Get your Rakes Out

Hummm?.rakes won't help. Having said was just a metaphor.

I don't believe that forest management played that big a role in the Camp Fire. I think it was more of a perfect storm situation. Months of no rain, very low humidity, and high winds funneling down the canyon and a fire that got started that probably shouldn't have gotten started in the first place. Wind was carrying embers as far ahead as a mile in front of the main fire. We certainly can't strip the ground bare to prevent that.

And living in the foothills above the Sacramento Valley is a risky proposition, IMO. It's kind of like living on ocean beach front property. It's fine until a tsunami hits. If we're going to have increasingly longer fire seasons we need to plan for it in many ways. If you buy a rake make sure it has a metal handle so it won't burn.
Dude better get his rake going also. The Oregon forest along the I-5 corridor is overgrown with brush also due to poor management and the liberals listening to the wacko enviros that Oregon has.

>Go rake your forests you lazy
>azz slob Californians. it's
>your fault you're on fire,
>I know because an orange
>retard told me so.
>Stay Thirsty My Friends

I've got a Rake you DipShit!

It's got Stihl 066 MAGNUM stamped on the side of it!

I know so many people in so many places
They make allot of money but they got sad faces

It Ain't Easy being Me!:D:D:D
It was not a metaphor , it was one of his "fabulous " ideas . they do it in Finland you know.

If this retard phuk had ever been within a mile of anything bigger than a dumpster fire he'd never have said something so ignorant and misinformed.

Any fire fighter would tell Trump to shove his rake up his azz.

Stay Thirsty My Friends
>It was not a metaphor
>, it was one of
>his "fabulous " ideas .
> they do it in
>Finland you know.
> If this retard
>phuk had ever been within
>a mile of anything bigger
>than a dumpster fire he'd
>never have said something so
>ignorant and misinformed.
>Any fire fighter would tell Trump
>to shove his rake up
>his azz.
>Stay Thirsty My Friends

Where are the corpsemen?

Have you seen the razor wire all over Texas, Arizona and now in San Diego? I noticed there are no wetbacks climbing over the fence now. Military did that.
People say stupid things all the time. Remember the last POS we had running the show, he hung his hat on " Hope and Change "
I bet you still believe that Bullchit!
Wake up before your congressman Swalwell nukes you!
Hope and change are why your slackjaws just got their azz handed to them. voters want change and they hope Trump chokes on a big mac.

Raking the forests to prevent fires represents clear insanity from the fat mouth of a retard.

You're the Californian so you own Swalwell. and Trump because he has you stump broke. # sad

Stay Thirsty My Friends
I haven't checked into MM in quite a while.


This miserable liberal prick Ochoco is really something...?

How in the world can anyone be pro-hunting or pro-gun and be such a liberal pos?
I've seen the damage that these idiots do in California.

>I haven't checked into MM in
>quite a while.
>This miserable liberal prick Ochoco
>is really something...?
>How in the world can anyone
>be pro-hunting or pro-gun and
>be such a liberal pos?
>I've seen the damage that these
>idiots do in California.

Hey HH!

He's the 8th Wonder of the World!

I know so many people in so many places
They make allot of money but they got sad faces

It Ain't Easy being Me!:D:D:D
You might be surprised. Here's the thing about generalizations- they tend to be wrong. There are far more democrats and left leaning independents who hunt and are firearms enthusiasts than many want to believe. There are a lot of issues that make up a person's political leanings, and to be honest, the more a person agrees with one party, the more I tend to think that they don't do much thinking for themselves. There are a hell of a lot of people that lean left because they think the threat of having no where worthwhile to hunt is a lot greater than the threat of not having a gun to hunt with. Then of course there are all the issues that have nothing to do with hunting or guns, that a person might have independent thoughts on, as opposed to following the party line on every issue.


>I haven't checked into MM in
>quite a while.
>This miserable liberal prick Ochoco
>is really something...?
>How in the world can anyone
>be pro-hunting or pro-gun and
>be such a liberal pos?
>I've seen the damage that these
>idiots do in California.
That is funny, NVBighorn talking about making sense. Must be one of those Los Vegas liberals that kissed Harry Reid's behind.

>Wyosam, be careful talking sense around
>here. You'll be called names
>and run out.
>Wyosam 2020

Hey NVB!

You can be whoever you wanna Be!


It took some time for you to Cool Off this time!

I know so many people in so many places
They make allot of money but they got sad faces

It Ain't Easy being Me!:D:D:D

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