
Long Time Member

[font color="red"]From My Smokin Cherry Red Hot Barrel & My Dead Cold Hands I Shall go down Fighting for American Pride & Rights!
I Know I'm Out Numbered by Pusssies & Brainwashed Democrats that'll Throw Their Hands in the air & I know I can't Lick the U.S. Military by Myself when they Turn on us but I'll make
you one Guarantee,They'll be Enduring a Situation where I Hope to Hell All Americans become True Americans once again & Stand up for their Rights!


They gonna let him Break the Law for another decade or two?

Maybe the BLM got Nervous when the one Bundy Guy called the one BLM Official a F'N Pusssy?

[font color="red"]From My Smokin Cherry Red Hot Barrel & My Dead Cold Hands I Shall go down Fighting for American Pride & Rights!
I Know I'm Out Numbered by Pusssies & Brainwashed Democrats that'll Throw Their Hands in the air & I know I can't Lick the U.S. Military by Myself when they Turn on us but I'll make
you one Guarantee,They'll be Enduring a Situation where I Hope to Hell All Americans become True Americans once again & Stand up for their Rights!

Where does Slick Stand on this?

[font color="red"]From My Smokin Cherry Red Hot Barrel & My Dead Cold Hands I Shall go down Fighting for American Pride & Rights!
I Know I'm Out Numbered by Pusssies & Brainwashed Democrats that'll Throw Their Hands in the air & I know I can't Lick the U.S. Military by Myself when they Turn on us but I'll make
you one Guarantee,They'll be Enduring a Situation where I Hope to Hell All Americans become True Americans once again & Stand up for their Rights!

Slick says he's really grateful there was a BLM official that said this issue is not worthy of loss of life.

Mr. got rocks Bundy may think he won something but based on the local letters to the editor it seems most of the locals understand what a pious ##### he really is.

P/S bet he don't get to run cattle on "PUBLIC" land for free ever again.


"The Road goes on forever & the Party never Ends"

How Bout it Slick?

You could Run Your Cattle on Public Ground for the next couple of Decades & tell them to Stuff it!

Then when somebody said something about it you could just tell them you're only doing what others have done!

"If He can do it,I can do it too" type a Deal!

No I'm not Promotin you Breakin the Law!

Just don't think it's Right for some to get away with Breakin the Laws!

Kinda like the Guy up on the General Huntin Forum that wants Shed Huntin Stopped!

Let's just say they Banned Shed Huntin!(They won't!)

Wouldn't be anybody Breakin that Law now would there?



I'm getting me a Herd of Cows & gonna Run them where I want to & I Ain't payin No Grazin Fee's!

[font color="red"]From My Smokin Cherry Red Hot Barrel & My Dead Cold Hands I Shall go down Fighting for American Pride & Rights!
I Know I'm Out Numbered by Pusssies & Brainwashed Democrats that'll Throw Their Hands in the air & I know I can't Lick the U.S. Military by Myself when they Turn on us but I'll make
you one Guarantee,They'll be Enduring a Situation where I Hope to Hell All Americans become True Americans once again & Stand up for their Rights!

You buying the herd or using a long rope. LOL
I heard their is a ton of cow's down in southern NV that are just getting chased around and around.
I wonder if Bundy is going to sue for weight loss on those cow's.
I still think this is going to end bad for some-one.

"I have found if you go the extra mile it's Never crowded".
>[Font][Font color = "green"]Life member of
>the MM green signature club.[font/]

LAST EDITED ON Apr-13-14 AT 08:08AM (MST)[p]Yeah, I guess they called it off (for now?)

Too much press involved. It was supposed to go down under the radar. Dingy Harry Reid was about to get exposed on selling public land to the Chinese for next to nothing.

That's my guess.

Why do you think the government wants our guns? To protect the civilians? Nope. It's so they can do as they please.


Breaking the law shouldn't make a person a hero.


What a waste. Why would they turn the ones they had rounded up loose?

[font color="blue"]I don't make the soup, I just stir it.[/font]

>AT 08:08?AM (MST)

>Yeah, I guess they called it
>off (for now?)
>Too much press involved. It was
>supposed to go down under
>the radar. Dingy Harry Reid
>was about to get exposed
>on selling public land to
>the Chinese for next to
>That's my guess.
>Why do you think the government
>wants our guns? To protect
>the civilians? Nope. It's so
>they can do as they

+ 1

"The fight between Bundy and the Bureau of Land Management widened into a debate about states' rights and federal land-use policy. The dispute that ultimately triggered the roundup dates to 1993, when the bureau cited concern for the federally protected tortoise in the region. The bureau revoked Bundy's grazing rights after he stopped paying grazing fees and disregarded federal court orders to remove his animals."

So did Bundy stop paying grazing fees because of the debate about states' rights and federal land use policy, or the fact that the tortoise was in the region?

"A federal judge in Las Vegas first ordered Bundy to remove his trespassing cattle in 1998. The bureau was implementing two federal court orders last year to remove Bundy's cattle after making repeated efforts to resolve the matter outside court, Kornze said, adding the rancher has not paid grazing fees in 20 years."

"This is a matter of fairness and equity, and we remain disappointed that Cliven Bundy continues to not comply with the same laws that 16,000 public-lands ranchers do every year," Kornze said. "After 20 years and multiple court orders to remove the trespass cattle, Mr. Bundy owes the American taxpayers in excess of $1 million. The BLM will continue to work to resolve the matter administratively and judicially."

Seems like they should have no problem collecting money not paid in 20 years. Doesn't make since that all other ranchers pay a fee and one doesn't have to. The removal of cattle due to a tortoise in the region is stupid IMO.

all you people defending the BLM and large scale Federal Government are sickening, as much as I hate Clark County maybe the Clark County Commissioner was right in his statement he made about Utah after reading this BS on here. Hopefully when they come after the guns they start there since you all think the Government is so great.
The BLM is supposed to assist ranchers, that's what the ranchers pay the BLM for, it goes to wages and in turn the BLM is supposed to help the ranchers in the management of their ranges. Bundy paid up until the BLM QUIT helping. Back in the day there use to be over 50 cattle ranchers in Clark County, now Bundy is about it. The feds and BLM have ran almost every one of them off the land quietly, and this one actually finally got some publicity. Should he have continued to pay, Sure. But his family was on the land long before the BLM and there big money grabs. So I guess all of you are condoning the BLM pointing guns in peoples faces, throwing a woman to the ground as hard as a person can, set up snipers all over in the hills, take backhoes in to dig up the water lines that were there even though the feds have no rights whatsoever to mess with the water, that's the states rights. I guess that's all ok. WOW, And then to say that's some of this is to protect the tortoise, the same tortoise that the BLM just barely took over 1000 of them out and killed them because there were too many to handle. And make no mistake, the head of the BLM Mr. Kornze, is Harry Reids great pal. Think this is about the cattle still? Harry and Rory Reid are subtly making a plan to make the Bundys go away, and get the land for whatever they want. So all you favoring the feds here should rest happy as the last cattleman is pushed off of public land.

Cool it desertbone hunter!

Not everybody is stickin up for the BLM/FEDS/Our Government!

Like I've Posted many a times:

Probably not any of us that know the whole Story/Truth!

If Bundy Did Break the Law?

It shoulda been handled 20 years ago!

Not Sayin He did,cuzz I don't know?

RULE # 1:

Never Ever Trust Our Government anymore!

Rule # 2:

Never Trust or believe a Democrat Official!

And Slick & 440,Learn Rule # 2!

The World is F'D up thanks to these JOKERS Currently trying to do a Job they can't Possibly do!

Then they Voted for the JOKER twice,GEEZUS!

[font color="red"]From My Smokin Cherry Red Hot Barrel & My Dead Cold Hands I Shall go down Fighting for American Pride & Rights!
I Know I'm Out Numbered by Pusssies & Brainwashed Democrats that'll Throw Their Hands in the air & I know I can't Lick the U.S. Military by Myself when they Turn on us but I'll make
you one Guarantee,They'll be Enduring a Situation where I Hope to Hell All Americans become True Americans once again & Stand up for their Rights!

LAST EDITED ON Apr-20-14 AT 04:13AM (MST)[p]LAST EDITED ON Apr-20-14 AT 04:12?AM (MST)

Here is a little Scenario for all you on here that I have heard say "Out of my Cold Dead Hands" on the government taking your guns. Ok you have a firemarm that has been passed down through the generations for 150 years. Your Great Grandfather bought this gun back in the day and passed it on to his son. Now this firearm is given to you along with a few you have bought yourself. Now the government comes in after a 100 years and says hey we are going to set up a managing agency for all you gun owners out there. We will tell you when and where you can shoot all in the name of making it better for all gun owners around. You will pay us a fee and we will manage your gun use and use the fees to make things better. At first there isn't to many rules and they take some of the fees and build some shooting ranges and things don't seem that bad.

Then one day they come to your door with a piece of paper stating they are making new rules on how many guns you can have and what time of year you can shoot them. They say you need to cut down the number of firearms you own down 75%. Not only that but one of the ones you need to get rid of is the prized gun from your Great Grandfather. So what do you tell them "Go to Hell". You try to get the other gun owners around you to say "no" so you can stand together on this issue. They just say, well its only a few guns so no big deal atleast we still have a couple. So you decide there is no need to pay a managing agency to manage your guns when you can see they are going to take your guns away. You end up in court case after court case with federal judges bought off by the very agency fighting against you. With in three years all your neighbors that thought everything was going to be alright as long as they pay their fees and give up just a few guns have all been taken to court and have now lost all there guns.

You stand alone the only one in your whole county with guns because you told the Agency you can come get them out of my cold dead hands. Then the agency comes to your place sets up snipers on the hills around you. As your kids stop along the road they are beat down and taken to jail. One of your sisters who has just beat cancer is body slammed to the ground from behind. They come in and take some of your guns and vow they will be back for more. So now I ask you this what are you going to do? How far are you going to let them push you before you say you have had enough? This is exactly what is happening down there. The Grazing Rights and Water Rights were bought and paid for long before the BLM ever came around. They set up there agency and grazing fees that were supposed to be used to help the rancher. Then they decide to change the rules and run all the ranchers off the land. There used to be 52 ranchers in Clark County Nevada now there is one.

So you might take a long hard look at the Rights and Freedoms you enjoy and ask your self how far you are willing to go to defend them. Because I guarantee if they win this battle over ranching on public land soon it will be hunting on public land, camping on public land, using firearms on public land. Then it will be having a firearm at all. They just keep taking and taking until someone is willing to put up a fight. Hopefully this has shed some light on the subject. Some will bash me for it because right now they are not trying to take something away from you that you love and are passionate about. Your day will come though and hopefully you have the courage to stand down 200 armed federal agents to stand up for what you believe in.
Levi Spencer

>AT 04:13?AM (MST)

>AT 04:12?AM (MST)

>Here is a little Scenario for
>all you on here that
>I have heard say
>"Out of my Cold Dead
>Hands" on the government taking
>your guns. Ok you have
>a firemarm that has been
>passed down through the generations
>for 150 years. Your
>Great Grandfather bought this gun
>back in the day and
>passed it on to his
>son. Now this firearm is
>given to you along with
>a few you have bought
>yourself. Now the government comes
>in after a 100 years
>and says hey we are
>going to set up a
>managing agency for all you
>gun owners out there. We
>will tell you when and
>where you can shoot all
>in the name of making
>it better for all gun
>owners around. You will pay
>us a fee and we
>will manage your gun use
>and use the fees to
>make things better. At first
>there isn't to many rules
>and they take some of
>the fees and build some
>shooting ranges and things don't
>seem that bad.
> Then one
>day they come to your
>door with a piece of
>paper stating they are making
>new rules on how many
>guns you can have and
>what time of year you
>can shoot them. They say
>you need to cut down
>the number of firearms
>you own down 75%. Not
>only that but one of
>the ones you need to
>get rid of is the
>prized gun from your Great
>Grandfather. So what do you
>tell them "Go to Hell".
>You try to get the
>other gun owners around you
>to say "no" so you
>can stand together on this
>issue. They just say, well
>its only a few guns
>so no big deal atleast
>we still have a couple.
>So you decide there is
>no need to pay a
>managing agency to manage your
>guns when you can see
>they are going to take
>your guns away. You end
>up in court case after
>court case with federal judges
>bought off by the very
>agency fighting against you. With
>in three years all your
>neighbors that thought everything was
>going to be alright as
>long as they pay their
>fees and give up just
>a few guns have all
>been taken to court and
>have now lost all there
> You
>stand alone the only one
>in your whole county with
>guns because you told the
>Agency you can come get
>them out of my
>cold dead hands. Then the
>agency comes to your place
>sets up snipers on the
>hills around you. As your
>kids stop along the road
>they are beat down and
>taken to jail. One of
>your sisters who has just
>beat cancer is body slammed
>to the ground from behind.
>They come in and take
>some of your guns and
>vow they will be back
>for more. So now I
>ask you this what are
>you going to do? How
>far are you going to
>let them push you before
>you say you have had
>enough? This is exactly what
>is happening down there. The
>Grazing Rights and Water Rights
>were bought and paid for
>long before the BLM ever
>came around. They set up
>there agency and grazing fees
>that were supposed to be
>used to help the rancher.
>Then they decide to change
>the rules and run all
>the ranchers off the land.
>There used to be 52
>ranchers in Clark County Nevada
> now there is one.
> So
>you might take a long
>hard look at the Rights
>and Freedoms you enjoy and
>ask your self how far
>you are willing to go
>to defend them. Because I
>guarantee if they win this
>battle over ranching on public
>land soon it will be
>hunting on public land, camping
>on public land, using firearms
>on public land. Then it
>will be having a firearm
>at all. They just keep
>taking and taking until someone
>is willing to put up
>a fight. Hopefully this has
>shed some light on the
>subject. Some will bash me
>for it because right now
>they are not trying to
>take something away from you
>that you love and are
>passionate about. Your day will
>come though and hopefully you
>have the courage to stand
>down 200 armed federal agents
>to stand up for what
>you believe in.
>Levi Spencer

This is why I've said for many,many,,many years!

We need to Stand Strong & Together!

If You'll Read You'll see where I did give Bundy Credit for standing his Ground!(Not sayin He's Right,cuzz I don't know?)

As you put it,Ya,They'll try & Take Our Guns in a Slow Way,one little Slice at a time!

This is where I disagree with 440 & Slick!

They say:Go ahead & take all the Black Guns from people!

I Say:Go to Hell!

They take a Gun of any kind it's like taking them all!

I only know a couple of Business's that like Obama!

Ammo Manufactures!

And Gun Dealers!

GUARN-GAWD-DAMN-TEED the West is Armed better than they have ever been!

If 'The People' don't make a Stand the day the U.S. Government comes for Our Guns it'll be the Saddest Day in History!

If anybody thought the Bundy Deal was getting Ugly,it won't hold a Candle to the Government trying to take Our Guns!

I'm sure they'll be some PUSSIES throw their Hands in the Air & give them their Guns!

I won't be one of them!

[font color="red"]From My Smokin Cherry Red Hot Barrel & My Dead Cold Hands I Shall go down Fighting for American Pride & Rights!
I Know I'm Out Numbered by Pusssies & Brainwashed Democrats that'll Throw Their Hands in the air & I know I can't Lick the U.S. Military by Myself when they Turn on us but I'll make
you one Guarantee,They'll be Enduring a Situation where I Hope to Hell All Americans become True Americans once again & Stand up for their Rights!

Bessie I did see that and I am just trying to get people to think a little. How you feel towards your guns is no different than Cliven Bundy feels about his Grazing Rights and cows. If you replace the words Grazing Rights for Guns in my little story you will have the true story. We need to all Stand up and relize this fight just isn't about cows and the BLM. Its about the Rights and Priviliges of the People. The Headlines of all the Major Media groups could just as easily read right now. "Northern Utah Gun toten Jack Morman Polygamist Bessie in fight with Federal Government".

True, Bundy broke the law!!!!! But so did all the Jews who didn't report to the train station in Germany in WWII.


>True, Bundy broke the law!!!!! But
>so did all the Jews
>who didn't report to the
>train station in Germany in
You got that right! Happy Easter everyone.


Interesting analogy. There are a few points that should be made. First of all, the Bundys never owned the land in question. In the early settlement days they just ran their cattle wherever they chose. After decades of that not working due to overgrazing and mismanagement by the grazers along with many disputes among grazers the Taylor grazing act was enacted in 1936 to divy up the grazing permits among the ranchers who where using them (previously free of charge). This was public land. Not private. The BLM was set up and a fee structure has evolved several times. The Bundys own the permit to graze the land. They do not, nor have they ever, owned the land. A far cry from a gun my grandfather gave me.

Has the BLM done a stellar job? No. Did the Bundys and many others have legitimate complaints and issues with them? Yes. Did they stop paying for the use of our land? Yep, 20 years ago. Is the BLM wrong in how they are squeezing graders off the land? Absolutely. Does that make either side 100% right? Not a chance.

[font color="blue"]I don't make the soup,I just stir it.[/font]

Ok I get the analogy, and I'm not pro-govt. Just tell me how it helps when rich or poor don't pay taxes? It takes taxes to make the country run, no?
And why didn't Bundy settle his debt a long time ago? Now crazy people run to his aid with guns?
I have no love for the Govt but still ddon't want to find out more about this.

Got a Question?

Did Bundy ever pay grazing Fee's?

[font color="red"]From My Smokin Cherry Red Hot Barrel & My Dead Cold Hands I Shall go down Fighting for American Pride & Rights!
I Know I'm Out Numbered by Pusssies & Brainwashed Democrats that'll Throw Their Hands in the air & I know I can't Lick the U.S. Military by Myself when they Turn on us but I'll make
you one Guarantee,They'll be Enduring a Situation where I Hope to Hell All Americans become True Americans once again & Stand up for their Rights!

Yes I agree with you that neither side has done everything right. Mr. Bundy does not own the land itself but does own the Water Rights and Grazing rights on this Public Land. He also owns the cattle that are being stolen off this Public Land. Where do you shoot your firarms and hunt? Do you have Private land you shoot and hunt on each year? Nevada is made up of more than 75% Public land that we each use for our outdoor activities. So do each of us Public Land hunters need to quit hunting these lands and only put in back east on Private property where we can pay a premium price to hunt each year. Are we all just rich hunters who just don't want to pay the premium price to hunt? Mr. Bundy is not rich by any means. Anybody who has tried to run a ranch in a desert will know that. It is a hard life and a fight to make it each year even with out a bunch of Federal pressure.

Mr. Bundy is not just fighting this to keep his cattle out on the Public land he is fighting to keep Public land open to the Public. He has stated that over and over again but you never hear about that on the news. Gold Butte also has great bird hunting and some nice bucks and rams have come off that unit. Once they can get Bundy off if you don't think they will completely close the area to all Public activities then you are living in your own little dream world. Also you might say well I don't hunt or do anything down there so what do I care. Well once they clean up Clark county they will move north through the rest of the state and all through the west.

There are thousands of supporters of the Bundys all over the west and the United States. I have talked to many of them and asked them why they would come to support from so far away. Their answer was simple, " This same thing is happening all over the United States to all different kinds of people". These supporters are not just a bunch of gun caring crazies. They are the hard working people of this nation who work hard trying to make a living every day just to watch the federal government make more rules and regulations to run them into the ground.

Most of us if it doesnt affect us personally right now we will make a quick judgement on who is right or wrong and go along with our lives. I urge you to not do that and find out more on this subject and not from the main stream media. After this ordeal I will never believe anything that come from the main stream media folks. Please call the Bundy family and talk to them or stop by Bunkerville Nevada and meet some of the supporters and truly find out what this fight is for. The outcome of this will affect all of us in the West who use and love our Public Lands. We need to quit fighting between Ranchers, Hunters, and all who use Public land and stick together are we will one by one be weeded out.


Yes he paid his gazing fees upto the point they told him he had to reduce his herd by 75%. At which time he told them he would not pay a managing agency, that was put together to provide help, that was going to use his money to run him into the ground. They then cancelled his permits. And what happened to the other fifty ranchers in the area who cut thier herds and paid thier permit fees? You guessed it they canceled all their permits at the same time.

So did Mr. Bundy go about making his stand the wrong way? Maybe.
But in the end it would all come down to the same conclusion if he would not of stood up. So because of his way he is standing up to the government does that make everything the government does to him and the rest of us OK?

Bessie you need to come down to Bunkerville and meet the other supporters here. Your little statement you have in red under each one of your posts is exactly how each one of these supports feel.

Hey LameDuck!

I'm not Sticking up for Bundy 100%!

As I've said many times,I don't know all the Details,surely not saying He's Right!

But it sounds like the whole Deal was Grandfathered through His Family since time began?

The thing I don't agree with is:

If He's been Breakin the Law for 20+ Years it's Wrong!

Why has the BLM let him Break the Law for more than 2 Decades before doing something about it?

When I was younger & the Government told us Americans something we took it to Heart & believed them!

Unlike today!

Now days when Our Government tells us something it's more than likely not the whole Truth,SAD!

As Americans We do need to Stand up for what we think is Right!

Bundy did exactly that!

I'm surely not saying He's Right!

As for My statement in Red under each one of My Posts!

Well,that's just the way it is & I Hope to Hell We can Band together when needed & Not Pusssss out when times get tough!

[font color="red"]From My Smokin Cherry Red Hot Barrel & My Dead Cold Hands I Shall go down Fighting for American Pride & Rights!
I Know I'm Out Numbered by Pusssies & Brainwashed Democrats that'll Throw Their Hands in the air & I know I can't Lick the U.S. Military by Myself when they Turn on us but I'll make
you one Guarantee,They'll be Enduring a Situation where I Hope to Hell All Americans become True Americans once again & Stand up for their Rights!

What's the difference between Bundy not paying for his grazing permit and the millions of illegal wetbacks getting all of their education, healthcare, and other public services for free? Gooberment ain't got a problem with that.

"When I was younger & the Government told us Americans something we took it to Heart & believed them!"

That must have been Johnson or Nixon.. right BCB?


"The Road goes on forever & the Party never Ends"

>"When I was younger & the
>Government told us Americans something
>we took it to Heart
>& believed them!"
>That must have been Johnson or
>Nixon.. right BCB?
>"The Road goes on forever &
>the Party never Ends"


Well at least when they use to Lie to us they got their Asses Fired!:D

[font color="red"]From My Smokin Cherry Red Hot Barrel & My Dead Cold Hands I Shall go down Fighting for American Pride & Rights!
I Know I'm Out Numbered by Pusssies & Brainwashed Democrats that'll Throw Their Hands in the air & I know I can't Lick the U.S. Military by Myself when they Turn on us but I'll make
you one Guarantee,They'll be Enduring a Situation where I Hope to Hell All Americans become True Americans once again & Stand up for their Rights!

Latest Remarks(REALLY) show Bundy as a Nut job, IMO
I guess he think he is the appointed one.

"I have found if you go the extra mile it's Never crowded".
>[Font][Font color = "green"]Life member of
>the MM green signature club.[font/]

Are we going to stand by and let the government cripple this country economically because of some trumped up endangered species? Spotted Owls, desert tortoises, marbled murrelets (bet you don't even know what a marbled murrelet is or that you can't live without them) on and on?

Yes, I know it's the "law of the land" so I guess we will (are).

That's my only issue. Yes, everyone should pay their bills. Bundy is wrong there. They should put a lien against his house or throw him in jail like every one else who doesn't pay what they owe. Not bring in armed BLM snipers while they kill his cattle.


eel, don't worry, blm snipers cant shoot for shizz, they will have to hire a tom horn type,(from china )?? or an out of work cotton picker,,,

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