Got Covid


Long Time Member
I Have got the Covid and it is a real A$$ kicker. Was in Hospital for 8 hrs got Steriod shots. Starting to get well now. First hand knowledge is a Fricking eye opener wouldn't wish it on my worse ememy.
Try coughing up a lung or 2 isn't funny.
I've heard many horror stories like that and lost a family friend last week and had an aunt hospitalized a few days ago. Glad you're feeling better!
I'm sure it was in South Dakota during the pheasant hunt.
All the guys that hunted that week ended up with it.
2 was in the Hospital for 8 hrs or more. It is some bad A$$ virus
still have a cough that cold air makes the lungs hurt.
Sorry to hear Gator!

I’m sure you’re a tough ole’ cuss that can plow through it!

Hope the after effects don’t plague you forever like they have some!

wishing you a quick recovery!
Sorry to hear Gator. Was enjoying your posts for years lurking here. Thanks much. Lost a close friend on East Coast tough. Speedy recovery Sir.
Speedy recovery.
I had it last March.
Spent a week at home feeling crappy with a headache nothing would touch.
A fever up to 100 to 101.
Fortunately I never developed the cough.
Three weeks after onset of symptoms I went back to work, but got tired easily for another couple weeks. My wife gave me hydroxychloroquine for 2 days and I used theraflu for a few days too.
I'm sure it was in South Dakota during the pheasant hunt.
All the guys that hunted that week ended up with it.
2 was in the Hospital for 8 hrs or more. It is some bad A$$ virus
still have a cough that cold air makes the lungs hurt.
I was out there last week deer hunting with 6 other hunters so far so good
Get feeling better soon Gator. Our camp got hit by covid too and wasn't much fun for those who got I'll. Glad ya got back to SD.
I had it the last two weeks of October. It had me grounded for two weeks during deer hunting. I was lucky I didn't have that bad of symptoms.
Sorry, but glad your on the mend. Know several that have recovered and a few that have not. Nasty stuff and hoping to avoid it.
I got it last summer. Had a headache for about 2 days and never coughed once. Only reason I’d ever known I had it was got tested. Only reason I got tested was work policy if your feeling anything. So no big deal for me I guess. Basically got to go fishing on the clock for my two week quarantine
Get well Gator. I've known a couple people that had it without much issue, and a couple that had a horrible time with it. I'm hoping the vaccine is available to me before I get the virus.

Stay strong Gator!
Hopefully ya have a Nurse to make a house call and check your pulse-------


Sorry Gator, glad you're on the mend. I, and most of my office got it a few weeks back. No symptoms for me, but some for others who were young and in relatively good shape.
NONE OF OUR FAMILIES GOT IT, which was odd. Just circulated the office, but no spouses, kids, etc.

Weird of how it is transmitted and who it impacts. Might as well be a good soldier and try to be careful and get on with your day.

Glad you are getting better and hope this vaccine gets us back to normal.
It makes me feel "comfort" knowing im in this community of guys that despite the danger, are still pursuing what makes life worth living. Good on you for going pheasant hunting. Sucks monkey balls that you got the Wuhan.
Who needs to Travel and visit China when you can get a first hand of what it’s like when it’s delivered to you personally ?
Hope you recover fast.
we were in north and South Dakota the week before thanksgiving hunting pheasants also, so far so good fur us. Stay safe everyone
Covid is great if you own stocks in all the vaccine producers if they don’t thaw out before they are given
Sorry to hear that Gator, being an x wrestler I’m sure you’re tough enough to beat it. Wishing you a speedy recovery. BacDoc
Yes it was cold enough to HAVE to wear face covering.
I believe in wearing the mask. BUT if you are eating it hard to wear one, Should of sat tables apart and we didn't.
Pretty sure It's my turn to catch this crap, getting tested today at 3pm.
I started feeling it come on Wednesday night, Thanksgiving dinner was pretty light as I didn't have an appetite.
Friday I felt strong body aches and congestion, but not chest pressure, shortness of breath or fever whatsoever.
My smell and taste are null and void....gone.
I'm definitely not bed ridden, far from it at this point.....knock on wood.
Had it back in March. I just thought I had a mild cold till I lost my taste for about 10 days. Hope everybody that has it here gets over it quick.
I Have got the Covid and it is a real A$$ kicker. Was in Hospital for 8 hrs got Steriod shots. Starting to get well now. First hand knowledge is a Fricking eye opener wouldn't wish it on my worse ememy.
Try coughing up a lung or 2 isn't funny.
Yes one of my best friends and his whole family got it. He was in the hospital in SLC for five days his wife went home after 4 days but returned and had another 14 days almost didn't make it.
I will take the vaccine after talking to him as he said it was like having a Mack truck sit on your chest. Worst pain he has ever had and is still talking with a shortness of breath.
Who is going to take the vaccine? I won't be getting it, same as I've never taken a flu shot and never will. Nothing against you if you do, I just won't be.
Who is going to take the vaccine? I won't be getting it, same as I've never taken a flu shot and never will. Nothing against you if you do, I just won't be.
I won't take it unless it's a life or death decision.
At this point, it's way too early to really know any long term side effects, it may take years.
Heck, I took simple Zantac for heart burn for years and now that stuff has been pulled because it'll kill you.
I survived my second wife and all her clinical crazy, maybe a vaccine won't be as dangerous!?
I hope you are feeling welll soon.

What is the difference between flu and Covid? I can't say from experience, but in the average year about 40 thousand people die of flu. With Covid we have six times that many and have not yet entered the most dangerous months of the year. That is just bad enough that I have been avoiding my older family members for the past few months. I will be happy to get that vaccine when it comes.
I will take the vaccine when it comes as where I work the homeless are a real issue. I just want to be back to normal and go when and where I want without someone telling me yes or no. I know it's different in other states but not here.
Our County health official says we need more testing. He wants people with no symptoms to get tested. "Prove to me you don't have it." he said.

Wait. Dr. Ennis wants me to go stand in line with a bunch of people who are probably are sick? Then what's the next step? Come in 14 days later and prove to him I didn't get it while taking the 1st test?

I might have been born at night but it wasn't last night. Not happening, Doc.
Our County health official says we need more testing. He wants people with no symptoms to get tested. "Prove to me you don't have it." he said.

Wait. Dr. Ennis wants me to go stand in line with a bunch of people who are probably are sick? Then what's the next step? Come in 14 days later and prove to him I didn't get it while taking the 1st test?

I might have been born at night but it wasn't last night. Not happening, Doc.

Testing labs are rolling in cash
I won't take it unless it's a life or death decision.
At this point, it's way too early to really know any long term side effects, it may take years.
Heck, I took simple Zantac for heart burn for years and now that stuff has been pulled because it'll kill you.
I survived my second wife and all her clinical crazy, maybe a vaccine won't be as dangerous!?

Your choice, but it is important to realize there is no life or death decision involved. It takes about 2 months to achieve immunity. 2 shots 28 days apart, then another 28 days or so to full efficacy. Not something you can take while in a life or death situation.
Your choice, but it is important to realize there is no life or death decision involved. It takes about 2 months to achieve immunity. 2 shots 28 days apart, then another 28 days or so to full efficacy. Not something you can take while in a life or death situation.
That's a great point.
It'll be interesting to see if those if us who now have Covid antibodies will need a vaccine?
The news was talking last night about the fact that some of the vaccines haven't been tested on older people, but yet that is where they plan to begin....the older folks in nursing homes. I know nothing about vaccines or the testing process, but that causes a little concern.
I don't have any family in a nursing home, but if I did I'd be a little nervous. For the most part, I trust the scientists. A person pretty much has to, as many of us take meds of some sort. Got to be cautious though.
That's a great point.
It'll be interesting to see if those if us who now have Covid antibodies will need a vaccine?
Haven't heard of to many people who have contracted the virus twice, but maybe it's something that really isn't being tracked. ???
The news was talking last night about the fact that some of the vaccines haven't been tested on older people, but yet that is where they plan to begin....the older folks in nursing homes.
Just curious what your news source is?

I guess by saying "some" they could include one of the many companies working on a possible vaccine right now but the published results from the most advanced two are encouraging.

I do agree there is a big question mark regarding long term effects, but if I was 75 years old I would be much more concerned with the immediate effects of a Covid infection than a possible long term effect from the vaccine.
Old Wife: I keep telling ya, “Those pills are gonna kill you!”

Old Husband: I suppose they will, but............ it’s taking them a hell of a long time to do it.
Just curious what your news source is?

I guess by saying "some" they could include one of the many companies working on a possible vaccine right now but the published results from the most advanced two are encouraging.

I do agree there is a big question mark regarding long term effects, but if I was 75 years old I would be much more concerned with the immediate effects of a Covid infection than a possible long term effect from the vaccine.
I don't remember where I saw it, probably CNBC, but it could have been any. I bounce around during the day. I can't recall which vaccine it was either, but I believe it was Phizer's. They had just mentioned that it hadn't been tested on older folks or pregnant women.
They were also saying that hospitals shouldn't have all their staff getting vaccinated at the same time because the vaccine could make some of them sick for a short period and they didn't want to see a bunch of people calling in sick at the same time. When they mentioned that, that is when I began wondering about the older folks and any risks.
Maybe by the end of the month they'll have more data to make everyone feel good. I think that if only 50% of society will take the vaccine, then COVID will continue to hurt the economy.
A friend of mine and his wife right there in SLC both got the Covid and both ended up in Intensive care. My buddy was in for five days and his wife went home after three days but ended up back in for 14 days as she got pneumonia both almost died. My buddy said it felt like a Mack truck hitting him in the chest and he still talks low and with a thrush in his voice after three weeks.
Enough for me I'll take the vaccine......
Just curious what your news source is?

I guess by saying "some" they could include one of the many companies working on a possible vaccine right now but the published results from the most advanced two are encouraging.

I do agree there is a big question mark regarding long term effects, but if I was 75 years old I would be much more concerned with the immediate effects of a Covid infection than a possible long term effect from the vaccine.

CDC advisory committee voted yesterday. 1 vote against. Concern about lack of testing on older people with preexisting conditions. Overall thought was the virus kicks their ass already, vaccine most likely wouldn't be worse. This vote is the first US response to the pandemic that makes any sense to me. The rest has been a jumbled mess of nonsensical BS.

I cant imagine myself ever taking the vaccine. Already had the virus, if the second time is anything like the first it will be the easiest cold I've ever had. Give the vaccine to the most vulnerable and valuable in fighting the pandemic.
Ok . . . The link you posted says nothing about "Concern about lack of testing on older people with preexisting conditions."
If that's true I would like to know the source. (Not saying you are wrong, just have not seen the reasoning behind the dissenting vote published yet.)

It does state there has been no testing on pregnant women or breast feeding women.

I agree with your thoughts on not getting the vaccine if you have already contracted the virus. What's the point?
Ok . . . The link you posted says nothing about "Concern about lack of testing on older people with preexisting conditions."
If that's true I would like to know the source. (Not saying you are wrong, just have not seen the reasoning behind the dissenting vote published yet.)
I heard that point on my way to work this morning while listening to an interview on NPR.

This report makes a short mention of the dissenting vote.


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