Goats alp and swb?



Hey guys,

My wife's hunt is next week and we will start on the 12th. The hair looks decent and we have a herd of billies tucked away. Hopefully next Saturday they are all together and we can watch them thru the Swaro for a bit and pick the best one.

When are you guys starting? What are the hunt dates? You guys waiting for winter hair? We are not. My wife hates the cold and I dont like it much better. I have been getting some great help from two buddies, one of which is antlerrick. Hopefully he comes down with us since he cannot go on his early elk with his late father-in-law.

Keep us posted!
I plan on starting on the 12 and then the 14, 15, and 16. The three days a week until I get him. I have my eye on one specific goat and he is in the nastiest terrain up there. If he presents a shot that he will be retrievable and won't tumble down the mountain I will take it regardless of the winter coat. I would love to wait until the coat thickens up a bit, but if I do I may miss my only opportunity at this billy. Additionally I have seen it snow 18-24" in those high peaks in early to mid October. That could make it an extremely challenging hunt. My dates are 9-12 through 10-18. I am getting anxious.
How does the Uintah hair look alp? What kind of score do you think your goat has? Do you think he will break 50?

My plan is to start on the 12th, but not get antsy and give her a greenlight until I am convinced we have a mature billie. I admire your effort on this, I wished I was 10 years younger and felt better, but we will make it work. We know there are good goats on Beaver we just have to sift thru them. We do have a decent herd of billies tucked away with 2 very good ones.

Hopefully we know more in a few weeks.

Good luck. I sure hope you get him! Just be patient and dont settle for less.
The hair is starting to come in. Not as long as I would like but definitely better than what it was in July. We had some really cold nights up here a couple weeks ago with one or two below 30. I think that may have helped, but what do I know.

You know I have no clue what he will score. I would love to believe that he will score really well, but I am an amateur. All I know is he is much, much bigger than any other goat I have watched. In all my scouting this summer I have probably 60-80 different goats and he really stands out.

Did you get down and do some scouting? I thought you were headed down this weekend. Sounds like you will have no problem. I think you are right though, take your time and make sure you are happy with the goat before you let her take the shot.

Just out of curiosity where do you plan on putting the shot placement? I have read that you want to draw an imaginary line from the ear to the tail and another one straight up from the front leg and where the intersect is where you want to hit. That should break the front shoulder and put him down. Here is a pic that was helpful for me.


Keep me updated as to how it goes. I look forward to seeing the pics of a happy wife and her happy husband and their billy.

I was headed down this weekend, however, my buddy called and said just let them set and not to bother them. There are 11 billies together and in a great spot. My wife, me, and kids have the flu as well.:-( We will be fine. I am not going in blind!

I like your shot chart. I have told her to line the vertical hair on the front leg and shoot. Hoping to hit vitals and bust up the shoulder.

I have learned patience. One thing I would have done years ago is shoot because it looked big. Things always look big when you dont know what you are looking at. Hopefully studying them for 10 years will pay off? We are determined to make sure her billy meets the requirements. Mass, one finger width between the horns, roman nose, nuts if we can see them, blocky body, beard that starts before the back of the mouth, and length. I will be very cautious around any lone goats.
My brother has a Uintas east goat tag. We went scouting this weekend and found some nice billies. We are amatures at the mtn. goat thing also. Some of the goats we looked at had fur hanging all over the place. We were wondering if this is normal for this time of year?

Nannies tend to shed their winter coat later than the billies, but that being said most of the goats I am seeing now are free of their winter coats and are rebuilding their new winter coats. Not real long yet though.
Keep us posted alp. Hopefully we have 3 big old billies to go in B&C together!:)
KTC, unfortunately SWB is in Alaska for work and won't be able to make it out with me for the opening week of the hunt. I plan to hunt from Saturday the 12th until the following Saturday and then will take time from there. I will be using my bow so I don't want to put the hunt off at all.

We have scouted every canyon that we have been told holds goats in Milcreek, big and little cottonwoods. We have not seen anything that will push the 50" mark so at this point I am going for body size and condition of the hair and letting the score fall where it may. We have an area that holds 9 billies that we will be starting in and moving as needed. It should be one fun back country adventure.

KTC, Alp and Virg, good luck on your hunts and let us know how you do. Be safe!
thanks travis! i have been meaning to write you about elk. when you going? good luck! i am hoping to see a 350+! you are going to have the time of your life!
i agree mt! good luck to all with goat tags! please keep us posted and stick an arrow in one!
Good luck on your hunts Alp, KTC, Virg, and MtnTime!

Tom, remember to pick a spot!

Alp, cool picture with the skeleton/vitals overlay. Would that be considered the high shoulder shot that Best of the West uses? I usually try and put my shot through both lungs but from what I heard about mountain goats and their ability to absorb lead, coupled with my understanding that the meat is not that good, this is one animal that seems tailor made for the high shoulder bullet placement!

I'll be starting my 7 day hunt on Box Elder the 3rd of October. Bringing both my smokepole and my rifle. Wasn't sure if I could get anyone to go with me, so I ended up hiring a guide. Being a non-resident with limited ability to scout the unit and after all the varied opinions on goat scores and this being a OIL hunt, the extreme terrain, etc. I decided to hire a professional. I think I will be able to enjoy the hunt a lot more konw and not be so stressed out.

Can't wait to see all your success photos. Good luck everyone, shoot straight and please hunt safe!

Horniac! Thanks and good luck to you.

When I get back, remind me, and I can help you on your hunt. I know that place like the back of my hand. I had no idea you had a tag on Box Elder! That is the unit my wife applied for every year until now. Lots of goats and fairly good terrain as goat country goes.

Send me a pm or email next week. Who is your guide?
Well, it is time to make things happen. Good luck to you guys and I expect regular updates. Take your time and work hard. Again, good luck!
I'm planning on being there first thing in the morning, but still waiting for word from the boys about killing a big stinky...It is late enough and no word so hoping they have scored. If so, I won't be there, but if they were unsuccessful, I will be there to watch that billy hit the dirt!
BOY oh BOY.....you guys got it done EARLY!!! Rick sent me a text with the picture before 9am!!!

Good job KTC....looks like a great goat!....Did you make her kill early so you could head to the Dutton and watch the Stinky circus down there??? haha

I was going to come up...but did not get home until late. Looks like a nice goat...tell her GOOD SHOOTING!!!
If the rumors are true.....then congrats KTC and especially the MRS. Hurry and get those pics posted!

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