Guess the score


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LAST EDITED ON Feb-08-14 AT 06:11PM (MST)[p]I am anxious to get out in the hills for elk this year, as my father should have a great tag. I prepare every year by looking at as many pictures and video of bulls as I can to try to get a handle on field judging. I recently came across this video of a bull, and can't decide if this is a 1st day shooter on a premium LE unit, or not. I figured that I'd ask the experts. What does he score?

He comes into the video at the 2:00 min mark.

That saying you hear, no question is a stupid question. Well, you just proved it wrong to me. That's a bull you don't think twice about shooting unless your an expert on the San Juan in Utah or Unit 9/23 Arizona and to me it still wouldn't be in question. He scores 380" or better probably much better. I'd shoot him if given the chance anywhere.
I'm certainly not close to an expert but in my not expert opinion that bull is at least a 380 bull an is a shooter bull first day in every LE unit.
I'm no expert, but if that bull walked out in the first 10 minutes of opening day, I wouldn't hesitate to shoot it.
Looks 385 to me. I would shoot that on any unit, any state, unless I knew there was one bigger and I had a reasonable chance at it.
I'll start with my guess of the score. I'm thinking somewhere between 350-360". Wouldn't be surprised if it goes a little more, especially with that one 3rd.

I see this bull as a shooter opening morning. Even if I knew of a bigger bull that I had been watching it would be hard letting him walk knowing the reality of what hunting can be. I guess a lot of factors may help me decide one way or another.
awesome bull any unit any tag any day.
Just first glance I guessed at 385"

here is what I come up with when I guessed the actual measurements:
spread 43 4/8
g3-20 1/8
g5-11 1/8
beam 52
h2-7 7/8
h3 6 2/8
h4- 6

g4-19 2/8
g5-12 1/8
beam- 52
h3-6 2/8

383 4/8"


"Hunting is where you prove yourself"

Let me guess, you drive a 1 ton with oak trees for smoke stacks, 12" lift kit and 40" tires to pull a single place lawn mower trailer?
SLIVER?? What are you trying to pull? You may fool some of the tourists brother but come on man - some of us LIVE here!!

HA HA! Nice try.

Of course the answer to your question is that he is a lot better than the bull he actually ends up taking! On the video he later calls it a 360 bull. I'd say he's every bit of that.


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Good memory Roy!!! My dad let me have my hunt first, now it is up to me to do his tag justice. He has the points, and I hope to help him kill the trophy of his lifetime. I asked him if he would shoot the bull in this video, and he said "I will shoot the bull that you tell me to". No pressure right?????

That is why I am asking for help field judging from my MM brothers.

PS. Thank you Roy for bringing up the Bookcliffs thread. I haven't looked it up for a while.

LAST EDITED ON Feb-08-14 AT 11:14PM (MST)[p]Some guys are over guessing on this bull. He has got short beams and not that great of tine length. I think he will be between 355-365 gross. Nice bull, but not a great bull.
I agree with Ducky that bull has that 370 look to him.
He just has a Great look to his set.
I would hammer him first day or any day in between.

"I have found if you go the extra mile it's Never crowded".
>[Font][Font color = "green"]Life member of
>the MM green signature club.[font/]
Great bull, lots of character, I would do it anywhere but the very best LE units. That being said, I'd put him around 340-345. I don't think he would go over 350.
Sliver- I'm no expert, but just my .02, he's not over 350. Looking at him, I'm putting him right there w Anaconda, in the 335-340 range. My buddy put a 380 bull on the ground this year, and I'm here to tell you it takes ALOT to get a bull to 380, and this bull is no where near it! Sweet bull though!

"Speak It Like It Is, Not Like It Ain't"
I want to retract my original guess. I went back and looked at some of my 380" bulls videos and he is a good bit smaller. It's been awhile since i"ve seen one that big. I forgot the feeling you get every time you see a bull that size. It's a WOW unbelievable moment. After looking back he compares more to the 350" bulls. He is still a trophy to me though. I say he'll be between 350' and 360". Kill him if you get the chance and let us know for sure.

I think that happens to a lot of guys. They see a 350 and think its a 380 and then they see a 370 and think its a 400. Few are the people who have seen a true 400 on hoof and even a 380 for that matter.
post up your measurements on how you got to your scores.


"Hunting is where you prove yourself"

Let me guess, you drive a 1 ton with oak trees for smoke stacks, 12" lift kit and 40" tires to pull a single place lawn mower trailer?
He got smaller when I took the time to add him up.





Width- 42

Total - 347
My guess.

27 mass




45 inside

363 gross.
A beautiful bull. I would rather shoot that bull than some 380 bulls that are ugly. Score isn't everything for sure.
Just comparing him to my bull last year that scored right at 370" he looks a little smaller. I would guess 360 or so. Here is a pic of my bull that scored an honest 370" on the nose. This isn't to take away from this bull but simply to be able to compare.
WOW!! 380? 385? Seriously??

He's a gorgeous bull and I'd be thrilled to kill him on most tags, but I believe he's 340-350. Just doesn't have the tine length to be more than that. Especially in the back end.

That's my opinion, and it's just that... an opinion. Someone prove me wrong with bull-in-hand measurements.
I think he looks bigger then my 348 bull.

"I have found if you go the extra mile it's Never crowded".
>[Font][Font color = "green"]Life member of
>the MM green signature club.[font/]
I think that's a 350-ish bull. Maybe a little bigger, maybe a little smaller. But whether I am high or low doesn't matter because it is a great bull and I'd shoot it.

People look at me weird when I tell them that I would shoot a 350 bull on any unit, any season, any day of the hunt if I had the chance. Of course I'd love to shoot a special kind of monster up closer to or above 4 bills. Who wouldn't? But a 350 bull is a legitimate hog from my perspective.
>I think that's a 350-ish bull.
> Maybe a little bigger,
>maybe a little smaller.
>But whether I am high
>or low doesn't matter because
>it is a great bull
>and I'd shoot it.
>People look at me weird when
>I tell them that I
>would shoot a 350 bull
>on any unit, any season,
>any day of the hunt
>if I had the chance.
> Of course I'd love
>to shoot a special kind
>of monster up closer to
>or above 4 bills.
>Who wouldn't? But a
>350 bull is a legitimate
>hog from my perspective.

I agree with you Vanilla. A 400" bull sure would be nice, but a 350" bull is still pretty dang big. I would also go out on a limb and say that the number who harvest a 350+ bull is pretty low compared to the number of tags that are given out.

This is a very nice bull, no doubt about that. Pictures are always hard to judge. I also think the closer the footage the harder to judge. The reason I guessed him where I did is that a bull pretty much has to have no weaknesses to start pushing the scores close to 400. The bull I harvested is a good example. About the first thing people say when they see it in person is that it has really short 3rds. That's because at 11" they are surrounded by 18.5" and 20" 2nds and 4ths. To me this bull's back end isn't overly impressive and I believe he has short main beams. Add that with his one 3rd which is shorter.

Bottom line, sometimes it gets too easy to start picking apart a bull and we soon forget just how impressive the animal is. His fronts are nice and have a cool curl to them. His overall look is a pretty one as well. No matter what he scores, higher or lower than my guess, had I seen this bull this past year on my hunt I wouldn't have passed him that's for sure.

In the end it's about the pursuit not the score and this bull would make 95% of hunters really happy!
Thank you all for your responses.

As manifested in this thread, field judging a bull is pretty difficult to become good at, and I need all the help I can get!
This bull is a good example of a real world LE bull that I will possibly encounter this fall, and as my father has told me, it is up to me to give him the thumbs up (or down). I just want to make sure that I make the right call. After 18+ years of waiting he deserves a true trophy!

I will most likely post up more "guess the score" type photos and video to see if I am in line with you guys, or if I am way off.

Thank you again.

PS I had this bull pegged at 365", so I was kind of in the middle of the pack.

Sliver, for what it's worth, I'd say your guess is probably money. I looked at the video several times, and think he's a great bull but not a booner. His lower tines are damn nice, they curl up and are all easily 15+ and pretty even. One average-ish 3rd, but the other side is knocking on 20". One long 4th (20 range), and one that's 17. 9 and 14 on the 5ths. Beams 50 range. good mass, 28 or so per side. mid 40s inside. Just my opinion...I'd try and shoot him anywhere unless there was something positively bigger within sight of him. :D Archery, I couldn't pass a good shot on that guy anywhere. Rifle rut on a tag in UT or AZ, would still be hard to pass for me. Very pretty bull. Good luck on your hunts.
Thanks SPAZ, and good luck on your hunts this year.
Take a look at the other pics I posted in Guess the score #2

I think you guys are about right 360ish. Great bull just doesn't have the big whale tale to put him over the top. Shoot and be happy.
This is a cool looking bull boys but i dont think he'll break the 360 mark. I think hes gonna be right at 350. 348-352. Definitely a bull that looks good with all that width.
When I watched the video I had him pegged around 340-345. I am shocked to hear guys saying 370-380. I don't claim to be an expert scorer but I am sticking with my original score. Nice bull!


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