Grizzly didn't kill hunter, gunshot did


Very Active Member
LAST EDITED ON Sep-26-11 AT 11:28AM (MST)[p]

A Nevada man who was trying to protect his friend from an attacking 400-pound grizzly bear shot his friend in the chest -- and that's what killed the man, not wounds inflicted by the grizzly bear, according to the Lincoln County Sheriff's Office in Montana.

Steve Stevenson, 39, of Winnemucca, Nev., was attacked by the bear in the Buckhorn Mountain area of the North Idaho-Montana border last Friday.

Results from a Montana State Crime Lab autopsy released Friday showed Stevenson suffered one gunshot to his chest, officials from the Lincoln County Sheriff's Office said.

Lincoln County Coroner Steve Schnackenberg, who viewed Stevenson's body before it was autopsied, told The Idaho Statesman he saw clear signs of the hunter having been attacked by the bear, including bites and scratch marks.

"We're pretty sure the bullet passed through the bear before it got to him," Schnackenberg said, declining to say why. "We're pretty sure of that."

Lincoln County Sheriff Roby Bowe told the Associated Press that investigators were ?fairly convinced? it was an accident.

?But the county attorney will review the final report once we're done,? Bowe said.

Stevenson grew up in Winnemucca and worked as a miner, according to an obituary posted online by Albertson Funeral Home. He is survived by a wife and two daughters.

Stevenson was part of a hunting party of four from Winnemucca, sheriff's investigators said. Another hunter in the group was Ty Bell, 20.

The pair encountered a bear that they thought was a black bear. They shot and wounded it, and it turned out to be a young boar grizzly bear. They tracked the bear to an area of heavy cover, and the bear attacked Stevenson.

Bell shot the bear several times, eventually killing it. He reported the attack that morning with his cell phone.

Investigators say the GPS coordinates for where the attack occurred are right on the Idaho-Montana border. There have been multiple sightings of grizzlies in the area, so officials urge hunters to use caution.

Since 1975, grizzly bears in the continental U.S. have been protected by the Endandered Species Act. It is illegal to kill them.

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Oh man that is horrible! That kid has got to feel awful about it. I wonder if the coroner's office had to release that statement. Seems like it would have been better not to tell the kid that he was the one who killed his friend.
Someone said it best on another site when they said that thing was a goatphuck from the beginning, from mis-identifying the bear, to the attack, to the friend being killed by a gunshot wound. What a mess!
I know this kid a little bit. He's a damn nice kid and a decent outdoorsman, who made a bad mistake in circumstances we weren't all there to witness. Rainy? Immature griz that was easy to mistake? Hard to say, but I'll bet that it could have happened to a larger percentage of hunters than we'd like to think being armchair quarterbacks with 20/20 hindsight. Friend getting attacked by a griz at close range - shoot or not? Lots of tough decisions to be placed on a 20-year-old. Not condoning what he did at all, but that had to have been one horror of a situation to be in with a lot of chaos. Very sad for all parties, and the kid will bear that event for the rest of his life, in addition to all the charges he'll likely face.
Hey, any of you guys see a grizzly bear getting the best of me, it is possible, Shoot the friggen Bear! If you miss the Bear or shoot through the Bear and get me, that's OK, i'll take my chances. Just shoot the friggen Bear!

Keep your shirt on Joey so we can tell who's who.

"A well regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed."


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Hardway, lol, You speak truths! i am on the hairy side!

i used to believe that i could hold my own against a big Griz given only a baseball bat. Now, not so sure... :)

Seriously, another set of circumstances that i'd not wish on anybody! Seems to be happening all too often these days but i sure don't see this type of thing happening any less frequently involving all of our bigger predators! When the fear of man is removed, we look more and more like a meal!

Reminds me of a time not so long ago. I had just bought a rack of chips and was sitting down to a 3-$6 Texas hold-em game in the Poker Room at the Eldorado in Reno. Before i had settled in my seat, this big Black feller in a corner seat commented that i looked like a Gorilla. It was Summer and i was wearing a tank top type tee shirt with my hairy shoulders showing but i just went about my business of stacking up my chips and getting rid of the rack.

He spoke up again, making a point of getting my attention this time, that i looked to him like i was a Gorilla! This time i looked down the table at him and replied, "Well i might say that you look pretty much like a big monkey to me but i wouldn't be so rude as to say so".

That's when the crap hit the fan. Turns out he was a dealer there but there but was playing cards on his off day. I was up on my feet ready to rock and he was a big feller... but the house guys came a kicked him out the room and i laughed it off as i proceeded to getting fleeced of my $100. by the local sharks!

$hit happens!!

LOL Joey...


The poster does not take any responsibility for any hurt or bad feelings. Reading threads poses inherent risks. The poster would like to remind readers to make sure they have a functional sense of humor before they visit any discussion board.

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