Gimme a Break!


Active Member
Why is it that you can always bet your life that a Federal Judge will always make the most illogical ruling in any given circumstance? You don't need some elaborate education to determine this was an unwise ruling. Ugh! I'm so sick and tired of the judicial system! Nine times out of ten they'll make the wrong decision (regardless of the issue/circumstance/etc.).

Judge orders protections reinstated for wolf
August 5th, 2010 @ 4:01pm
Associated Press Writer

HELENA, Mont. (AP) - A federal judge has ordered endangered species protections reinstated for the gray wolf in Montana and Idaho.

The federal government last year removed protections for wolves in those two states but not in Wyoming. U.S. District Judge Donald Molloy says in his ruling Thursday the government's decision was a political solution and does not comply with the federal Endangered Species Act.

Molloy says the entire Rocky Mountain wolf population must be either listed or removed as an endangered species, but the protections can't be separated by state.

I guess this shouldn't really bother me though since it doesn't affect me. Anything remotely close to resembling a "coyote" in any part of Utah's mountains will be given the good ol' triple S treatment. :)


"A man can be hard to find in the mountains, but you're welcome at my fire anytime."
That's what happens when people like Buzz and Zigga think they can reason with the nature fakers.

And the cancer grows.


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