Give Me Some Input


Founder Since 1999
Ed over at Sportsman's Outdoor Products, who is an advertiser here on the site, has donated a MainBeam Backpack to giveaway. What do you guys think would be a good contest to run for a few weeks? Photo contest? ????
Give me ideas...

I was thinking a packout photo contest. Photos of folks packing bucks, bulls, rams, etc. on their backs, on horses, llamas, whatever. Then the best one wins. I don't know.

What kind of contest do you all think would be fun?

It's a dang nice pack they're giving away.......2800 Cubic Inches.....$180.00 value
NOTE: The one they are giving away is Predator Deception camo, not the MAX1 as below.


Brian Latturner
sounds fun. would it be the "best" single photo or best 5 pack out pictures? have to have a story to go along or just let the pictures do the talking?

either way I will see what I can find to particitpate.

looks like a nice pack.
How bout the guy that has wasted more time than anybody on MM?
Does or will he win anything more than a few thousand NUKE jobs?
Just kidding,ain't never been a freeloader & I ain't starting now!}>}>}>

I love not acting my age,
Damn I love my NASCAR race,
And Hell yes I love my Truck!
Im in... i think the best pack out pic with story would be good. I got mine all ready to go just waitin for the heads up.. Last years bull(360). Dont realize how heavy them are till you got them on your back
How about the best before live pic/video and then kill pic/video? Of course we would want to hear the story too but to make it different than the "Hunt Challenge" just judge the pics. I agree, it looks like a nice pack.
I like that pack so I'll put forth a few ideas....
Best photoshop job,which I guess might include some of the following:
Best fake magazine cover
Best crossword puzzle
Best Before and After
Best Guess that A_ _
Hey F'er?
I don't think we will be winning anything anytime soon!

I love not acting my age,
Damn I love my NASCAR race,
And Hell yes I love my Truck!
Myself, i'm tired of all the guys with great cameras and video equipment getting all the prizes. I do like seeing them, think they are great, and enjoy seeing more but the everyday guy here really can't compete with some of the others.

How about a prize winner for the best original hunting story or outdoor themed joke. Just example's but there are other things that bring me here to these pages besides the great pictures and abuse. :)

It doesn't take a high dollar nice camera to capture a great moment. Some of my best pictures come from a disposable point and shoot camera. Just sayin'
Give it to B_Bop! Tell him to put all his crap in it and hit the road! (again)

Just funnin' with you Cat!:D

Feleno, don't even try photoshopping a whole elk on your back, we're on to you!

Give it to the person that can video the longest shot this season. That way we can see some cool video plus we could hear more of Twodogs chest pounding all in the same thread, those are always my favorite.
Here again is a place where i might chip in my opinion on how difficult it is for the regular guy, alone DIY hunter on public to compete for a prize with some of the way better outfitted guys and groups on here but then i'd probably have Marley pipe in, argue that some of his best video was captured with his cheap camera phone...just saying.

Well i don't own a dang cell phone! :)

Here's a new idea! How about give the prize to the best photo or video??

Since it is scouting season right now, how about the best trail cam pic or even best scouting pic and it would have to be from this year, no oldies lets see some new pics.

LAST EDITED ON Jul-28-10 AT 08:11PM (MST)[p]Marley, Did you ever think that i don't have one because i don't want or need one and i know exactly where you can put yours.

Founder, Edit, Edit, Edit...More pic's? How original!!

Roll with it Founder! I like it!

("For by grace you have been saved through faith. And this is not your own doing; it is the gift of God, not a result of works, so that no one may boast. Ephesians 2:8-9")
WOW....... Sage did I sleep walk to your bowl of Cheerios and let loose in them sometime that I don't know about? I was only joking....sheesh. Little touchy lately.
Marley, look back at each of my posts here and in the muley forum and you have followed it with some smart a$$ remark. You don't like my rebuttals? Don't make smart a$$ remarks and comments about my posts or opinions. Others, not just you, are entitled to theirs but you lately seem to know better!!

At first i thought it was just you being on cloud 9 because of drawing your tuff muley tag. Now, i'm remembering back and you always have been kind of a jerkwad! :)

Good luck on your hunt!

come on marley/Joey....let it you both are real good guys here on M&M....

Yeh---I like the Game Packout idea------and win a pack is perfect!

No horse/mule/llama/goat or Quad packout though!

Just human power packout! ha

If ya want to add a pair of Trekking Poles------I will to$$ them into the winning package.

You mighta just made the whole world mad by saying:No F'N ATV packout pics/jobs!

Before somebody reports me,F'N = FRICKEN!

I love not acting my age,
Damn I love my NASCAR race,
And Hell yes I love my Truck!
Man you guys are too much. You can start a fight over anything.

I have had it. I going to post a few picture of what I think.

I will post some details if it does turn into a contest for the pack and treking poles...








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