besides he offered to do it at cost. Some of you damn fools are too ignorant for your own good. It sets a tone and it puts him at an advantage for negotiating since everyone will be staying at his place and they will be in his surroundings. Contrary to what the press has been telling you he represents all American's and we as a country benefit from him negotiating a better deal. He didn't only give tax cuts to republicans!!! He didn't just put republicans back to work by negotiating with business to offer more jobs here with tax cuts.

Ever wonder why your boss usually had you come into his office to talk? Once again the simple minded herd shows their lack of business in the real world. Why do you think the President holds meetings in the White House and uses the oval office. It's one of the best known places on earth and if you think it doesn't influence folks that go there think again. It's the most powerful office in the world! I guess it's all over the heads of the folks that like the free stuff and fall for the oldest gimmick in the world....to buy their vote. So you ##### and complain and aren't even wise enough to recognize it's advantages and yet you can't wait to get in line at MC Donalds to get your free happy meal. Ignorance abounds... LOL
House says holding the summit at the president's golf resort will save millions of dollars.

President Trump announced Saturday night that his administration would no longer consider his personal resort in Doral, Florida to host the 2020 G7 summit in Miami, and suggested he might consider Camp David.

"Based on both Media & Democrat Crazed and Irrational Hostility, we will no longer consider Trump National Doral, Miami, as the Host Site for the G-7 in 2020," the president tweeted. "We will begin the search for another site, including the possibility of Camp David, immediately. Thank you!"

The announcement followed earlier tweets in which he said he thought he "was doing something very good for our Country" by hosting world leaders at his Florida resort next year.

?It is big, grand, on hundreds of acres, next to MIAMI INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT, has tremendous ballrooms & meeting rooms, and each delegation would have its own 50 to 70 unit building," he tweeted.

He followed up by saying that he had offered to host the summit at no profit to himself to avoid concerns about ?emoluments violations.? He said that if it were legally permissible, he'd offered to host the summit at no cost to the U.S. Democratic lawmakers claimed Friday that past G7 summits have cost "upwards of $40 million."

?But, as usual, the hostile media and their Democrat partners went crazy!? Trump sounded off.

Just goes to prove how dumb and ignorant Dems are and the fools that believe the B.S. that is spoon fed to them.

Played again.....lmmfao

TDS'rs don't comprehend the differenc between "cost" and "profit"

You're both right!!! They pushed a few buttons and the town criers over reacted like usual.....They have them mentally conditioned now and they're playing them like the damn ignorant fools they are.........Putin's probably amused at how the mind manipulation is working........they're incapable of rational thought and they're using their emotional triggers on them.......
Trump is just smarter than the Media and the Democrats.
Throw out the G7 summit will be at a Trump Resort just to see the reaction
Well it's been all over the Media since the news came out, the Democrats and the Media are thinking boy we got him now.
Trump is the Master at poking the lion with a stick and living to tell about it
I think it's funny as Hell just look at the Democrats reactions on just this site

GO TRUMP 2020 continue to make America Great
You are right about Trump playing the idiot Dems and their followers like a violin. Now they have to suck hind t!t with the voters concerning the cost of the G-7 summit.
Trump just picked up some more votes from fence sitters that was undecided until this issue backfired in the Dems face. Don't you just love how stupid Trump can make liberals & Democrats look like.

>You are right about Trump playing
>the idiot Dems and their
>followers like a violin. Now
>they have to suck hind
>t!t with the voters concerning
>the cost of the G-7
> Trump just
>picked up some more votes
>from fence sitters that was
>undecided until this issue backfired
>in the Dems face. Don't
>you just love how stupid
>Trump can make liberals &
>Democrats look like.
> RELH He?s a Wizard
I'm finding it harder all the time to figure out what roll Democrats play in America. What do they actually contribute to a free society. I mean besides transgender bathrooms.
>I'm finding it harder all the
>time to figure out what
>roll Democrats play in America.
>What do they actually contribute
>to a free society. I
>mean besides transgender bathrooms.
I was thinking the same thing eel but maybe we can get a response from Oregon, Montana & Nebraska ?
The dems do serve a purpose EEL...... they show us just how far we've sunken as a society.......they're convinced we have more than 2 sexes, 5 year old kids are transgender, LBGT are the majority in this country, White folks are in the minority, white folks should be ashamed for being born, you should be guilty that you have some money in the bank and a job. It's our responsibility to give the majority of our income for taxes and government enforced medical care, and it's our moral obligation to give illegal aliens more benefits than we receive as citizens including allowing them to vote to control us.

They've also taught us that enforcement of existing laws and shaming law enforcement officers is required. Then to top things off they've shown us that we no longer have the right to free speech and that they have the right to treat us in any manner they choose for being out in public, wearing a red hat, and going to church which is frowned upon. Then they'll show us daily that they will control us and shame us into submission that only their beliefs are acceptable in society.

In order to accomplish this they're going to take away our firearms so we have no means to resist what ever rules or laws they impose with complete disregard for our rights. Then to show us their complete disdain for our country they'll abolish our pledge of allegiance and take great pride in pulling down our flags and burning them in the streets.

Then in their final act of defiance they'll raise their new flag and make all of us subservient to the state. There will no longer be a constitution and the state will be in complete control and sedition will be dealt with harshly. At this point they will have shown us exactly what the plan was all along and the United States of American will fall into compliance with socialism and the globalists new world order. At that point, we will just be another state under their control......and another domino in the game to fall. Our history and legacy will be nothing more than a very faint remnant in the distant past, that was rewritten and erased to support the totalitarian state who we now serve.
Founder's got some more of that "altitude sickness".
If he or Wyosam can name one "moderate" democrat running for president, I'd live to hear it. You both are deranged!

Boskee, +1 A good reminder that freedom is never free and is always under attack. The fight is never done.
Nope, wrong, Trump shouldn't be President and I hope he isn't in the future. Bad man to be leading the country. Worst President ever.

Brian Latturner
@mm_founder on Instagram
LIKE MonsterMuleys.com
on Facebook!
>Nope, wrong, Trump shouldn't be President
>and I hope he isn't
>in the future. Bad man
>to be leading the country.
>Worst President ever.
>Brian Latturner
>@mm_founder on Instagram
>LIKE MonsterMuleys.com
>on Facebook!

Evidently you were asleep during the last administration.

Founder then grow a pair of brass ones and give us the name of the person that you feel should be the leader of the GOP from the list of the ones that tried to become president and failed.


P.S. The worse president ever was Obama by a long shot.
I've already said, anyone is better than Trump. Many, many people could do the job better and all could be more Presidential. Lots of people think it's cool to call people names because they have differing opinions, but Presidents should be above that. And many people are above that and could do a better job than Trump.
He cares only about a 1/3 of those in this country, and puts him and his interests above 100% of the people of this country.
I'm sure someone will follow with, ?what about the dems? They did this, that, and something over there.? But No matter, a President should be Presidential. IMO, he's just not. Not even close.
I hope now I have brass ones! Ha ha ha

>Founder then grow a pair of
>brass ones and give us
>the name of the person
>that you feel should be
>the leader of the GOP
>from the list of the
>ones that tried to become
>president and failed.
>P.S. The worse president ever was
>Obama by a long shot.

Brian Latturner
@mm_founder on Instagram
LIKE MonsterMuleys.com
on Facebook!
if you think a conformist is going to rid Washington of it's corruption you're dumber than I thought you were.....HA HA HA

You wouldn't be hearing all this noise if they played their game so put down the crack pipe and open your foolish eyes. It's easier to play their game and fill your pockets with the graft......Ha Ha Ha
We had a nice guy for 8yrs. He poured honey in your ears while he weakened our position in the world. I voted for Trump because he wasn't going to play nice, he was going to play to win. Our GDP is where Obama said it never would be again. Unemployment is at or near record lows. Our position in the world is improving. Trump is the worst president for the dems because he is exposing and turning back their chitty ideology. Their chitty ideology requires gloom and doom and Trump has steered away from that. Your only criteria for him supposedly being the worst president ever is he calls people mean names. Take a note from Dennis Miller, "Lifes tough. Wear a cup!"


GW Bush was nice and presidential.....where did that get him with the left???....they hated him nearly as much

Hopefully he loses, if he ain?t impeached first. The guy needs to go.

Brian Latturner
@mm_founder on Instagram
LIKE MonsterMuleys.com
on Facebook!
Let's face it founder, all those other candidates that you feel would have been more politically correct would have folded long ago if faced with the elements thrown at Trump by the radical left Democrats.
They would have caved in and gone with the flow even if it went against their own beliefs. You are rooting for spline less politicians that is the problem with this country today. I thought you were wiser then that, but I was wrong.
You appear to be a Mitt Rommey or Jeb Bush fan that are nothing but two face RINOS at best.

LAST EDITED ON Oct-20-19 AT 02:51PM (MST)[p]...he is rooting for the criminal corruption that has plagued this country for too long.....a NICE guy cannot uncover it....it is about to be uncovered and there are lots and lots of both sides of the aisle that are quaking in their boots...

As long as the boat doesn't get rocked...founder is OK with it

We are in a race....

>AT 02:51?PM (MST)

>...he is rooting for the criminal
>corruption that has plagued this
>country for too long.....a NICE
>guy cannot uncover it....it is
>about to be uncovered and
>there are lots and lots
>of both sides of the
>aisle that are quaking in
>their boots...
>As long as the boat doesn't
>get rocked...founder is OK with
>We are in a race....

+1000. The jig is up !

Ever heard the term, "don't $hit where you eat" ? Or "don't bite the hand that feeds you" ?

It's smart to understand your customers, where they are coming from, what they want/like, etc. This obviously isn't a business practice you understand. The majority of the people on this site support our president because they are smarter than you and don't walk around with blinders on. They also don't sell locations to big bucks because they are smarter than that and respect the game more than that.

You don't like Trump, but you are acting just like him by sitting in your office and being irrational about him and posting constantly about him. He won, about time people realize it. And I am betting he wins big this time around.

Trump is so efficient and effective he could probably even make this site more modern. I'm betting he could make it much less 2005 where it is actually easy to post a picture. His resorts are amazingly nice, I bet his websites are pretty sweet too.

I guess it is possible that you don't really care one way or the other about Trump and that you are starting posts just to get people angry so they'll use your site more and post more. But I wouldn't suggest that as a sound business practice. Because most of the time birds of a feather flock together and the more Liberal/anti-Trump you come off, the more your paying supporters are gonna drop out of the race that feeds your family.

Your beliefs are your right, but $hit where you eat enough and soon enough all that will be left to eat will smell and taste like $hit.
Which "1/3 of this country" are you talking about? Gun owners, farmers, the working class, businesses, over regulated citizens? I'll stop there. so I don't overwhelm you. Follow your prophet Romney, the nice guy, if you wish, but don't bash the results that Trump is getting.

I guess there is hope in Romney. From Homer's link above:

But Romney is looking beyond the next year, and beyond the president's base, as he tries to lay the groundwork for a post-Trump Republican Party. While he acknowledges the failures of his own presidential campaign, he told me that he doubts Trump?s electoral coalition will be replicable in the long run. ?We have to get young people and Hispanics and African Americans to vote Republican,? he said, adding that he hopes these voters will see his resistance to Trump as a sign that one day they could find a home in the GOP. If that seems naive, the senator is probably okay with it. In cynical times like these, someone has to serve as the guardian of lost causes.
After all, Romney said, ?the president will not be the president forever.?

It makes me ill to even read that. Trump offers a hand up and Romney wants to go back to a hand out to get votes. Maybe America doesn't deserve to be great.
Romney is so frigging stupid and Trump will figure out a way to get the Hispanic GOP vote long before Romney could ever do it. The Dems are upset now that Trump has cut into their black American vote that they thought they had forever.
I also look for Trump to groom his son to run for president after his term is up.

Donald J. Trump

Verified account

Follow @realDonaldTrump

Doral in Miami would have been the best place to hold the G-7, and free, but too much heat from the Do Nothing Radical Left Democrats & their Partner, the Fake News Media! I'm surprised that they allow me to give up my $400,000 Plus Presidential Salary! We'll find someplace else!
6:17 AM - 21 Oct 2019
Could?ve saved himself a lot of trouble and headache to have thought about it beforehand. A President needs to be better than that.
Syria is another move he'll be trying to reverse on as well.
The Ukraine thing I don't think he can reverse on.
Something new everyday. Definitely entertaining. It?ll be boring without Trump in office. Ha ha

>Donald J. Trump
>Verified account
>Follow @realDonaldTrump
>Doral in Miami would have been
>the best place to hold
>the G-7, and free, but
>too much heat from the
>Do Nothing Radical Left Democrats
>& their Partner, the Fake
>News Media! I'm surprised that
>they allow me to give
>up my $400,000 Plus Presidential
>Salary! We'll find someplace else!
>6:17 AM - 21 Oct 2019

Brian Latturner
@mm_founder on Instagram
LIKE MonsterMuleys.com
on Facebook!
>Could?ve saved himself a lot of
>trouble and headache to have
>thought about it beforehand. A
>President needs to be better
>than that.

Ya what an evil plick trying to save taxpayer $.

>Syria is another move he'll be
>trying to reverse on as

The reason most people voted for Obama was to end the neverending wars in the middle east. Trump does it and he's an evil plick.

>The Ukraine thing I don't think
>he can reverse on.

Why would he reverse it? Every democrats son is getting paid by the Ukraines.

>Something new everyday. Definitely entertaining. It?ll
>be boring without Trump in
>office. Ha ha

You really need to change the channel flounder.

It's not just Trump causing all the drama and "entertainment." It's mostly due to the dishonest and corrupt media. And of course the delusional Democrats such as Pelosi and Schumer. But yes, without Trump it would be boring, and our elected politicians would have continued their corrupt and criminal activities, and we would have been kept in the dark as we've always been. Until Trump came along. Founder you need to thank President Trump for all that he's done for our country.
Yeah, Obama got elected because he promised to get out of Iraq. Americans were sick of the never ending wars and I supported him in that. The generals were against the move, but the Democrats just laughed. Now, all of a sudden the swamp loves the Kurd terrorists and all the generals.

If Trump came up with a DIY $5 cancer cure, the headlines would read "TRUMP CUTS CANCER RESEARCH MONEY"

He can't win.
All that matters is that Trump has now been forced by the people to change his mind on the topic of this thread.....the G7 summit. He did, so I feel good.

Now we can follow Mulvaney and his screw up and see where that goes.

The Syria thing is another topic to follow, but with people dying, I can't have fun with that one. That's just a sad deal. Should?ve been dealt with better.

Brian Latturner
@mm_founder on Instagram
LIKE MonsterMuleys.com
on Facebook!
Mulvaney did not "screw up." You're delusional from listening to the mainstream media. They don't ever tell the truth when it comes to President Trump. Wake up.
Founder probably thinks the only reason Trump is building up the US economy is for Trump's own personal gain. He heard that on CNN.haha!
>It's unbelievable how many people still
>believe everything they hear on

It really is...haha
Hitler's propaganda minister was very good at telling the big lie to boost Hitler and the Nazi party, but even he could not compare to CNN on delivery of the big lie to boost the Democrat party.

>All that matters is that Trump
>has now been forced by
>the people to change his
>mind on the topic of
>this thread.....the G7 summit. He
>did, so I feel good.
>Now we can follow Mulvaney and
>his screw up and see
>where that goes.
>The Syria thing is another topic
>to follow, but with people
>dying, I can't have fun
>with that one. That's just
>a sad deal. Should?ve been
>dealt with better.
>Brian Latturner
>@mm_founder on Instagram
>LIKE MonsterMuleys.com
>on Facebook!

And now we've reduced it to an all that matters. Good, lets keep it simple! Trump was going to host it at cost, no profit! Now because the dems whined and made you happy it will cost us more! Damn homers right again, simpletons......

You get nothing but straight spin on the Clinton News Network and they even admit they're in the tank for the dems!!!
They're starting to figure out the boats taking on water and it's just a matter of time before they're sunk......they can thank the crack leadership in the party of graft for that! LOL
No they are being kicked off the boat and are trying to sink it so that nobody can have it! It amazes me that someone that hunts and is on a hunting forum let alone owns a hunting website would be promoting any of the filth that the dems have to offer. Is Trump perfect, not even close! But I'll take him every day of the week over anyone else that is running!
Founder you really need to find a different hobby if you really do hate Trump this much. I hope you are just trying to drum up hits on here to appease your advertisers?
Nope, I really dislike Trump and hope he loses. I really don't see why me hunting and Trump have anything to do with each other. I've been hunting all my life, through many Presidents.....republican and democrat. And I'm quite confident I'll be hunting for years come, even if someone other than Trump is President.
I'm not really a liberal, but there's no way I can condone and support someone who is so nasty to other people, simply for having a different view than his own. No way! Plus I believe he is for himself long before others. I just don't think he's Presidential.
I'm fine with being called names for having my own view, it just enforces my belief that Trump is contagious and it's not right. I allow people on this site to speak to me in a much nastier way than I would allow them to speak to other members on the site. Wanting to destroy people or call them names because they have a different view is disappointing. I know some will tell me to put on my big boy pants and live with it, but I won't accept it and never will.
There are obviously other politicians who are just as nasty, but the President, above all, should be Presidential.

>No they are being kicked off
>the boat and are trying
>to sink it so that
>nobody can have it! It
>amazes me that someone that
>hunts and is on a
>hunting forum let alone owns
>a hunting website would be
>promoting any of the filth
>that the dems have to
>offer. Is Trump perfect, not
>even close! But I'll take
>him every day of the
>week over anyone else that
>is running!
>Founder you really need to find
>a different hobby if you
>really do hate Trump this
>much. I hope you are
>just trying to drum up
>hits on here to appease
>your advertisers?

Brian Latturner
@mm_founder on Instagram
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on Facebook!
LAST EDITED ON Oct-22-19 AT 01:48PM (MST)[p]LAST EDITED ON Oct-22-19 AT 01:47?PM (MST)

What exactly, does "presidential" mean? Whatever it is, if the president is presidential, in your opinion, it's okay if everything else he/she does is wrong and/or against your beliefs, as long as that person is "presidential?" You'd take Hillary Clinton over Trump, who NO DOUBT is "for HERSELF long before others." She's the most corrupt politician ever, in our country's history. She would not be America first. You have to see that? Please stop watching so much CNN. You're destroying your brain by doing so.
I looked up the definition and looks like to me Trump is presidential. Its about time we had a president that isn't afraid to say what is on his mind. People like you founder keep taking things away from us like freedom of speech. We cant have a sissy president like Obama that just caves in to other countries.

while you sit at home and do nothing to get points in Wyoming and benefit off of others I suggest you try a different news channel. The media is pure lies. I don't watch hardly any news and I can tell Trump is doing a good job. When that worthless idiot Obama was in I saw everything fail. I saw myself paying for others to sit on their butts and do nothing. my health insurance went to hell so I could support non-working lazy people. I saw the oil field go to hell and 1000's loose jobs. everything sucked.



adjective: presidential
relating to a president or presidency.

"the French presidential election"

?having a bearing or demeanor befitting a president; dignified and confident.
It is an absolute gut buster laugh to read Brian Latturner type that Trump is in it for himself & he can't accept that. Hypocrite anyone? But maybe I can understand how you feel, as I cannot stomach you or your selfish actions in recent years either. To each their own.
I'm sad. Ha ha
Now you know how I feel about Trump. I wouldn't vote for him, you shouldn't vote for me either.
He and I will both be just fine and go on living awesome lives.

>It is an absolute gut buster
>laugh to read Brian Latturner
>type that Trump is in
>it for himself & he
>can't accept that. Hypocrite anyone?
>But maybe I can understand
>how you feel, as I
>cannot stomach you or your
>selfish actions in recent years
>either. To each their own.

Brian Latturner
@mm_founder on Instagram
LIKE MonsterMuleys.com
on Facebook!
The only difference is that one is a fraud and hates America and what we stand for and the other is the president of the United States ??, thank god! I'm sure you can figure out who is who??
I'm a fraud and hate America cause I don't like Trump? Wow! Now you're a real fan of Donald's! There's got to be a badge or something for that. Very strange, but interesting and entertaining.

And I thought no one would really care what my opinion on Trump was. Boy was I wrong! I should have my own show! ha ha ha

>The only difference is that one
>is a fraud and hates
>America and what we stand
>for and the other is
>the president of the United
>States ??, thank god! I'm
>sure you can figure out
>who is who??

Brian Latturner
@mm_founder on Instagram
LIKE MonsterMuleys.com
on Facebook!
It's not because you hate trump, I don't like the guy myself, anyone who is running for president right now is looking to take everything from working Americans and give it to worthless people on the streets! That's how I arrived at the conclusion that you must hate America! By voting in any of the other choices than Trump you are voting for socialism/communism! I also realize that you are welcome to your opinion on your own web page so cary on how you see fit, just don't expect people to bow down to yer way of thinking! It's quite alright for you to be wrong , a little research goes a long way??
When it comes to trump I agree with the assessment above. I might add that a brash,unpolitically correct A-hole was just what the Dr ordered to keep this country from going completely down the socialist toilet. I for one am tired of these life long D-bag politicians lining their pockets with the forces of corruption while the working man gets screwed.

As for you Brian, you can do whatever you want but remember those in glass houses shouldn't throw stones.??
There's no way I'd ever vote for Trump and I hope he loses, so whatever that makes me in your head, so be it. It's very strange that that's how you judge whether people hate America or not. Very strange dude. Trump would love you though. He congratulated China on 70 years of communism rule that resulted in millions of deaths, so he might agree that anyone who doesn't support him is a hater of America and needs to be locked up.
Lock Flounder up! Lock Flounder up! Lock Flounder up!! ha ha ha

>It's not because you hate trump,
> I don't like the
>guy myself, anyone who is
>running for president right now
>is looking to take everything
>from working Americans and give
>it to worthless people on
>the streets! That's how I
>arrived at the conclusion that
>you must hate America! By
>voting in any of the
>other choices than Trump you
>are voting for socialism/communism! I
>also realize that you are
>welcome to your opinion on
>your own web page so
>cary on how you see
>fit, just don't expect people
>to bow down to yer
>way of thinking! It's quite
>alright for you to be
>wrong , a little research
>goes a long way??

Brian Latturner
@mm_founder on Instagram
LIKE MonsterMuleys.com
on Facebook!
How is it that I'm in a glass house?

>When it comes to trump I
>agree with the assessment above.
>I might add that a
>brash,unpolitically correct A-hole was just
>what the Dr ordered to
>keep this country from going
>completely down the socialist toilet.
>I for one am tired
>of these life long D-bag
>politicians lining their pockets with
>the forces of corruption while
>the working man gets screwed.
>As for you Brian, you can
>do whatever you want but
>remember those in glass houses
>shouldn't throw stones.??

Brian Latturner
@mm_founder on Instagram
LIKE MonsterMuleys.com
on Facebook!
Founder I really expected you to be smarter than this. You do understand how elections work and the consequences they have right?
LAST EDITED ON Oct-22-19 AT 03:38PM (MST)[p]the problem with Flounder is he hasn't had to walk in Trumps shoes. If he did I think we'd find him not so presidential either and tired of being accused daily of crimes he didn't commit. Of course it's easy to sit there when it's not your family being degraded and then blaming The man for not letting more roll off his back. Yes he should have taken a few punches but not the thousands the complicit media and dems have dished out fueling hate and bias.

Flounder I'm beginning to suspect you're a damn fraud and a rather unprincipled one at that. Only a fool would condone the secret testimony and crap that's going on. Trump has been 1000 times more transparent than Obama and Hillary ever were and you want to accuse him of breaking the law......Even the dems own investigation cleared him.........

that sure speaks volumes since they were the ones that orchestrated the whole Illusion in the first place...........and both of them destroyed evidence to cover their illegal acts while in office.....To Trumps credit,not 1 server destroyed, no hard drives or phones destroyed, no innocent victims jailed to fuel a false narrative, no illegal spying, and nobody mysteriously Arkancided while in custody.......and lest not we forget the monies paid from foreign interests while in office to members in their own party...........

Flounder you seem to have a strange sense of reality but a total grasp on the illusion rather then the items the Schiffty Ones are trying to hide in their magic trick.......you know the items that were there and suddenly weren't to show the hand is quicker than the eye.......Too bad the items are there and no matter how hard you try they aren't going away so the tricks a bust flounder and you were duped.......and Trump is the guy that's standing there in the picture frame they placed around him to conceal their own acts and no matter how hard you try it says President Trump on the bottom of the frame........Schiffty and the gang were just Schiffty not presidential at all.
Impeached, good luck they cant even bring forth enough evidence. Let alone they wont get enough votes. How come Pelosi doesn't dare put it to a vote? She was talking big about it but now cant seem to put forth the effort. Must be lacking the nail in the coffin they claim to have.

"We don't have a gun problem we have prescription drug problem."
Fraud? That's dumb. I'm deceiving others by telling them I don't like Trump? Good one dude. You should call the police. Tell them everything you just wrote and I'll bet they laugh or hang up before you get to the end. ha ha ha

>AT 03:38?PM (MST)

>the problem with Flounder is he
>hasn't had to walk in
>Trumps shoes. If he did
>I think we'd find him
>not so presidential either and
>tired of being accused daily
>of crimes he didn't commit.
>Of course it's easy to
>sit there when it's not
>your family being degraded and
>then blaming The man for
>not letting more roll off
>his back. Yes he should
>have taken a few punches
>but not the thousands the
>complicit media and dems have
>dished out fueling hate and
>Flounder I'm beginning to suspect you're
>a damn fraud and a
>rather unprincipled one at that.
>Only a fool would condone
>the secret testimony and crap
>that's going on. Trump has
>been 1000 times more transparent
>than Obama and Hillary ever
>were and you want to
>accuse him of breaking the
>law......Even the dems own investigation
>cleared him.........
>that sure speaks volumes since they
>were the ones that orchestrated
>the whole Illusion in the
>first place...........and both of them
>destroyed evidence to cover their
>illegal acts while in office.....To
>Trumps credit,not 1 server destroyed,
>no hard drives or phones
>destroyed, no innocent victims jailed
>to fuel a false narrative,
>no illegal spying, and nobody
>mysteriously Arkancided while in custody.......and
>lest not we forget the
>monies paid from foreign interests
>while in office to members
>in their own party...........
>Flounder you seem to have a
>strange sense of reality but
>a total grasp on the
>illusion rather then the items
>the Schiffty Ones are trying
>to hide in their magic
>trick.......you know the items that
>were there and suddenly weren't
>to show the hand is
>quicker than the eye.......Too bad
>the items are there and
>no matter how hard you
>try they aren't going away
>so the tricks a bust
>flounder and you were duped.......and
>Trump is the guy that's
>standing there in the picture
>frame they placed around him
>to conceal their own acts
>and no matter how hard
>you try it says President
>Trump on the bottom of
>the frame........Schiffty and the gang
>were just Schiffty not presidential
>at all.

Brian Latturner
@mm_founder on Instagram
LIKE MonsterMuleys.com
on Facebook!
You really need help figuring that out huh? You made the claim of Trump being a self serving A-hole, yet we all know Brian Latturner is one of the biggest self serving A-holes in the hunting industry. A weasel knows a weasel?s ways my friend.

Frankly I could care less if you like Trump or not. Hell go ahead & support anyone of the communists in the Democrat race if it floats your boat. I just think it's hilarious when guys like you accuse others of something you're appalled by yet guilty of yourself. Mind boggling!
Serious question here founder, if you get your way and Trump is impeached out of office, meaning both sides of the isle agree he has to go, who is the replacement in your eyes that will grab the reins and continue to take this country in a positive direction? Out of all the people running for president no matter the party affiliations?
I don't care that you hate Trump...

I don't think it is Presidential to weaponize the CIA and FBI against your political opponents....

I don't think it is Presidential to weaponize the IRS and the state department against your political opponents....

This all happened under Obama against the Trump campaign....will you believe any of it when the investigations are completed???....and will you care?

Do you think a free country can operate like that??

Flounder maybe you need to look up what fraud is and if you're not trying to overlook what the dems did in this you're simply a damn liar......you're acting like they're free of sin in this and it's not hardly the case they've been caught making false testimony already...... get serious you tool! LOL
Were you hoping for some handout from me and didn't get it? Or are you thinking that I've been voted into my job and have a responsibility to look out for you and others before myself?
You?d be wrong. Trump was elected to represent others, not himself. I'm a business man and hunter whom you shouldn't expect to put you before myself.
You?re confused as to what is expected from a President compared to what should be expected from a private citizen.

>You really need help figuring that
>out huh? You made the
>claim of Trump being
>a self serving A-hole, yet
>we all know Brian Latturner
>is one of the biggest
>self serving A-holes in the
>hunting industry. A weasel knows
>a weasel?s ways my friend.
>Frankly I could care less if
>you like Trump or not.
>Hell go ahead & support
>anyone of the communists in
>the Democrat race if it
>floats your boat. I just
>think it's hilarious when guys
>like you accuse others of
>something you're appalled by yet
>guilty of yourself. Mind boggling!

Brian Latturner
@mm_founder on Instagram
LIKE MonsterMuleys.com
on Facebook!
I haven't said a darn thing about Dems!!! You?ve got conversations going on in your head that aren't real. Good name calling. You?re macho. Takes quite a man to call people names on the internet. You should feel proud. Must be ?Pretend to be Trump? day at your house. Don?t you want to call me fat or ugly too. You?d really be cool!! Ha ha

>Flounder maybe you need to look
>up what fraud is and
>if you're not trying to
>overlook what the dems did
>in this you're simply a
>damn liar......you're acting like they're
>free of sin in this
>and it's not hardly the
>case they've been caught making
>false testimony already...... get serious
>you tool! LOL

Brian Latturner
@mm_founder on Instagram
LIKE MonsterMuleys.com
on Facebook!
LAST EDITED ON Oct-22-19 AT 06:34PM (MST)[p]Simple Question ? That way above the brainwashed CNN watchers. I think Flounder is a closet Marianne Williamson panty sniffer. Gota spread the love. Wow this thread has sunk low. Sad sucked me in also.
I just wish that one single person that hates Trump as much as founder does, not picking on founder, would say who would do a better job but all you ever here is crickets and deflection

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