Greater Idaho


Very Active Member
There is some talk lately of expanding Idaho to include Eastern and Southern Oregon. I know these things never seem to get very far. I have been hearing of the state of Jefferson for decades. My question is this, what do the people of Idaho think? I am sure the conservatives in eastern Oregon came up with the idea.

Our best elk units would move to Idaho along with all our mule deer (what is left of them). I think Idaho does a better job of managing their resources. I would like to see if Idaho fish and game could improve our mule deer herds, not that Idaho's deer numbers are at all time highs.

I will say if this ever gathered enough steam to become a reality they would be smart to exclude Southern Oregon. Too many liberals here. On second thought, maybe they should include southern Oregon so Idaho could have some ocean front property.
I saw what you're referring to and am 100% opposed. Those clowns in OR created their own problems and now they want to bring them to ID. Those "conservatives" are CA transplants who vote for things like legalizing marijuana and other CA liberal values. Now, their state is F-ed up just like CA and they want to expand because they're too f-ing stupid to recognize that THEY created the problem, not just the tree-hugging, pot-growing hippies who live next door.
Just like the northern Californians who want to create a new state, these folks all want to become part of something better. The truth is that if they created a new state, soon Boise and C'dA would become the population centers that controlled everything else. Of course, there is even mention of legalizing pot in Idaho now.
I Hope someday Mallards you get to experience what the conservatives in Oregon have gone through. You say we screwed up our state and now we want to take you down too. Imagine the day when the liberals in CdA and Boise out number the rest of the state and start voting the BS we fight every year. The citizens of eastern Oregon would certainly up Idaho's conservative score, the trouble is there just isn't enough of them to out vote the Willamette valley.
I Hope someday Mallards you get to experience what the conservatives in Oregon have gone through. You say we screwed up our state and now we want to take you down too. Imagine the day when the liberals in CdA and Boise out number the rest of the state and start voting the BS we fight every year. The citizens of eastern Oregon would certainly up Idaho's conservative score, the trouble is there just isn't enough of them to out vote the Willamette valley.
I know exactly what's going on. I've seen it firsthand and am now seeing it infiltrate Idaho. Resetting state boundary lines is not going to solve the problem. Everyone thinks that they're in their own isolated little conservative Republican part of the state. But the reality is that, for every 5 Republicans, there's probably 2 idiot liberals growing pot and living down the road. You might be "leaning" right currently. But adding what amounts to a slight shift in right-wing voting bloc will not change things when you're also bringing all the libtards and their friends and family. Many conservative Californians moved to OR thinking they would be in their own little conservative mecca. Now, look at it. Keep it. We don't want to be part of it.
Your going to be part of it whether you like it or not. When someone in Idaho has there house for sale they will say yes to anyone with money, they do not care where they come from.

I know the state lines are not going to move. I asked for your opinion and got it. It is just annoying when people focus on the negatives and never see the positives. If I lived in Idaho I would love to push the wolf hunting boundary further west. They will never kill wolves in Oregon and now they want grizzlies. If I could move that further from my home I would.

When Idaho has been ruined by liberals where would you go next?

Personally I am looking forward to leaving Oregon. I'm not headed to Idaho, I am going south to Arizona. I am not going there to change anything but the temperature of my body.
Many conservative Californians moved to OR thinking they would be in their own little conservative mecca

I don't think Conservative Californians move to Oregon for our politics. They sold their house for 800k and moved to Oregon and bought a house for $250k and live off the balance. Now our house prices are high so original Oregonians can sell their house and afford to move to Idaho
Being originally from eastern WA this has been talked about for years. Eugene to the Canadian border up the cascade crest west to ocean. SW OR would encompass access to ports and the Pacific. Combine that and the Eastern half of WA all with Idaho. Let Portland and Seattle figure who sucks more and can be the Capitol. This was 25 to 30 years ago however. Eastern WA is steadily turning purple with people leaving Seattle and working from home.
If they were thinking strategically, they’d create their own new state. Complete with 2 new senators that may help to balance DC and Puerto Rico becoming states.
I will always oppose this idea solely because I know that part of Oregon does not have enough big game to warrant allowing all those OR hunters to all of a sudden get into the Idaho resident pool. No other factor would play into my thinking other than resident hunting pools.
Financially I don't see it making sense for ID. Now if you could loop in Eastern WA as well, then you had some wildly valuable ag ground and production that could help ID. Just Oregon, as much as I personally would love it, I don't see it making sense.

@DownThePipe Your not wrong on the game population, but.... If we could keep all the ground we have, and negate the hoards of people who roll from the valley, I think it would do one of two things. Game pop's would rebound from less pressure due to the population being more in line with the acreage, or if the same amount of tags were being hunted, those hunters I believe would have to come from ID then lessening pressure in some other area's over there. I think personally it would be the first mentioned. As it is you can get a deer tag almost every single year, and that includes A LOT of people who come from what would then be considered a different state.

It's all a pipe dream anyways. It'll never happen, unfortunately.
I don't disagree, it is a dumb idea int he aspect it will never happen. You unfortunately will soon be in the same spot as many who live in WA and OR. That'll be a sad day!

If/when that happens, we can help out number the liberals that infested your great state look us up! We'll still be here lol

Edit: Soon is a relative amount of time
No it’s a dumb idea because it’s a dumb idea. There’s no benefit to Idaho and no gain nationally to “out number the liberals “ if that’s really the goal, what you should want is a new red state with congressmen ,senators and an electoral vote.

Weakening Idaho’s economy with burdening this state with the dying sides of Oregon and Washington accomplishes nothing
The eastern portion seceding isn't an option, I don't think its even possible. I'm not gonna argue on it being a dumb idea, I agree it is and it aint ever gonna happen.

To say the Eastern portion of Washington is dying is beyond crazy talk though. It's home to the best potato ground in the nation, a **** load of water, and some of the best dry land wheat country there is.
I will always oppose this idea solely because I know that part of Oregon does not have enough big game to warrant allowing all those OR hunters to all of a sudden get into the Idaho resident pool. No other factor would play into my thinking other than resident hunting pools.
South east part of Oregon pretty sparse but Blues, Elkhorn and Eagle Cap would be a jackpot! It will never happen though
and every one is flocking there for its booming economy too :rolleyes:
I'm not trying to pick a fight and it's a moot point because it ain't happening, but Tri-cities area is among the fastest growing populations in the northwest and it isn't predicted to slowdown anytime soon. People aren't moving there for the lack of jobs. It would be a great addition economically.

If I lived in Idaho I would not be a fan, based solely on the added hunting pool as well.
Hunting’s one thing but it’s not the reason I’d object. It would put this state in a worse condition.Tri cities are great, but look at the rest of the counties that would be annexed in. Idaho already has plenty of counties that don’t add a ton of revenue. Eastern Oregon is basically worthless. Some guy on the radio the other day talking about how crime was out of balance with funding for police in eastern Oregon and was actually using that as a reason they should be part of Idaho….um ok. Yeah let’s take that problem. Good sell

I’ve always been in favor of the state of Jefferson concept for the reasons I outlined of actually having a national impact. As well as the fact that eastern Washington and Oregon are in no way represented by those state’s government. So I say go for that. Of course right off the bat you’ll be the poorest state in the nation and be on the federal tit. But hey, wont have whacky libs setting your state policy
Life long Idahoan, hell no to there offer. Any elected official that votes for that, there political career is over. If you want out start a new state. I’m pretty sure Northern Cali & Eastern Washington would jump at the chance to bale from there chit shows!!!!!!
60 percent of the time, it works every time! Rather than trying to help Oregonians out, maybe dips5!t boil should work for Idahoans first.
I’m just amazed at the logic, obviously moving the border will move the drugs away from the current border but if the new border is that much closer to Portland and Eugene wouldn’t common sense dictate that the problem will only be worse??‍♂️
I’m just amazed at the logic, obviously moving the border will move the drugs away from the current border but if the new border is that much closer to Portland and Eugene wouldn’t common sense dictate that the problem will only be worse??‍♂️
Nothing that comes out of that dimwits mouth surprises me.
I thought maybe the Rs would deal with the Ds on this one. Puerto Rico and DC have wanted statehood forever. So give them one of those in trade for Jefferson. Probably would still be bad for Rs, but better than nothing...
It is Idaho's way of getting POT legalized, Man that would be a HUGE boost to the Idaho economy on just the pot sales !! I am betting the Eastern Oregon people don't realize they will loose their NO sales tax, And gain 6% to everything they buy !! OH & they will also loose that $14.75 an hour minimum wage since Idaho is $7.25. Not going to help Eastern Oregon out 1 bit but like that one comedian said YOU CANT FIX STUPID !!!
It is Idaho's way of getting POT legalized, Man that would be a HUGE boost to the Idaho economy on just the pot sales !! I am betting the Eastern Oregon people don't realize they will loose their NO sales tax, And gain 6% to everything they buy !! OH & they will also loose that $14.75 an hour minimum wage since Idaho is $7.25. Not going to help Eastern Oregon out 1 bit but like that one comedian said YOU CANT FIX STUPID !!!
All these states that legalize pot sure bring in revenue from it, but they keep raising all their other taxes. Maybe allowing a bunch of jobless losers to smoke all the pot they want so they aren’t able to work actually costs the states more money. I’ll tell you this I certainly haven’t seen any of that revenue help the people of Portland or Seattle to be any better off. Keep legal weed away from Idaho
I don't get how any conservative Idahoan would be against it. It's only a matter of time before the Boise metro area turns the state legislature liberal. Same as in Oregon with Portland.
The same state legislature that is trying to make covid shots illegal? Boise is no Portland. We still have to sneak our gummies in.
All these states that legalize pot sure bring in revenue from it, but they keep raising all their other taxes. Maybe allowing a bunch of jobless losers to smoke all the pot they want so they aren’t able to work actually costs the states more money. I’ll tell you this I certainly haven’t seen any of that revenue help the people of Portland or Seattle to be any better off. Keep legal weed away from Idaho
Yeah the small town of Huntington OR they made more the 1st year in weed sales than the town had in the past 17 years !! Now that its Ontario the weed sales have Blown up in the past couple of years !! Funny you say jobless losers But 95% of all the people buying weed & gummies are from Idaho ?? As for Portland & Seattle those Lib tard Leftist Pieces of Sh3t deserve exactly what they Voted for !!!

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