Getting very interesting.


Long Time Member
HOUSE DIVIDED? Biden bid could
split WH, put Obama backing in play

WHITE HOUSE opens the door to President Obama endorsing a candidate in the 2016 Democratic primary, raising the tantalizing possibility of choosing between two administration powerhouses if Joe Biden jumps in to challenge Hillary Clinton

I think shotgun Joe will throw his hat into the ring and Obama will endorse him in the Democrat primary over thunder thighs. Dude is going to have too accept shotgun Joe as his bed partner if Hillary gets kicked out of bed for eating crackers.

If he has Warren as the VP it could be bad for the GOP. She is a socialist but she is also very popular with the progressive base. He would clean Hillary's clock with Warren as VP.
agree^^^^ gleninaz Shotgun Joe satisfies the centrist voters and EW makes the farther left and banker haters happy. I personally do not think HC will suvive what will come out of emailgate and the movie about Benghazi coming in 2016. I read "13 Hours in Benghazi" the book the movie is based on, I don't see how she can survive.
Even if Biden enters Hillary will beat him easy.

The email thing has been going on for 2 years and you have nothing more than you started with. you take it for granted the FBI will find something as if they'll turn stoned you haven't already spent taxpayer money rolling intil they're polished.

What's interesting is how Trump has taken the GOP over and the rest of the losers running can't even get noticed. who else was running again?

Stay Thirsty My Friends
Dude even Democrats are now saying that Hillary is losing the votes leaving you in the minority. She has been on a steady decline for the last few months and it is going to get worse for her.
If Obama decides to back shotgun Joe, he will tell the FBI director to treat her like anybody else on their investigation into her emails and she will get the same treatment as several others before her.

Several of us on here told you months ago that she would go down when her numbers were high in the numerous polls. Too bad you are too blind to see what is happening with those numbers recently, but then again we know you are not the sharpest pencil in the box. Have a double shot on us.

You've been doing taxpayer funded witch hunts for 3 years and have what the little boy shot at. you're running out of time.

Oldtimer I never said Hillary's numbers would hold. I said she'd win. what part of only needing to be better than the competition can't you get through that donut clogged old brain? a win is a win.

Stay Thirsty My Friends

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