

Active Member
Sorry if these pics have been around the block already but worth another look.






If you had gone to the Cat forum then you could have read the story behind these pictures. I posted them a few years ago.

I figured they'd been on here before. Too lazy I guess to search for them and figured they were cool enough for another look anyhow.
huntingwabbits, maybe u should stick to ur wabbits. mountain lions are dead scared of dogs. y do u think they dont JUST jump out of a tree when treed? u think they just want to wait up there to get shot? obviously, U HAVENT hunted lions. use ur head man.
I'm surprised that cat didn't slap a couple of them dogs right off the bluff and then the picture taker would be scurrying for his gun instead of the camera.
Check out page 14 of the October 2006 issue of Outdoor life - I guess these pics are a pretty big hoax then. Even fooled Outdoor Life! Good thing we have good ol' Elmer Fudd thinking and looking out for us!

Proverbs 21:19 (why I hunt!)
well, since my post got booted and i did not do anything to deserve it but point out the fact that if that was real that cat would bulldoze through those wimpy dogs, or just jump right over all 3 of them and about another 10 feet and be gone, cats are far superior to those dogs

but you tards can believe what you want, nice fake picture
so if they are not wimpy, then why do you need 6 of them to tree one lion.

do you even dress yourself in the morning dude? or does mommy still do that for you also?

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