GoHunt vs. Epic Outdoors vs. ?


Curious as to everyone’s preferences for research/info? I’m leaning towards renewing GoHunt or getting Epic but am open to others. Out of those two which are people more pleased with? I love the insider but it seems Epic has a similar program? And they also say you are welcome to call their consultants to discuss things with an actual person and can also contact other memebers who have had the same tags. Reviews are appreciated, thanks!
Curious as to everyone’s preferences for research/info? I’m leaning towards renewing GoHunt or getting Epic but am open to others. Out of those two which are people more pleased with? I love the insider but it seems Epic has a similar program? And they also say you are welcome to call their consultants to discuss things with an actual person and can also contact other memebers who have had the same tags. Reviews are appreciated, thanks!
I do Go Hunt and have for 3 years. I also do Huntin Fool
I have been with epic outdoors for over two years now. I’ve never had gohunt so I won’t comment on their services.
I have loved my experience with epic outdoors. I have called and talked with Jason a few times and he steered me in the right direction and laid out a plan to use my points the right way. It ended up with us tagging out on a 200 inch buck. Now that I think they have grown they have hired a few more insiders and I am guessing that their info will be as good or not better with more minds and years of experience. So if you are wondering about epic. Try it out and see for yourself. But I have been really happy.
Really two different types of resources. Go Hunt is an awesome tool and let's you filter down to get a good idea on some possible units within a state and some general information about the unit as well as odds of drawing, success rates and so forth. Epic is a monthly magazine and access to the consultants to ask specific questions as well as get referrals and access to people that have actually hunted the unit. Just really depends on what you want, I do both, but if I had to choose just one it would probably be Epic.
My 2 cents I had Go Hunt for a year after reviewing the info they had in their mag & online . I was getting the same but actually better info from the MRS section in my Eastman's mag, I can also call Eastman's & discuss points tags units etc with them If I cant find the info on line
I like Gohunt a lot because it is a handy tool, and I use it a ton. But epic hands down has the best people and most knowledge. The only reason huntin fool was ever any good is because the guys now at epic were the ones driving the train. They are wonderful people and happy to help. GoHunt is the best option for easy to access info and Epic is the best option if you want to talk to guys that truly know what they are talking about. I personally refuse to give a single dollar to the Eastman's so you can try them if you like but my heart and soul won't allow me to do anything to make them any money and that's all I can say about their services.
The guys at Epic are top notch. Hands down a more accurate resource than the other options. They work hard to have the best information out there.
Never used go hunt. I do subscribe to Epic and Huntinfool. If I could only pick one it would be Epic. That being said, as much as we spend on hunting getting both is a drop in the bucket and well worth the extra info.
I've never subscribed to any of these but I've recently noticed that Hunting Fool does an online version now for $36/year. While I dont apply in many places, I thought this might be a good way to step into the game of tracking everything and knowing some options without spending $100/year for a guy who doesn't apply on much.

Anyone have any comments on the HF "Online" membership?

Gohunt seems like a really cool option. I just dont find myself applying in many spots so I'm not sure I'd utilize the info enough. Currently with my wife sitting on 13 pts for Wyo antelope and the odd other thing I've thought about (AZ Coues, NM antelope and elk) I thought it was worth looking into options
Epic (Jason and Adam) along with Jason’s dad started this entire consulting business idea many years ago. Huntin fool was purchased from Jason’s dad by the now new owners. Jason and Adam where young and not ready to quite their careers so they started Epic. Eastman’s though they had their mag they didn’t have the MRS until the original Carter clan was getting all the attention with huntin fool. Then all these competitors begun to pop up.

I think each one has their own niche and are constantly trying to innovate. GoHunt isn’t an application service like epic and Eastman’s isn’t an application service either. You need to ask yourself what you want out of these services? Epic has all the odds and unit breakdown in the magazine plus their online members only portal for more in depth research. GoHunt has in-depth research, and an optic department with real person contact about optics. Now epic is competing in the optic arena. Epic’s business model is to help guys draw tags and book hunts with the best outfitters. Epic really wants everyone to be a member and use them for their application service but they are just as helpful if you choose not to use them to apply.

I find that the info in all of these services once you read them once or twice you pretty much know about it all. Each year they publish the same info for the most part. I like to have a couple of them just to get two differing opinions.
I was a member of Huntin fool when the Carters owned it and with the new owners. wasnt horrible with the new owners but wasnt nearly as good as before. I eventually joined epic.

I can say Epic has been really good for me. They have all the hunting planner/draw info online where you can search each state and species. they are also available to answer any questions you have and when you draw a tag, they will put you in contact with other members that have drawn that same tag. Good dudes for sure.
I originally started with Hunting Fool when it was a small @ 8 page newsletter....totally loved it, got me in the game ( apply,apply, apply) and im reaping the benefits now after retirement. I stayed with them for years as they evolved up to the magazine. Dumped them once Epic got established as I felt like HF did only the bare minimum in improving/ updating information from one year to the next. Cut and paste the same info year to year. Today I get all my hunting resources from
1. Hunterstrailhead for Draw odds( excellent details in all western states in a couple clicks)
2. Gohunt ( good generic information again for all western states) easy to access lots of data
3. Epic ( i enjoy a hard copy and the thrill of opening my PO Box and remembering Hunting season is just around the corner ) lol
Epic is tops. Adam and Jason are a wealth of GOOD honest info and always willing to talk. Toprut @ $19.95 is all you need for draw info.
I subscribe to Epic and love it for the detail and ability to talk with their experienced staff. For all my other general needs Go Hunt fills the void.
Epic here. I just wish they would ditch the magazine and charge less. We don’t need a print mag anymore.
I'm just the opposite. I like to look at the pictures and allot of the times write on the pages and stat areas. I'm already interneted to death know. You go around know and see everyone with there noses stuck in the phones. What a life.

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