Governor Otters appointed Game Commissioner


Very Active Member
Idaho Sportsman & woman we have been Hosed again by F&G & our Governor..Not sure how many on this site really care about Idahos wildlife but if you do heres a chance to step up to the plate & let them know what you think !!! Region 4 commissioner Wayne Wright of Twin Falls was replaced by Gov Otter & Bonnie Butler who is one of Otters Wildlife aids ..His replacement was Joan Hurlock who is believed to lack any hunting or fishing experience she was choosen over two very well experienced sportsman..Otter meet with sportsmen before being elected & Promised Idaho Sportsmen that F&G commissioners would be selected by a panel of 8 to 12 Idaho sportsmen ...Otter pulled a fast one on US !!! Joan Hurlock was NEVER rated or interviewed by any panel of sportsmen & would never have passed an evaluation as one being remotely qualified for the position !!! We still have time to get a qualified person who knows & appreciates Idahos hunting & fishing into this position !!! DONT WAIT ON THIS ISSUE here are a few names & phone #s to call & voice your opinion Tyler Mallard 334-2100 Brad Little 334-2200 Bert Brackett 857-2217 Steve Bair 684-5209 Monty Pearce 278-5408 Michelle Stennett 726-8106
LAST EDITED ON Jul-20-12 AT 03:56PM (MST)[p]You have a lot going on in your post. Spaces and paragraphs would help the readers.

As for Joan not being qualified, she's probably as qualified as any other commisioner. She's the daughter of a game officer and a former law enforcement officer. Her son was killed in Iraq and a memorial hunt for veterans has been started in his name. She says she wants to promote youth hunting opportunities. Otter probably appointed her as it would be seen as a good political move to appoint a Gold Star mother.

As for her being rated, who's doing the rating? I doubt that any of the current commisioners were "rated" by anyone before Otter appointed them.
Does she hunt? Fish? Camp? Where is her stance on ATV laws? How does she feel about the current game numbers? Wolf stance?
I would like to know where she stands on these issues.
Could you imagine how good the hunting would be if she outlawed ATV's during hunting season? Man that would be awesome.
I know Joan's husband Matt,he used to hunt and fish. I had his kids for hunter ed. The son that died would be Her Step son. I don't know her personally but my wife does. She said she is a nice person and like to be involved.

If I remember right she was a BATF agent in forensics. I don't know her reasons for doing this other than helping kids. It could be said that she has less of an "agenda" than others.

I don't know how she would do. I also don't know who would be better, but I don't think she would be bad. I told her Husband that if she gets it her biggest issue will be sage grouse.
sorry it was hard to read ..your right she probably is as qualified as most of the other that what Idaho wants handling OUR fish & game opportunies people that are SOME WHAT quailified ?? how does her being the daughter of a F&G officer or being a former law enforcement officer have any bearing on her qualifications if she is NOT active outdoors person how is she going to have any knowledge of what Idaho wildlife needs OH from what she is told by others or reads ??she owns & operates a fitness gym maybe that gives her her knowledge Obama said he was going to create jobs & about 100 other promises & we see what he has done !! all I am saying is that Idaho would be Better represented by actual people that are in the outdoors on a regular basis or by people that are involved in the outdoors
Man I'm usually not one to hop on the grammar-police wagon but your paragraphs are down-right hard to read...

Doesn't speak well for you not wanting her in office. I don't know her or anything about her, but I'd take a small business owner than a lot of commissioners I've seen out there. Just because someone hunts or fishes, doesn't mean that they even have a clue about what is going on. I've met more people out there who have been hunting for years that I wouldn't trust to run a lemonade stand... Lot more "bubbas" out there hunting than you think.

I would also take a small business owner over lets say a cattle man or a sheep man. Or anyone with vested interest.

One of the other guys, was a guy I think named Scott Allen if I remember right. He is the leader of the Twin Falls SFW club. Ron
LAST EDITED ON Jul-23-12 AT 11:58PM (MST)[p] >I've met more people out
>there who have been hunting
>for years that I wouldn't
>trust to run a lemonade
>stand... Lot more "bubbas"
>out there hunting than you

Boy isn't that the truth. I think there might be a few "bubbas" on this thread too...
I'm with Ron on this one. If she was chosen over an SFW chapter head I have to support the decision. There will undoubtedly be more attempts to take tags from the pool to give to landowners and special groups this next legislative session and having someone who's organization supported them last year on the commission would only make it easier to push them through.

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