Gunnison Basin '22


Planning on burning my 9 points on 67 3rd this year. I realize I may be 50% or less odds of drawing depending on creep. I've spoken to the biologists and LEOs. I've had some great help already from several that frequent this forum. I'm mostly a bowhunter and am new to this forum though I've been on a few others for a while, mostly bowsite.

Anyway, if any of you would be willing to discuss the unit, opinions, general expectations I'd love to hear your input. I'll be down there scouting several times this summer/fall and am set up to fly the unit this summer as well. I will share my experience here aside from specifics. Any advice, comments, input is greatly appreciated and I will gladly return the favor if I can help in any way.
I helped on a 4th season hunt in 67 last year. We left a couple of decent bucks for you. PM me if you would like some details.
Thanks SanJaun! Sent you a pm

Foco, flying with K-10. Also sent you a pm.

Thanks to all who have offered info. Very much appreciated. I'll return the favor if I get the chance.
I helped on a 4th season hunt in 67 last year. We left a couple of decent bucks for you. PM me if you would like some details.
Hello, I have 2 buddies that might draw #67 4th season. Would you be willing to share any info? Thanks in advance...Tom
Bump :) Taking my kids and Dad down for the first scouting trip of the season in the end of April. I'll take some pics and post em up here. I think we'll fish Blue Mesa some as well. If anyone has any suggestions on where to take some lil boys and an old man fishing from the bank I'd be all ears.

As for the deer hunt, I've applied. Talked to the biologist again and sounds like recruitment has been great for at least 3-4 years. They are missing most of an age class due to weather back about 5 years ago, but mature bucks are around as most people have been "just shooting a deer". All the local intel including LEOs suggest the same. Everyone seems to be blown away by the number of folks shooting the "up and comers".

Thanks a bunch to those who have reached out! I'll gladly take any more advice/suggestions/opinions if folks have em though it seems I've got a great plan and really looking forward to spending a bunch of time down there this spring/summer/fall.
How is the terrain in 67 vice 66. I was set of 66 3rd but with 20 NR points Im going to end up short it looks for at least the next 2 years. Might be tine to look for other options. I have a couple elk hunts planned so I just went ahed and put in for 66. Figured Ill end up with another point.
The real truth, I spent 2 weeks in the Gunnison Basin last fall in 66 3rd season. There is a chance of killing a 200” Buck in the Basin in any of the units. I have seen all these big Buck hunters dropping 160/to 170 class Bucks the first couple days of the hunt and surprisingly upset that it wasn’t as big as they thought. If you are realistic and hunt hard a 180 class Buck is obtainable. Your going to scout this summer and fly and then go chase a migrating Deer herd when you don’t know if there will be snow or not. I saw thousands of Deer migrate in a couple of days after Second season closed not very many ofthe 3rd season hunters saw this. You might be one of the lucky ones that bump into a bruiser and it’s a great hunt. I would show up early and hang on for the ride, if it snows a lot you best have the equipment to move with the Deer.
This man happened to be in the right place at the right time with a guide. Now everyone look at this Buck, this is what Colorado is famous for. So if your going to brag to everyone that it’s 200 or nothing than don’t kill 160 and 170 class three and four year olds, let them live eat your tag and the next year their will be better age class. I’m going back.
This man happened to be in the right place at the right time with a guide. Now everyone look at this Buck, this is what Colorado is famous for. So if your going to brag to everyone that it’s 200 or nothing than don’t kill 160 and 170 class three and four year olds, let them live eat your tag and the next year their will be better age class. I’m going back.View attachment 72808
Very nice! FWIW I've not thrown around any numbers. I'd like to enjoy my entire hunt from the research and scouting to the last day of hunting. I think numbers get thrown around WAY too much. I hope for a good hunt and would kill a mature buck if I get the chance, that's all. I have no false expectations. I appreciate your direct and honest feedback. Thanks
The real truth, I spent 2 weeks in the Gunnison Basin last fall in 66 3rd season. There is a chance of killing a 200” Buck in the Basin in any of the units. I have seen all these big Buck hunters dropping 160/to 170 class Bucks the first couple days of the hunt and surprisingly upset that it wasn’t as big as they thought. If you are realistic and hunt hard a 180 class Buck is obtainable. Your going to scout this summer and fly and then go chase a migrating Deer herd when you don’t know if there will be snow or not. I saw thousands of Deer migrate in a couple of days after Second season closed not very many ofthe 3rd season hunters saw this. You might be one of the lucky ones that bump into a bruiser and it’s a great hunt. I would show up early and hang on for the ride, if it snows a lot you best have the equipment to move with the Deer.
Thank you for your input, sir. I'd agree on your assessment based on what I've heard. Flying and scouting are really just ways to "extend" my hunt and get to know the unit, access etc. The work prior to a hunt is part of 'soaking it up' for me. Thanks again for your comments. This will certainly keep me grounded.
The real truth, I spent 2 weeks in the Gunnison Basin last fall in 66 3rd season. There is a chance of killing a 200” Buck in the Basin in any of the units. I have seen all these big Buck hunters dropping 160/to 170 class Bucks the first couple days of the hunt and surprisingly upset that it wasn’t as big as they thought. If you are realistic and hunt hard a 180 class Buck is obtainable. Your going to scout this summer and fly and then go chase a migrating Deer herd when you don’t know if there will be snow or not. I saw thousands of Deer migrate in a couple of days after Second season closed not very many ofthe 3rd season hunters saw this. You might be one of the lucky ones that bump into a bruiser and it’s a great hunt. I would show up early and hang on for the ride, if it snows a lot you best have the equipment to move with the Deer.
I sent you a PM!
Otcwill...your April plan will bust...BLM keeps gates locked til mid May "as they should" shed season dosnt open until May 1..Blue Mesa is at 28%.....but we do have LOTS of gill lice....wait til mid May. Gunnison Basion 2022..."Hype and Hope"....we are very mediocre now. Why? tag #s...why are tag#s high? Fawn recruitment. 35 to 40 bucks per 100 does is very impressive with 30 to 40 fawns per 100. Same buck to doe ratio with 70's fawn to doe..VERY different age class out there. In the good days 9 to 14 "yearling" / 2 pts...left some old deer to make up the other 25 bucks per 100 to make 25 or more "Yearlings" leaves less room in the objective for the age class "I" desire...too the guy above who said eat the tag don't kill 170 baby deer thank you you are right! I say don't kill baby 180 deer....Please go OLD deer only...any State any Unit...
Thanks for the advice and input. I may stick with the late April plan since that trip would be mostly for fishing with my family.

I'm guessing you would advise that I pull my app and wait or hunt somewhere else? I've been hunting deer for many years on a second choice or I would've never built up so many. That said, it wouldn't break my heart to wait or draw a "lesser" unit. Not sure I could pass up a 180" deer so I won't claim that. I appreciate your input.
Tomichi most guys don’t know an old Deer, from what I witnessed and I had a lot of Does and Bucks pinpointed, 95% of the guys see a 180“ Buck, it’s dying.
My hunting partner and I were watching this Buck early one morning, he was standing with 8 Does 30 yards from the passenger window of my truck, a guy from Utah shot it from 300yds away straight down the road, never seen anything so stupid in the field before.
Hawk ..ouch...those with their 3rd set of antlers get pounded..and all those 180's....END up being 172....I preach OLD deer knowing few can/will do it. I preach eating the tag knowing few will..I ate a 55 4th in 2017...I hunted 1 deer...I saw him twice December of 16....never saw or heard of him again...seeing him was enough...mule deer are just for lookin at...if we were really meat hunter's the Colo season would be otc any buck July 20 to 23rd.. think how good the "looking" and shed hunting would be!! And I'd eat July venison again.....the best!
Hawk ..ouch...those with their 3rd set of antlers get pounded..and all those 180's....END up being 172....I preach OLD deer knowing few can/will do it. I preach eating the tag knowing few will..I ate a 55 4th in 2017...I hunted 1 deer...I saw him twice December of 16....never saw or heard of him again...seeing him was enough...mule deer are just for lookin at...if we were really meat hunter's the Colo season would be otc any buck July 20 to 23rd.. think how good the "looking" and shed hunting would be!! And I'd eat July venison again.....the best!
That’s a cool story but as long as someone doesn’t break the law who gives a flying **** what they kill? None of your business
That’s a cool story but as long as someone doesn’t break the law who gives a flying **** what they kill? None of your business
So your saying it is okay to shoot a buck that is 30 yards from a vehicle that is on a road while you are 300 yards away? Cool.
So your saying it is okay to shoot a buck that is 30 yards from a vehicle that is on a road while you are 300 yards away? Cool.
Yes it’s legal and you obviously were out of the way. So maybe instead of taking blurry photos you should of GTFOOTW.
Yes it’s legal and you obviously were out of the way. So maybe instead of taking blurry photos you should of GTFOOTW.

It's Unlawful to. . .​

  • Shoot from, across, or on a public road with a firearm, bow, or crossbow. People firing a bow, rifle, handgun, or shotgun having a single slug must be at least 50 feet from the centerline of the road.

It's Unlawful to. . .​

  • Shoot from, across, or on a public road with a firearm, bow, or crossbow. People firing a bow, rifle, handgun, or shotgun having a single slug must be at least 50 feet from the centerline of the road.
cool story. But the Utah guys did none of that. So your point is????
cool story. But the Utah guys did none of that. So your point is????
Just using my excellent reading comprehension skills that I have and interpreting the path of the bullet! "shot it from 300yds away straight down the road" means to me that they shot from a road if it went straight down the road and was illegal. Maybe they were 50 feet from the center line of the road and the bullet traveled parallel to the road never getting closer to 50 feet, not straight down the road as the poster stated.

Neither of us were there, so we can ask the original poster, did they shoot from a road, was the bullet ever within 50 feet of the centerline of the road?
The sooner you can burn your pts the better. With later rifle season dates and increase in tag numbers quality is dramatically taking a down swing in all but the eastern plains units. Some hunters blame warm late seasons and lack of snow on lower quality bucks but the glory days are pretty much over in the gunnison basin and other highly regarded trophy units in Colo.

Obviously some whopper bucks slip through gauntlet. Hopefully you are one of the lucky guys that scouts, hunts hard, and are rewarded for your effort!
I realize you can't grow old bucks killing all the young bucks, but from a non-resident perspective, if it takes me 15-20 years to draw a tag, and 15-20 years before I draw the unit again, why am I supposed to NOT shoot a "young" 180" buck? To save it for someone else? In fact, why shouldn't I shoot whatever legal deer I want? There is no incentive to "save" deer if you'll never hunt the unit again...just sayin...
I realize you can't grow old bucks killing all the young bucks, but from a non-resident perspective, if it takes me 15-20 years to draw a tag, and 15-20 years before I draw the unit again, why am I supposed to NOT shoot a "young" 180" buck? To save it for someone else? In fact, why shouldn't I shoot whatever legal deer I want? There is no incentive to "save" deer if you'll never hunt the unit again...just sayin...
And the 2nd issue is many of those young 180 inch bucks are not actually young, heck many of those 150-160 inch bucks are mature deer that are just not going to get any bigger. I understand you can tell that a 150-inch thin horn buck is 3.5, but it is extremely difficult to know what a 4.5 year old 170 buck is going to turn into. I don't think there is a good solution if you want to have a good number of 200 inch bucks on a unit as the hunters are just too good finding them when they are 180 and shoot them. The only way to do it is to limit tags and that just takes away opportunity and mature deer will die in the next tough winter.
Gunnison Basin is NOT managed for 200" deer!! No way in hell would I expect someone to not shoot 180 if they want. Most people will probably not ever shoot a 170!
If anyone draws 66, 4th rifle deer, look me up. There is a strong possibility I will be there elk hunting at the same time. The way it usually works I’ll probably see the larger bucks on the unit, because I don’t have a tag lol
If a 180 isn't a hell of a nice buck I've been hunting the wrong places my whole life.

Even with CO's genetics it would be interesting to know how many bucks would ever hit 200" if they died of old age. not that many I bet.

But I agree eat your tag before you shoot a dink and that goes for anyplace.
If a 180 isn't a hell of a nice buck I've been hunting the wrong places my whole life.

Even with CO's genetics it would be interesting to know how many bucks would ever hit 200" if they died of old age. not that many I bet.

But I agree eat your tag before you shoot a dink and that goes for anyplace. Ya!

Get That Enforced!
I'm not sure I'd go that far, if all hunters would at least hold out for a 4 point the hunting would be so much better everywhere. you can't expect most hunters to go by score just say 4 point.

This goes especially for better units with great genetics like these in Colorado. but to ask people to only take 200 class deer is unrealistic unfortunately . if I draw I'll admit anything in the 180 class better run I've waited 25 years and I'm never going to get another chance. but I'm prepared to eat my tag if I can't find an older age class buck that's at or near his prime. shooting something just so you can say you're successful isn't success to me.
Is the 180 factoring in ground shrinkage? Likely not.
Gadget knows a 180 buck. He lives in and hunts Colorado every year with a tag himself and with family and friend's in different units.

He was hunting a good unit last year on a later hunt and looking for that top end buck knowing very well he very easily was going to go home with his tag un-punched. I know he spent quit a bit of time scouting this unit prior to the hunt and put in the time most people don't/can't. He had a great hunt and made some great memories.

I know what you mean about a lot of people saying they passed a 180 buck, but Gadget is not one of those.
Gadget knows a 180 buck. He lives in and hunts Colorado every year with a tag himself and with family and friend's in different units.

He was hunting a good unit last year on a later hunt and looking for that top end buck knowing very well he very easily was going to go home with his tag un-punched. I know he spent quit a bit of time scouting this unit prior to the hunt and put in the time most people don't/can't. He had a great hunt and made some great memories.

I know what you mean about a lot of people saying they passed a 180 buck, but Gadget is not one of those.
Good unit? Impossible. Everyone just cries about how mismanaged all the units are.

He didn’t kill a buck but had a great time? GTFO of here. That’s another impossible thing.

This is sounding like a fairy tale.
Good unit? Impossible. Everyone just cries about how mismanaged all the units are.

He didn’t kill a buck but had a great time? GTFO of here. That’s another impossible thing.

This is sounding like a fairy tale.
You’re getting off topic. Now where’s my trophy ??
In a nutshell think about hunting the Gunnison basin for mule deer, or any top tier mule deer hunt in Colorado for that matter. As saving up for 15 plus years for one week of gambling in Vegas. Yes, there is a slim chance you could strike it big and come home a winner. But chances are you’re going to bust out or potentially break even. But hopefully you have enjoy the process leading up to whatever outcome you may face.
Helped a friend in 67 3rd last year. It was a fun hunt with mild good weather the whole time which didn't get the bucks running around during the day time. For the 21 points he burned we spent a lot of time trying to find the pockets of deer. The first really nice buck we spotted was on private of course. On day 5 after narrowing down where the deer were congregated somewhat and where we could hunt and after talking to numerous elk hunters (never saw a single elk) but some of them were helpful we kept our focus on one area. Right at the very end of legal shooting light or maybe right after a really nice heavy black antlered buck with huge backs 185 class turned up right next to the road. My friend passed. I could have slapped him especially because of the lack of deer we were seeing. But of course, he wanted a once-in-a-lifetime buck for his once-in-a-lifetime tag. After another two days of hunting in the same area and doing drives in the middle of the day in other areas to get anything to move, we jumped a 160 class 5X5. It looked bigger running away and he shot it. All in all a good time and hunt. Many miles on the ATV, cold but mild weather, relatively few deer, and still a few decent bucks around right at dark or way early. Nothing like the bucks in the shop in Gunnison, those kinds scarcely exist anymore even in one of Colorado's best units.
I’ve always seen more animals when I’m out walking around than when I’m driving. I realize the time will come when I will be forced to drive more than walk due to old age and such.
Slapped him on the back for not shooting one after hours from the road. Need more guys like your buddy. I ate my 67 second tag last year…tell your buddy he’s welcome.
Yeah he is a good dude. When we first saw the buck it was legal shooting light but too much second-guessing and analyzing until no more legal shooting light left. Pretty much all of the good bucks we saw were within 200 yards of a two-track road. Besides one we jumped doing a drive. Not a huge fan of road hunting but during this season and in this unit it was by far the most effective method. We all had much higher expectations for what we would see in this unit and during the rut but we definitely had to hunt hard to find what we did. Being relatively warm and dry and not having the bucks come out hardly at all during daylight hours I can imagine that during 2nd season they are timbered up pretty hard. Awesome place for sure. I love that Gunnison bason.
Didn’t see an elk in 67? We were tripping over them…
Yeah believe it or not. I tried to get a hold of a leftover elk tag so that I would have something to hunt while I was there. And of all of the elk hunters we talked to which was quite a few only 1 party had seen any and it was a day before the hunt started and they hadn't seen any since. We were likely too low to get into them much.
since we are talking about letting anything under 180 walk, would that create long term issues with culling off the top genetics and having genetically inferior deer breeding and passing on poor genetics?
I'm not a biologist but isn't that one of the reasons for the management tags on the henries and pauns units in UT?
Yeah he is a good dude. When we first saw the buck it was legal shooting light but too much second-guessing and analyzing until no more legal shooting light left. Pretty much all of the good bucks we saw were within 200 yards of a two-track road. Besides one we jumped doing a drive. Not a huge fan of road hunting but during this season and in this unit it was by far the most effective method. We all had much higher expectations for what we would see in this unit and during the rut but we definitely had to hunt hard to find what we did. Being relatively warm and dry and not having the bucks come out hardly at all during daylight hours I can imagine that during 2nd season they are timbered up pretty hard. Awesome place for sure. I love that Gunnison bason.
Plenty of two tracks in 67 for sure!
since we are talking about letting anything under 180 walk, would that create long term issues with culling off the top genetics and having genetically inferior deer breeding and passing on poor genetics?
I'm not a biologist but isn't that one of the reasons for the management tags on the henries and pauns units in UT?
I notice a lot of hunters will shoot a young good looking buck over a mature ugly buck. I don’t see how it’s not having an impact.

I spent a few weeks scouting 66 last year. I only saw a few nice symmetrical 4’s. All young though. I did see lots of mature 3x4’s and mature crabby 4x4’s. Maybe it’s always been like that? Not sure since it was the first time I’ve scouted it pretty hard.
We have freezers full of beef, we love to eat, deer, elk, antelope and other game also. We’ve never waited more than a year here to hunt big game. It’s about the hunt for us, the camaraderie, the camping, the outdoors. We are not about to wait decades for that. We eat them or the coyotes and mountain lions eat them.
Really appreciate all the comments and pms guys. This is definitely helping me to build realistic expectations for my hunt.
I'll be there for the week prior to the season (assuming I draw) and would be thrilled with a mature buck regardless of score. Of the 8 I've killed on second choice and leftover tags while accumulating my 9 points several have been good ones, but nothing huge. Unfortunately, it seems the days of great hunting on second choice tags or over. This'll be the last time I have more than 1-2.
Will, I put in for the same tag. I should have more than enough points.

I'm from Oklahoma and planning at least 1 trip this summer just to look the area over and get a feel for the area.

Let me know of you draw.
Not passing a 180 means you will Never kill a 190....kill a OLD deer...he may be 210 or a cool as hell 160...kill a buck that is DONE or eat the tag...old deer only....
Otcwill...your April plan will bust...BLM keeps gates locked til mid May "as they should" shed season dosnt open until May 1..Blue Mesa is at 28%.....but we do have LOTS of gill lice....wait til mid May. Gunnison Basion 2022..."Hype and Hope"....we are very mediocre now. Why? tag #s...why are tag#s high? Fawn recruitment. 35 to 40 bucks per 100 does is very impressive with 30 to 40 fawns per 100. Same buck to doe ratio with 70's fawn to doe..VERY different age class out there. In the good days 9 to 14 "yearling" / 2 pts...left some old deer to make up the other 25 bucks per 100 to make 25 or more "Yearlings" leaves less room in the objective for the age class "I" desire...too the guy above who said eat the tag don't kill 170 baby deer thank you you are right! I say don't kill baby 180 deer....Please go OLD deer only...any State any Unit...
You said it right ! Old deer only. I decided to wing it in ‘22 in the Gunnison Basin & burn the points- now have a 3 rd season tag &’may turn tag back in- seems to be a not so great season coming up- but it’s always a roll of the Dice, the weather will be a huge factor as always !
Any real advantage to seeking a good guide- I tried to find one 2 years ago, most never called me back ! I told them my age- going on 75 in August this year. I think that scared them off !!
No one interested in me. Too old ? But I’m very experienced!
If I decide to go, I’ll motel in Gunnison by myself & go early to scout it as much as possible , 3-4 days, then give it a try for entire season & hope for a break . A big break.
Is it worth a try in your opinion? If not, I’ll turn the tag back in to CPW. No problem with that !
Your thoughts are very welcome & appreciated !
I talked to you 2 years ago & you’re on target as to what’s really going on in the Basin !
Thanks so much !
Jerry Gold in Windsor, Colorado
My E Mail is : [email protected]
(Best way to catch me)
You said it right ! Old deer only. I decided to wing it in ‘22 in the Gunnison Basin & burn the points- now have a 3 rd season tag &’may turn tag back in- seems to be a not so great season coming up- but it’s always a roll of the Dice, the weather will be a huge factor as always !
Any real advantage to seeking a good guide- I tried to find one 2 years ago, most never called me back ! I told them my age- going on 75 in August this year. I think that scared them off !!
No one interested in me. Too old ? But I’m very experienced!
If I decide to go, I’ll motel in Gunnison by myself & go early to scout it as much as possible , 3-4 days, then give it a try for entire season & hope for a break . A big break.
Is it worth a try in your opinion? If not, I’ll turn the tag back in to CPW. No problem with that !
Your thoughts are very welcome & appreciated !
I talked to you 2 years ago & you’re on target as to what’s really going on in the Basin !
Thanks so much !
Jerry Gold in Windsor, Colorado
My E Mail is : [email protected]
(Best way to catch me)
what unit?
All participants must provide proof of all actions within the parameters set forth in this compition to receive any awards sorry ?
Yessir! I know. If it's any consolation, I've been in for 14 years myself. Makes a bunch of deer points seem irrelevant for sure.
You lucky dog. 18 years of No’s for me on sheep tags in Colorado now
Yessir! I know. If it's any consolation, I've been in for 14 years myself. Makes a bunch of deer points seem irrelevant for sure.
what unit?
67. 3 rd. Never been there. I took my Son In Law to 66 3rd 2 years ago on his tag- he has no 4 WD truck, the weather turned warm & very little snow, deer just weren’t moving around , nothing
worth taking- so he got a zero there. Like so many others !
Jerry Gold in Windsor, Colorado
Well, I drew. I really thought this would be my only big (2 week) hunt this year and had set aside all my time for scouting and hunting just for this. Then I drew a CO sheep tag and a premium UT elk tag. We'll see how things go, but if I can't make quick work of those hunts I'll need to put this hunt off for now and return the tag rather than try to rush or just "fit it in". Definitely didn't see that coming, but it should be a helluva great fall regardless.

Thanks so much for all of you who've offered intel on this hunt. I will keep all the knowledge that you've shared with me in confidence regardless of whether I get to hunt this tag this year.
Bump :) Taking my kids and Dad down for the first scouting trip of the season in the end of April. I'll take some pics and post em up here. I think we'll fish Blue Mesa some as well. If anyone has any suggestions on where to take some lil boys and an old man fishing from the bank I'd be all ears.

As for the deer hunt, I've applied. Talked to the biologist again and sounds like recruitment has been great for at least 3-4 years. They are missing most of an age class due to weather back about 5 years ago, but mature bucks are around as most people have been "just shooting a deer". All the local intel including LEOs suggest the same. Everyone seems to be blown away by the number of folks shooting the "up and comers".

Thanks a bunch to those who have reached out! I'll gladly take any more advice/suggestions/opinions if folks have em though it seems I've got a great plan and really looking forward to spending a bunch of time down there this spring/summer/fall.
Jerry, you've been gathering Info & threatening to hunt for several years now. Just Do It!
Going to do my best to finally make it happen - last time I had a great tag- 1995 on Az Kaibab 12-A E, then it got hot at Thanksgiving with Temps into 80’s- deer never came off the mountain to sage winter grounds. Such is life !
Ugh. Thanks for your vote of confidence.
Jerry Gold in Windsor, Colorado
Jerry, I drew the late Kaibab in 2007 and had pretty much the same experience. warm and dry. I passed on a couple 180 type bucks and ate tag soup .

If I don't draw WY I'll be in Gunnison 3rd season myself .
Going to do my best to finally make it happen - last time I had a great tag- 1995 on Az Kaibab 12-A E, then it got hot at Thanksgiving with Temps into 80’s- deer never came off the mountain to sage winter grounds. Such is life !
Ugh. Thanks for your vote of confidence.
Jerry Gold in Windsor, Colorado
Otcwill...your April plan will bust...BLM keeps gates locked til mid May "as they should" shed season dosnt open until May 1..Blue Mesa is at 28%.....but we do have LOTS of gill lice....wait til mid May. Gunnison Basion 2022..."Hype and Hope"....we are very mediocre now. Why? tag #s...why are tag#s high? Fawn recruitment. 35 to 40 bucks per 100 does is very impressive with 30 to 40 fawns per 100. Same buck to doe ratio with 70's fawn to doe..VERY different age class out there. In the good days 9 to 14 "yearling" / 2 pts...left some old deer to make up the other 25 bucks per 100 to make 25 or more "Yearlings" leaves less room in the objective for the age class "I" desire...too the guy above who said eat the tag don't kill 170 baby deer thank you you are right! I say don't kill baby 180 deer....Please go OLD deer only...any
Jerry, I drew the late Kaibab in 2007 and had pretty much the same experience. warm and dry. I passed on a couple 180 type bucks and ate tag soup .

If I don't draw WY I'll be in Gunnison 3rd season myself .
I’ve eaten tag soup many times on different species
- a real bummer. But that’s trophy hunting. Good luck ? on the draws- whatever state. Az is the worst! Ugh ?. Jerry Gold in Windsor, Colorado
Well, I drew. I really thought this would be my only big (2 week) hunt this year and had set aside all my time for scouting and hunting just for this. Then I drew a CO sheep tag and a premium UT elk tag. We'll see how things go, but if I can't make quick work of those hunts I'll need to put this hunt off for now and return the tag rather than try to rush or just "fit it in". Definitely didn't see that coming, but it should be a helluva great fall regardless.

Thanks so much for all of you who've offered intel on this hunt. I will keep all the knowledge that you've shared with me in confidence regardless of whether I get to hunt this tag this year.
Dang. Will you hit submit on my applications next year?? ?

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