Goodbye Wolf


Very Active Member
SFW is going to eat their lunch.....wolf on a biscut

From: "Don Peay" <[email protected]> Sportsmen for Fish and Wildlife Subject: Wolf War, Major Counter Offensive The data just came in from yet another herd devastated by wolves. The Moose population north of Jackson Wyoming number 1,200 prior to wolf re-introduction. About five years later, moose number about 800. Two years ago 407, This year, 117, with Few calves. That moose herd is GONE. To rebuild this herd, in our lifetime will require major reductions in wolves, and most likely a transplant of moose into the area. TIME FOR ACTION, NOW Sportsmen for Fish and Wildlife (SFW) has successfully obtained a $400,000 opening war chest to launch a major effort to get wolves under control immediately before they cause more extensive damage to the West's and the Upper Mid West's ungulate populations. Over the next couple of weeks, SFW will work with other sportsmen and conservation groups to build a plan, with contingencies, and be ready to ACT, the day the Judges rule on wolf management on both Wyoming and In Montana and Idaho. To help coordinate this effort, Full TIME, Thanks to a large private donation, which will be explained later, SFW has just hired this week, a passionate hunter, who is a very successful businessman, who happens to have a degree in Political Science and a Law Degree from Harvard University. One of America?s best and brightest. Winter counts of elk and moose populations in the west are coming in at disastrous levels.If the Judges rule correctly, and allow for states to manage wolves as everyone agreed upon, efforts will be made to support state game and fish agencies to reduce wolf populations to agreed upon levels ? 150 wolves in each of three western states. And if judges do not allow for states to manage to protect ungulate herds, Congress must immediately step and solve this science project gone bad. Congress wrote the Endangered Species Act, they can change it to solve this problem. Either way the Judges rule, there will be a plan for immediate action. It will be a HUGE undertaking. It will require a $3 to $5 million effort. It will require the best legal, biological, business and political minds to get it done. It will require state governments and state fish and game agencies to demand actions. Utah?s state DWR and DNR Director are 100% in favor of this action and will work with other state agencies to get all on board. The Utah Legislature has spoken, and the VAST majority voted to MOVE FORWARD on this WESTERN STATES REGIONAL ISSUE. This is NOT a Wyoming issue, or an Idaho issue, it is ALL WESTERN STATES. Some work will need to be done to gauge support and desired actions in the upper mid west. It will require a nationwide sportsmen effort, but in the internet age, and with the current caldron of discontent, the opportunity is there to seize the energy and make this happen. It will require a host of ?celebrity? sportsmen to step up and help with the PR campaigns and the relentless stack of lies the media will throw out on this issue, supported by the Hollywood elite. It will require the support from Private landowners and ranchers who support both abundant wildlife and livestock herds on their lands. All sportsmen groups will be asked to participate. A website will be developed where sportsmen nationwide will be able to get information, make contributions and help us win the wolf war. A small, core group of sportsmen will be needed to make decisions and act quickly and adapt tactics quickly. The plan will be based on sound science and facts. The plan will be accomplished by tapping into the passion and commitment of the American Sportsmen, perhaps like never before seen. It can, and must be done. If wolf management is tied up in court for 3-5 more years, game herds will be destroyed to the point they will not recover in our lifetimes. For some herds, it is already too late. State Game and Fish agencies are extremely concerned about the complete destruction of the modern conservation model. Several elk herds are at 80% reduced levels. The Moose populations north of Jackson Wyoming numbered about 1,200 pre wolf, they were down to approximately 400 two years ago, and the most recent count was just over 115 moose. A 90% reduction of moose, and it won't end there. There is now plenty of data to prove to reasonable people that wolf management must happen immediately. So, stay tuned. It is obvious, tens of thousands of sportsmen are seeing game herds disappear right before our eyes, and are looking for some leadership to step up and solve this problem. Within two weeks, the website and the team should be ready to go: Be Ready to act the day the Judges make their rulings known. Your feedback is welcome

"One nation, under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all."
I never did like the idea of bringing wolves back, I figured the country is too fragmented and not wild enough in the winter. I know Don peay is streching things as far as moose go, probably on the rest also. According to WFGD Pregnancy rates among cow moose in the Jackson area have been declining since the 1960s (long before wolves were there) Thats a sign of poor and declining habitat, and Studys with Radio collared moose show that grizzlies kill most of the moose that are killed by predators. Transplanting Moose would be a failure, they are living in marginal habatit, and transplants never work unless there is good or exceptional habitat. When the lawyers get through all this will be brought out in the open, the stretching on both sides will be shown, and decisions will be made. In my opinion a couple hundred wolves is more than enough for the whole yellowstone area.
As far as the moose goes you can not deny that though, as you stated, the moose (may) have been declining since the 60's, the decline since the introduction of woves has been ASTRONOMICAL and suggests a direct correlation between the introduction of wolves and the dramatic decline in the moose population. Though, I admit, the pictures of wolves killing cattle, moose, and elk, are very damning for the wolf as well.

Either way, I am glad to see the puppy lovers meet there match in the form of the SFW.

I just became a SFW member this morning on the internet. I think I may need to send an extra donation later on today.

"One nation, under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all."
If there is anything I'd like to see go away more than stay puff it's the wolves. I'm involved with a fish reintroduction project in district, fighting them is not only hard it's nearly impossible so while I praise SFW for their effort I don't expect much to come from it. for every dollar hunters raise the wolfies will raise 50, unless game numbers drop to ESA leves no sympathy or protection will be given.

I spent a few days in Jackson at the refuge last month and elk numbers were WAY down , I'm sure to a large degree due to the lack of snow, but I drove around with my spotting scope and I only found about 100 of the 6000 elk they said were just up the hill from the refuge. there is no question the Jackson herd has been hurt by the wolves, I have no idea to what extent.

The wolves were reintroduced more as an anti hunting tool than a pro wildlife move in my opinion. the plan is working very well they aren't going to give up easy at this point. I'll donate to any organization who will fight the wolves and distance myself from those like RMEF who ride the fence and ptint pro wolf hippie stories, but I have little hope the tiwill be turned.
440, you are right! (cough)

The puppie loving public does outnumber the hunting public. The odds are long. But thank goodness for someone doing something on behalf of the hunters. I also agree that the wolves were reintroduced to get at hunters....

"One nation, under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all."
There is nothing I'd like to see more then the canadian wolf(non-native species) wiped out in the lower 48,however that being said even if the feds agree to drop the numbers to let's say 150 in each state how are we going to drop their population to that number and maintain it there through normal hunting practices.The wolf is a very intelligent animal(not as brillant as 440 though)and highly adaptable similiar to the coyote.The coyote populations have never been controled without the use of traping or poisoning and continue to spread throughout the lower 48.So even if they reinstate the hunting of wolves what are the chances of the feds and the treehuggers letting us poison,trap or helicopter shoot the bastards.The best idea I heard was if parvo was accidently introduced by parvo infested dogs that just happen to get released near each pack of wolves.Sounds like an idea anyone could do without the consent of the feds or state government.

Wolves were wiped out by a few guys with 45-70's in most states, with a kajillion hunters with 270's I'm sure polulations could be controlled no problem. cyotes are a whole different story.

The problem is first getting the agreed quota that low, then second to get a concensus on how many wolves really exist. if there were 1500 the wolf lovers will say there are 150, I see years of battles ahead.
LAST EDITED ON Mar-13-10 AT 08:56PM (MST)[p]Wow, I finally agree with h-dude for once, ok maybe two or three times. These wolf folks have an agenda that has nothing to do with the e.s.a. or the romantisicm of hearing wolves howling in the moonlight and returning the once noble big furry wild dogs to their rightful place. The end game for them, and it will work if their allowed to continue on this pace; is the end of all hunting and locking up public lands to only those that wear Birkenstocks. These folks and green groups have more money and lawyers than god and they will stop at nothing to acheive their goal. A divided bunch of hunters that itself, pits rifle against archery - trophy against meat hunters - auction vs. draw - DIY vs. hiring an outfitter, etc. etc. - has no chance. Having a guy named Don Peay on your side isn't gonna make a hill of beans, it's gonna take a whole lot more than that!
True, but you have to stay after it so I commend him for trying.

Sometimes you can't win and you know it, but we have to fight just to slow it down if nothing else.
I agree, and I commend you for not donating to the pathetic RMEF - those folks shot themselves in the foot and I imagine they have finally realized just how stupid they really are. You should see the lengthly string of e-mails I've received in the last three days on this wolf war, it's truly amazing. This thing is just heating up and I predict it's gonna get white hot before all is said and done.
The one easy fix for this problem is to just shoot. Realize that while it may be illegal, it's NOT wrong! Yah I know, screwy logic but when it comes to wolves there is no logic on the other side of the fence. All hunters in the woods should act like vigilanties (sp?) and shoot everyone of those hairy SOB's they can find. I have a buddy that just got back from an wolf hunt in Alaska. They shot 3 and trapped 11 in the 14 days he was there. That's just 2 guys on sleds for 14 days and only one of them had a rifle. I bet they didn't even put a dent in teh population.

It's always an adventure!!!
LAST EDITED ON Mar-14-10 AT 01:14AM (MST)[p]Dude I have to disagree with you about hunters wiping out the wolf packs in the late 1800's and early 1900's. They were largely wiped out by guys hired by stockmen. The main predator control methold they used was to lace a dead animal with strychnine poison and they would take a intire pack that fed on the poison meat. Wolf bounty hunters did account for shooting a good portion of them, but not the majority of the packs.

As I have said before, the wolf lovers had no intention of controlling the wolf packs to the numbers they gave to get their foot in the door for induction. Their plan was to get the packs introduced and use the courts to fight and delay any control on them.

There is a radical fringe group of wolf lovers who could care less if the wolves wiped out all the deer and elk. The ones that need to be educated are the hangers on that support the radical wolf lovers due to the brainwahing they have been subjected too.

These are the people that you need to show them videos of wolf packs running down elk and deer and ripping their guts out and feeding on the deer or elk while they are still alive and standing with their guts hanging out. Would be even better if that deer or elk was a fawn, "bambi" and their support would melt in a hurry and curtail a lot of funds they now give to various wolf loving groups. The wolves would no longer be cute cuddly dogs howling at the moon in their eyes.

One question is:

Why didn't we see that this wolf reintroduction was a lie at 150 wolves. We all knew the wolves were put there to spread around the west. The state of Utah even passed some plan on it a few years ago.

Why didn't we write up a wolf management plan before the wolf reintroduction that the Fed had to sign off on BEFORE they could reintroduce the wolf? Like a contract....if you do this then I want that.

Then as soon as the wolves hit 150 the states management plan would have kicked in.

Coming up with and trying to pass a management plan after things have gone to heck has gotten us nowhere.

"One nation, under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all."
As soon as Don Peay solves the wolf problem he's comming to Kali to fix the mountain lion issue.:)

On the other hand, if they can pass Obama care against the wishes of 65% of the people maybe the wolf thing is doable.
There was plenty of opposition the the wolf reintroduction it just didn't work. the Montana cattlemans assc. had a lawsuit that said the non native Canadian wolf would kill off the endangered gray wolf and I thought that was going to be a home run, it flopped. how a non native species could be intoduced to compete with an endagered one is still beyond me, thats when I decided the wolf was less of a concern than hunters were to these people.

RELH you're right, but if all hunters were allowed to kill wolves that's all we'd need today. there are more hunters than there were people in those days and we're better armed. the Idaho quota system will be an intersting experiment, my guess is a lot more wolves died than were reported but even if I knew so I didn't see nothing.

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